Why is EMS mixed with FD?

Although I am all for increase in pay, many do go for the professional route making little and having a heck of a lot more than an associate or masters degree. I know of school teachers making as little as $25K a year and Professors of History that barely make $40,000 that have an PhD and decades of service. When I exited nursing school I made more than those that taught me, and I was a field medic, for true professionals money usually has little to do with the intent of those serious of entering the profession. Again, a choice I hope that we can bypass but one of the benefits should be monetary gains; but not the whole emphasis.

I still have heard anyone describe on the whys, we should be paid more? In reality one usually goes for 10 months of trade school training which in comparison is equal to a LPN/LVN (actually they go longer). The salary is slightly more for Paramedics in most areas or comparable. Why should this so called profession be making more when the emphasis is placed upon how one can obtain the goal the easiest and fastest route? Never the best or increasing the role or demands to justify the respect and of course financial rewards.

I keep hearing retirement, pay, etc.. yet have read of what we could do to provide for the patient... (you know the reason we are supposed to be in it?)

Most are only with 1 patient for < than an hour. Consider what level of care was provided and what performance was done, it was actually pretty good pay.

Increase the education, increase the care and then and only then expect and demand a change!

R/r 911

I haven't mentioned much if at all about pt care, as you and others have spoken volumes in regards. I'm all for greater education, and a legit field internship. I'll agree that most RN's, LPN/LVN's, and other healthcare professionals do more work than that of a medic, on average. What I haven't heard much of is increasing our bottom line, retirement, etc.

As for the school teacher making 25k, or the History Professor making 40k, I feel that they're selling themselves short, considering their educational investment. Noble, yes, but it's a rough world out there, and we need to be real about what it takes nowadays to be comfortable financially, if not just surviving. I don't feel that EMS should stand for mediocre wages and lousy retirement, which is typical for the field. It's sad that many need to work several jobs, and still won't have much for their retirement.

We have families to feed and mortgages/bills to pay. That's real. A healthcare career should be selfless by nature, but I like having electricity, running water, and food in my fridge. If you want to be noble, then lend your FT expertise to your local volunteer organization. I'm sure they could use the help. If and when I decide if I want to stay in Stafford, I'll buy a house, and then lend my services to the local EMS rescue squad. I'm sure they have plenty of suppression volunteers already :D

Unions and political organizations will help foster change in EMS for the better. The way I see it, we can start organizing now, and have the political muscle ready for when the educational reform is realized. At the very least, unions and such can help fend off future FD takeovers of EMS, and help EMS workers achieve some level of parity with cops and FF's. We're not working 100% of the time, and it's certainly not back breaking physical labor, but it is important work. Anyone disagree with this last paragraph?
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46 these guys just don't get it, things are not going to change anytime soon, at least where I live. You got to make that cash, I can't let my wife find out about my g/f so I need cash and 20 days off a month to live it up.:rolleyes:
46 these guys just don't get it, things are not going to change anytime soon, at least where I live. You got to make that cash, I can't let my wife find out about my g/f so I need cash and 20 days off a month to live it up.:rolleyes:

You're right, I haven't seen any real indication of a power shift from FDEMS to third service or privates, just talk. Talk is cheap. I figured that out, and made the smart move over to the fire side. Call me silly, but I thought that I should have some degree of financial prosperity and great working conditions if I intend to make this a career. I'm just sayin'. I, for one, don't have 20 or 30 years to wait around for conditions in EMS to change for the better. I'll help out, fight the good fight, but I need to eat. Best job in the world!

I'm hoping everyone will realize that they need to employ fire service style political tactics to get theirs. It isn't going to happen otherwise. Believe that. Jealous rants about fire service hookups and firehouse life on internet forums do nothing. Change nothing.
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I get it. I also get that citizens are tired of seeing $1 million dollar trucks setting at grocery stores or seeing the local FD build a $3,000 volleyball court to work-out.

I also get that I work in an EMS that only recieves < than a 0.1% tax revenue of the 911 system (< $70,000 yr) and is able to operate in the black and have a 1.5 year (rainy day) fund. That we too as a third party EMS have the same benefits or close to as the Fire Service. That we can acclaim that our units actually pay for themselves and as well personell are productive. Can you?

If Fire Service responded to supression events as many times as EMS does, how many F/F would retire? How many F/F would stay if they were to respond to 5, 10, 20 fires or emergencies a day? How many would physically be able to retire if those demands were placed upon them?

Times may have not changed yet... but just wait. When more and more people are loosing jobs, homes and it begins to hit them personally, the hero complex may not be what one will want to bank upon to save their profession. Union or not.

Our personell salaries is comparable to that of the fire service, in fact we have many that left large city due to the increase in pay and benefits. As well, they only have one function and one focus so they can really master the job as they were educated (degree) to do... EMS.

Let's look at cities like Austin and so forth. Again, benefits and wages that are equal or surpass the fire service.

Will it take time? Unfortunately yes. Just remember, it was not that long ago FD had the same standing in fact most cities < than 50 years ago most F/F had to have second jobs. I too do hope that it will not take us that long, and believe we are awakening as more and more cities see that EMS does not have to be a tax burden upon citizens. Again, it is all nice until it hits home.

Economics is really pretty easy. Employment =Tax revenue= pays city income = salaries. No jobs = no tax revenue = no city jobs or cuts. Firefighters making 6 figure income only working 10 days a month for < than 6 hours of productive work in that 24 hour shift? Hmmm... does that sound fair to an unemployed person or those that have to work an extra job to make a living?

I call the "tick syndrome" sucking off the blood of others.

Definitely they are not paying for those with extreme knowledge or productivity, rather most are paying for the "what ifs". And as ecomomic times gets harder and harder, the gamble of the what ifs seems more distant than the current "now" circumstance.

It may not happen everywhere or suddenly but we have already seen it start, as we have not seen but the tip of the economic spiral as well.

I was speaking to Fire Officers at a conference two weeks ago as they were discussing academies being down sized or eleminated. Positions not being filled as those that retire and leave a spot. Divisions being down sized and being consolidated in effort to save themselves. Personally, I am glad I am not in their shoes.. as we are increasing staffing and units and growing. Reimbursement rates are at a high as documentation and validation is maintained. Patient outcome based therapy to reduce waste and costs, and increased treatment care is put in place to reduce morbidity. Our productiveness can be measured by outcomes and in dollar amounts. EMS can and will expand into other areas without touching pocket books of those that do not need our services.

I do hope we can learn off others such as the fire service and not repeat the same mistakes. Fire Service definitely has a needed place as a public service, no arguement however; the management and how it is operated needs an overhaul.

R/r 911
So, what's the game plan, the entire game plan, including organization and politics, to bring the EMS profession up to par? What should we all be be doing right now to take steps in that direction?

Also, the economy is cyclical. The economy should change for the better, hopefully in a few years or so.

We faced a RIF of 89 personnel back in April. We lost no one, just promoted 31 Lt's, graduated 9 firemedics, and hired 20 more. I find it interesting that through the economic crisis that our ALS incentive pay, $2-3/hr riding pay, or 2 bonus pay steps for being ALS weren't even considered to be put on the chopping block.
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So, what's the game plan, the entire game plan, including organization and politics, to bring the EMS profession up to par? What should we all be be doing right now to take steps in that direction?

Also, the economy is cyclical. The economy should change for the better, hopefully in a few years or so.

We faced a RIF of 89 personnel back in April. We lost no one, just promoted 31 Lt's, graduated 9 firemedics, and hired 20 more. I find it interesting that through the economic crisis that our ALS incentive pay, $2-3/hr riding pay, or 2 bonus pay steps for being ALS weren't even considered to be put on the chopping block.

I am not against any system that it is working for, as long as it is actually performing medical care and not just subsidiary to maintain FTE's. I do believe your being very optimistic to delusional if you believe the economy will be better within a few years.

The way as in any other business is being involved at the grass roots level on upward as in legislation and requiring state's to change their laws in regards to rules & policies governing these. Being actively involved in State EMS Associations that will promote EMS into a profession and as you described needed benefits for all.

It is great there are a few Fire Services that might have their act together, unfortunately I believe there is as many alike private that does not. Thus harming the EMS profession and worse harming or being detrimental in patient care.

We have to be the patient advocate and at the same time be the EMS professional advocate, albeit private, fire or third party.

Here is a link to what is occurring nationally with the Advocates for EMS. You will see action is being attempted.

http://d.yimg.com/kq/groups/149397/1391470009/name/Advocates for EMS July Report.doc

R/r 911
So let's take a quick look at some of the more recent things that have been posted that have been...well...slightly untrue.

2 transports a day can pay for an ALS ambulance (this may not have been in this thread but, hey, I'm to lazy to look). Try again. When you figure in the hourly cost of employing a paramedic (hourly rate+pension+health insurance+life insurance+workers comp+social security+unemployment insurance+paid sick time+paid vacation+anything I've left out) it's to high. Nationally roughly a third of what an employer pays an employee is paid for with their benefits; be even higher for a service that treat's it's employees well. Which is what everyone wants, right? So, say 2 paramedics working for $20.00/hr (starting pay) plus $15/hour in benefits (when it's broken down to an hourly basis) for 24 hours. $1680. Figure the average ALS call will be cost the pt $1000 and there's a tiny bit of wiggle room (forgetting that there are people a service needs that don't run calls (supes, managers, secretary's, billing/finance, etc etc) who's pay comes from somewhere, equipment, fuel, training, etc etc) until you remember that most services don't get fully reimbursed for a call. Oops. Guess 2 calls will not pay for a single ALS ambulance. Try again.
You my friend, along with many others (FF/Medic) like you, are the minority... in my experience. Most FF I've talked to, and precepted under, HATE EMS and only do it for the pay increase (or because they have to).
Funny, my experience is the exact opposite. In my experience the most bitter, burned out medics I've met (and the ones that gleefully talk about abusing pt's who they don't like, the ones that routinely mis-diagnose, mistreat and have protocols that would make a basic laugh) come from private companies. So who does that make right? Could it be that things are different all over? Shocking to suggest, I know. Could it be that, if done right, fire-based EMS is beneficial and well run? Could it be that, if done wrong private/third service EMS can be horrible and detrimental? Yes to both. And the opposite for both is true as well.
How many proper Fire calls are attended annually, & how many EMS calls do you run annually?
Now, calculate how much it costs to run a fire service & the income generated from those calls.
Repeat for EMS.
Addressed already, but wow...talk about a simpleton who needs a reality check. Fire, police, public works, several common city services don't bring in revenue, or only a little. Yet all are vital to having a city that is well run and well protected. Simply not bringing in cash does not mean that there is a problem. (hell, where I am EMS actually costs the department (and thus the city) money since we spend more on it than we collect in billing...price of ensuring that we can provide high-quality care) For most vital services the number of units has to be based off of the potential need for something; sure, if a fire department only goes on a couple of fires a month you'd think that the number of apparatus could be cut...except now response times will increase, fire loss increases, lives lost will increase, insurance rates increase, just not a good idea.

Simply having a degree will not magically fix our problems. I'll go out on a limb and say anyone who thinks that is a moron. It's a first step, and a big one, but not the only one that needs to be taken. Oregon has required degrees for paramedics for 10 years now (don't know how long Kansas has had that requirement) and the average starting pay for private/third service/hospital EMS is still only about ~15.00 with lousy benefits, if any. While that may be better than what people get in other areas, it's still rather horrible.

Since it needs to be said: EMS should not have to be combined with a fire department to survive, or to have good benefits for their employees. In a perfect world it would be completely separate everywhere (without private services at all) with good pay rates and working conditions for both. But, that would require action on the part of people who would rather sit and whine about things. Hell, this thread is a great example. Instead of offering ideas on how to change things, this turned into yet another example of people blaming the big bad fire department for all EMS's problems. Perhaps more people should get off their asses and do less complaining if they truly want change...
Now EMS would be well on its way to being viewed as a genuine medical profession if it weren't for the fire departments with their three month medic mills, cookbook medicine, and medics who are medics just because they wanna wide in tha firetwuck!
Riiiiight...because the only bad medics come from fire departments...only firefighters go to medic mills or other lousy medic schools. Reality check sparky, there's lousy people everywhere. In fact, the worst schools I know of are run/sponsored by a rather large private company. Oops. NREMT-P candidate; that must have been the fastest paramedic class every for you already to be ready to test...unless that is just a fancy feel-good way for you to say that you are still a student who has yet to start paramedic school.

If anybody actually knows of a fire-department that considered moving all it's employees to a 40-hour work week, feel free to list them. You know, that pesky "prove it." Though this isn't to say that in some circumstances that it wouldn't save a city money; a very small combo (paid and volunteer) dept could easily save money by moving paid staff to 40-hour weeks and augmenting staffing with volunteers. Long as the quality of service didn't decline...meh. This is what a lot of PG County does. Larger departments (even mid-sized really) it wouldn't work for. When you figure the number of line firefighters that are needed to be working 24/7, and the number of admin jobs that could (supposedly, though realistically it wouldn't work that well) be done by an otherwise regular firefighter, the numbers don't work. In the vast, vast majority of cases many more people would have to be highered to provide the correct amount of coverage 24/7. Even if sick leave usage decreases and productivity increased (great, but as people like to point out, except in a very few situations fire departments don't bring in revenue) those savings would be offset by having to pay for a new employee. Not feasible except in certain situations.

And uh...hate to break the bubble, but ISO really doesn't matter a huge amount anymore. Some insurance companies still look at the ISO rating, and it does matter a bit more for businesses than homeowners, but the day of ISO driving everything is gone.
Let's look at cities like Austin and so forth. Again, benefits and wages that are equal or surpass the fire service.
Will it take time? Unfortunately yes. Just remember, it was not that long ago FD had the same standing in fact most cities < than 50 years ago most F/F had to have second jobs. I too do hope that it will not take us that long, and believe we are awakening as more and more cities see that EMS does not have to be a tax burden upon citizens. Again, it is all nice until it hits home.
And hopefully that is what will happen everywhere someday. But, as I said here and in another thread, that means people who would rather take the easy way and complain/blame others would have to work. We did it (and still do it) in the fire service...what the hell is wrong with people in EMS?

Edit: Think that's everything...though I probably left a few things out.
There's lie the problem $20 hour to start? Get real! As well as $15.00 an hour for benefits? Wow! No wonder cities are going broke fast! What benefits per say is $15.00 an hour? Workmen's comp .. what playing volleyball or lifting weights? At $35.00 for a hose jockey without a requirement of formal education or accountability. What a scam!

As well, I don't know how much you charge and collect but in even in my rural area ALS calls are more than a grand a piece.

Comes down to good business sense as well. My units by far (unlike the squads) routinely respond to about 10-16 calls per 24 hour shift (and that's even in a rural area) not 2. Now multiply that by about $800 -$1000 clearing per insurance or private pay. Now, in comparison how much does your fire service bring in (other than tax revenue)?

Again, wait until unemployment hits your area and see where the cuts begin..

R/r 911
There's lie the problem $20 hour to start? Get real! As well as $15.00 an hour for benefits? Wow! No wonder cities are going broke fast! What benefits per say is $15.00 an hour? Workmen's comp .. what playing volleyball or lifting weights? At $35.00 for a hose jockey without a requirement of formal education or accountability. What a scam!

As well, I don't know how much you charge and collect but in even in my rural area ALS calls are more than a grand a piece.

Comes down to good business sense as well. My units by far (unlike the squads) routinely respond to about 10-16 calls per 24 hour shift (and that's even in a rural area) not 2. Now multiply that by about $800 -$1000 clearing per insurance or private pay. Now, in comparison how much does your fire service bring in (other than tax revenue)?

Again, wait until unemployment hits your area and see where the cuts begin..

R/r 911
Well, what do you think a paramedic should be paid? The cost of living will vary which can skew payrates, but for this area $20/hr will be around 50K a year...pretty decent though not always enough for some parts of the state.

Far as the benefits...health insurance isn't cheap (dental/vision/health I mean), neither is any type of decent pension; even a 401K with an employer money match will run up costs. Workers comp...funny, most people here get it because of back injuries, injuries due to assaults, and regardless, it's often a required fund. Get over it. Funny, I was actually talking about that cost being for a single-role paramedic. Guess you are that simple sometimes. Nationally the cost for benefits averages roughly $8.00 hour...given that will include people who get the most minimal, and based on EMS services around here, $15/hr for benefits is reasonable. For decent benefits anyway...though if you want to provide less go for it I guess.

The charges for an ALS call...I cover a rural area. It does vary depending on how far out the pt is, but yeah, the base rate+mileage averages to roughly $1000 per call. Suppose it could be more if the rates were jacked up and FireMed was removed...though that still wouldn't fix the reimbursement problem. Not that that can't be done of course.

Oh silly...your last paragraph makes no sense. I know most units respond to far more than 2 calls in a shift. My contention is that EMTinNEPA said that an ALS ambulance can be paid for with 2 ALS call per day. Not true. Curious though, with such a progressive service as yours, what do you pay? Do you offer any benefits? What is the cost per employee?

Uh...duh, as I've said, my department doesn't bring in a lot of money. There's always some from the Prevention and code enforcement (though not much) and quite a bit from EMS (though we spend more on it than we bring in to keep the standards and quality up...and our reimbursement rate sucks), but really...not much comes in. Kind of like the police. Guess that means we should give them the chop too, right? Since they don't bring in revenue, get rid of them. And public works, right? They should probably be the first to go...
Missed the edit...nuz. You asked, so here's the answer, even though I allready said it in the original post...you must have missed it. Oops. Benefits=pension+health insurance+life insurance+workers comp+social security+unemployment insurance+paid sick time+paid vacation+anything I've left out. Not all of that is a "benefit" per se since the employer is required to provide it, but all is an extra cost on top of the employees base pay. Clear?
Missed the edit...nuz. You asked, so here's the answer, even though I allready said it in the original post...you must have missed it. Oops. Benefits=pension+health insurance+life insurance+workers comp+social security+unemployment insurance+paid sick time+paid vacation+anything I've left out. Not all of that is a "benefit" per se since the employer is required to provide it, but all is an extra cost on top of the employees base pay. Clear?

I gotcha and understand. I ask do you charge for your services in patient charges, even though you are tax base service?

Again, I do understand the benefits of fire as being one at one time, but I ask this. Do you bring money back into the service to clear the expense or will your expenses have to be paid by tax revenue?

R/r 911
So let's take a quick look at some of the more recent things that have been posted that have been...well...slightly untrue.

2 transports a day can pay for an ALS ambulance (this may not have been in this thread but, hey, I'm to lazy to look). Try again. When you figure in the hourly cost of employing a paramedic (hourly rate+pension+health insurance+life insurance+workers comp+social security+unemployment insurance+paid sick time+paid vacation+anything I've left out) it's to high. Nationally roughly a third of what an employer pays an employee is paid for with their benefits; be even higher for a service that treat's it's employees well. Which is what everyone wants, right? So, say 2 paramedics working for $20.00/hr (starting pay) plus $15/hour in benefits (when it's broken down to an hourly basis) for 24 hours. $1680. Figure the average ALS call will be cost the pt $1000 and there's a tiny bit of wiggle room (forgetting that there are people a service needs that don't run calls (supes, managers, secretary's, billing/finance, etc etc) who's pay comes from somewhere, equipment, fuel, training, etc etc) until you remember that most services don't get fully reimbursed for a call. Oops. Guess 2 calls will not pay for a single ALS ambulance. Try again.

Funny, my experience is the exact opposite. In my experience the most bitter, burned out medics I've met (and the ones that gleefully talk about abusing pt's who they don't like, the ones that routinely mis-diagnose, mistreat and have protocols that would make a basic laugh) come from private companies. So who does that make right? Could it be that things are different all over? Shocking to suggest, I know. Could it be that, if done right, fire-based EMS is beneficial and well run? Could it be that, if done wrong private/third service EMS can be horrible and detrimental? Yes to both. And the opposite for both is true as well.

Addressed already, but wow...talk about a simpleton who needs a reality check. Fire, police, public works, several common city services don't bring in revenue, or only a little. Yet all are vital to having a city that is well run and well protected. Simply not bringing in cash does not mean that there is a problem. (hell, where I am EMS actually costs the department (and thus the city) money since we spend more on it than we collect in billing...price of ensuring that we can provide high-quality care) For most vital services the number of units has to be based off of the potential need for something; sure, if a fire department only goes on a couple of fires a month you'd think that the number of apparatus could be cut...except now response times will increase, fire loss increases, lives lost will increase, insurance rates increase, just not a good idea.

Simply having a degree will not magically fix our problems. I'll go out on a limb and say anyone who thinks that is a moron. It's a first step, and a big one, but not the only one that needs to be taken. Oregon has required degrees for paramedics for 10 years now (don't know how long Kansas has had that requirement) and the average starting pay for private/third service/hospital EMS is still only about ~15.00 with lousy benefits, if any. While that may be better than what people get in other areas, it's still rather horrible.

Since it needs to be said: EMS should not have to be combined with a fire department to survive, or to have good benefits for their employees. In a perfect world it would be completely separate everywhere (without private services at all) with good pay rates and working conditions for both. But, that would require action on the part of people who would rather sit and whine about things. Hell, this thread is a great example. Instead of offering ideas on how to change things, this turned into yet another example of people blaming the big bad fire department for all EMS's problems. Perhaps more people should get off their asses and do less complaining if they truly want change...

Riiiiight...because the only bad medics come from fire departments...only firefighters go to medic mills or other lousy medic schools. Reality check sparky, there's lousy people everywhere. In fact, the worst schools I know of are run/sponsored by a rather large private company. Oops. NREMT-P candidate; that must have been the fastest paramedic class every for you already to be ready to test...unless that is just a fancy feel-good way for you to say that you are still a student who has yet to start paramedic school.

If anybody actually knows of a fire-department that considered moving all it's employees to a 40-hour work week, feel free to list them. You know, that pesky "prove it." Though this isn't to say that in some circumstances that it wouldn't save a city money; a very small combo (paid and volunteer) dept could easily save money by moving paid staff to 40-hour weeks and augmenting staffing with volunteers. Long as the quality of service didn't decline...meh. This is what a lot of PG County does. Larger departments (even mid-sized really) it wouldn't work for. When you figure the number of line firefighters that are needed to be working 24/7, and the number of admin jobs that could (supposedly, though realistically it wouldn't work that well) be done by an otherwise regular firefighter, the numbers don't work. In the vast, vast majority of cases many more people would have to be highered to provide the correct amount of coverage 24/7. Even if sick leave usage decreases and productivity increased (great, but as people like to point out, except in a very few situations fire departments don't bring in revenue) those savings would be offset by having to pay for a new employee. Not feasible except in certain situations.

And uh...hate to break the bubble, but ISO really doesn't matter a huge amount anymore. Some insurance companies still look at the ISO rating, and it does matter a bit more for businesses than homeowners, but the day of ISO driving everything is gone.

And hopefully that is what will happen everywhere someday. But, as I said here and in another thread, that means people who would rather take the easy way and complain/blame others would have to work. We did it (and still do it) in the fire service...what the hell is wrong with people in EMS?

Edit: Think that's everything...though I probably left a few things out.

Great post! Dead on, I couldn't have said it better myself. I literally LOL when I read the comment on the NREMT-P candidate.

You got what I meant when I asked how going to a 40 hour/wk work schedule will save money. There's numerous additional expenses such as pension, workers comp, life insurance, health insurance, unemployment insurance, paid sick time/vacation, life insurance, etc. considering that will have to be paid for each and every employee that needs to be hired to staff 24/7 now that 24 hour shifts would be abolished. Remember, those 56 hour/wk employees are being compensated 100% straight time due to FLSA. Sorry, I'm not buying that nonsense about FD's living in fear of a grand shift to 40 hr workweeks. Try again.

PG (Prince George's County, MD) laid off a bunch of FF's and closed a couple of houses, I think. They can do that, as they have the mutual aid agreement as a safety net. they're seriously downstaffed, with maybe only 2 or 3 FF's at each house. We bail them out quite often. 411 house and sometimes 405 house will fill their stations.

Again, raising educational standards isn't going to do jack without significant political influence, as evidenced by the Oregon and Kansas references. I wish it did. This would help me out in several ways. First, a decrease in the medic supply should drive my level of compensation ever higher. Supply and demand. Next, OT will be more copious. I can take that as comp time, roll it to sick/annual leave, go on more vacations and retire a couple of years earlier (use sick time as service credit). My scope of practice may increase, and we'll be able to do more for our pts. Finally, when I do medic per diem work for private EMS or third service, my hourly compensation will be that much higher.

The role reversal of medic and FF salaries in the Carolinas and other places can be explained easily. Lack of unions or other strong political organization. the medic pay isn't that great down there regardless, it's just that FF's accept lower standards down there. $8/hr, they need to get onboard with the IAFF. Perhaps the national collective bargaining movement will be realized, then they can correct the situation. EMS will let that happen, stand by on the sidelines as usual rather than be key players, as there are too few willing to do anything to stick up for themselves.
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I gotcha and understand. I ask do you charge for your services in patient charges, even though you are tax base service?

Again, I do understand the benefits of fire as being one at one time, but I ask this. Do you bring money back into the service to clear the expense or will your expenses have to be paid by tax revenue?

R/r 911
Triemal already said it:
Addressed already, but wow...talk about a simpleton who needs a reality check. Fire, police, public works, several common city services don't bring in revenue, or only a little. Yet all are vital to having a city that is well run and well protected. Simply not bringing in cash does not mean that there is a problem. (hell, where I am EMS actually costs the department (and thus the city) money since we spend more on it than we collect in billing...price of ensuring that we can provide high-quality care) For most vital services the number of units has to be based off of the potential need for something; sure, if a fire department only goes on a couple of fires a month you'd think that the number of apparatus could be cut...except now response times will increase, fire loss increases, lives lost will increase, insurance rates increase, just not a good idea.
For RidRyder, it's great that the majority of citizens in your jurisdiction are insured, keeping your service in the black. Many other areas receive meager insurance reimbursements, if they're lucky. Some areas also have a scourge of uncompensated cases. Does that mean these areas don't deserve quality care? Does that mean the local providers should settle for way less than a livelable wage?
Actually in my area only about 39% are insured as in patients almost 75% are on Medicare. The reason of collection are only about 80% of what is billed, yet good management techniques can still operate in the black.

Here is another problem you fail to address. According to the census over 330 people are turning the age of 60 every hour and thus increasing the "baby boomer' generation as one of the largest retirement groups in the history of the U.S. In other words fixed income and poor retirement outcomes. You actually believe that the tax base can maintain itself?

This is also one of the reasons the sudden surge of EMS calls and it is predicted within 5-10 years, that one can double or triple their EMS responses.

I believe that this is where you and I disagree on what is vital for the city. Relying on the fear factor of the community in regards to fire protection. Statistically, the fire service has done too good of a job in fire prevention as in codes and education. Fire suppression responses are down in comparison than before. Any other business would have to adjust and be accountable or basically be truthful.

Again, during poor economic times and high unemployment the tax base rate drops tremendously. Loss of jobs does not sustain a tax base. Simple logic still acclaims money can not go out if it does not come in. Would it not make more sense for a community to contract to a third party EMS that would provide that service for a reduced rate or even free in lieu of charging all?

What about setting up a third party EMS that can operate within the revenues without tapping into citizens that is not in need? Why pay for personnel and equipment not needed?

Again, my point that Fire Based EMS is a poorly managed system. They are dependent upon tax revenue, as most Fire EMS administrators have little to no healthcare management. In reality, that what is EMS or should be, nothing else. It can be done within a Fire EMS system, but I have seen few of those that actually make a profit so those monies can be placed back into the ear marked section and reduce tax revenue on the budget. Unfortunately, this is a rarity and not the norm because of the traditional methodology of Fire administration is only to operate off cities monies or grants. Again, I state poor management and poor administration due to failure to understand EMS as a healthcare industry and nothing more.

So basically, you are describing.. no matter how bad the economy becomes or gets, tax payers should fund fire services to maintain a healthy and prosperous lifestyle of firefighters? That as a public utility, pay structures should have no regard upon the economic times as in reduction of pay or benefits even though citizens that provide the monies are suffering? In other words, to hell with them as long as we get our $$$ and benefits? Then let's hide behind the "what if" fear factor and promote the Union to ensure that we get our way. Let's hoodwink them, knowing there are other options that would not tap into their personal finances and provide the same or better care. Shameful.

A facade promoted that disaster may strike at any time, and again no accountability to the citizens. There is a difference between from not a being a good idea to the reality of no money to fund them. Why should others make up the difference or have cuts in other needed areas because of luxury of a good union? Truthfully, if you know there is a better and cheaper way to fund an EMS that could provide the same level of care and service, would it not be lying to the public? Would it not be solely for self reasons? Can you truthfully say that you have what is in the best interest of the public or to thy self?

R/r 911
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I gotcha and understand. I ask do you charge for your services in patient charges, even though you are tax base service?

Again, I do understand the benefits of fire as being one at one time, but I ask this. Do you bring money back into the service to clear the expense or will your expenses have to be paid by tax revenue?

R/r 911
Before I forget, would you mind sharing what you think a paramedic should be paid and what type of benefits they should receive? And, if you don't mind (though it's not as important) what medics at your service receive?

And yes, we do charge pt's a fee for service (base rate plus mileage) as I've already said. And yes, that is on top of the taxes we already receive from them. To be perfectly honest I'd rather we didn't need to charge, but, without reducing the level of service provided (in both fire and EMS) the tax rates would have to go higher...and that ain't gonna happen around here partner.

Already told you as well (seriously man, did you read anything I wrote?) EMS does cost the department money. In part because of the standard that is maintained, and also in no small part because of our lousy reimbursement rate. (it's not handled by the department, so you can forget using that as a reason against fire based EMS). It definitely could be better, but there are unfortunately a lot of people that we transport that can't afford to pay, and medicare as you know does not fully reimburse EMS services which doesn't help things. It's nice to have the tax base; means we don't need to go after people as hard when they can't pay.

It's common around here for fire departments to have taken pay cuts, given up cost of living raises, gone on extended pay freezes, not replaced personnel and more because the departments are strapped for cash. So you can get off your high horse with the whining about "maintaining healthy and prosperous lifestyles for firefighters." When money get's tight every city employee feels it eventually. Of course, the nice thing about a fire-based EMS system (or third service) is that, unlike a private-for-profit, if the service goes into the red because people can't pay, costs have gone up, etc etc, the service will still run, it won't be pulled out with minimal notice...something privates seem to be rather good at.

Get over it. Fire is a necessary service. Same as police, EMS, public works, water, road crews, all that and more. All need to be funded and staffed at levels that provide the right amount of care/protection/service for the city. Will there be times (like now) when there is not enough money and service may need to be cut or rethought? Yes. But cutting service because of a personal issue or because someone thinks something isn't needed is beyond stupid.
Actually in my area only about 39% are insured as in patients almost 75% are on Medicare. The reason of collection are only about 80% of what is billed, yet good management techniques can still operate in the black.

Here is another problem you fail to address. According to the census over 330 people are turning the age of 60 every hour and thus increasing the "baby boomer' generation as one of the largest retirement groups in the history of the U.S. In other words fixed income and poor retirement outcomes. You actually believe that the tax base can maintain itself?

This is also one of the reasons the sudden surge of EMS calls and it is predicted within 5-10 years, that one can double or triple their EMS responses.

I believe that this is where you and I disagree on what is vital for the city. Relying on the fear factor of the community in regards to fire protection. Statistically, the fire service has done too good of a job in fire prevention as in codes and education. Fire suppression responses are down in comparison than before. Any other business would have to adjust and be accountable or basically be truthful.

Again, during poor economic times and high unemployment the tax base rate drops tremendously. Loss of jobs does not sustain a tax base. Simple logic still acclaims money can not go out if it does not come in. Would it not make more sense for a community to contract to a third party EMS that would provide that service for a reduced rate or even free in lieu of charging all?

What about setting up a third party EMS that can operate within the revenues without tapping into citizens that is not in need? Why pay for personnel and equipment not needed?

Again, my point that Fire Based EMS is a poorly managed system. They are dependent upon tax revenue, as most Fire EMS administrators have little to no healthcare management. In reality, that what is EMS or should be, nothing else. It can be done within a Fire EMS system, but I have seen few of those that actually make a profit so those monies can be placed back into the ear marked section and reduce tax revenue on the budget. Unfortunately, this is a rarity and not the norm because of the traditional methodology of Fire administration is only to operate off cities monies or grants. Again, I state poor management and poor administration due to failure to understand EMS as a healthcare industry and nothing more.

So basically, you are describing.. no matter how bad the economy becomes or gets, tax payers should fund fire services to maintain a healthy and prosperous lifestyle of firefighters? That as a public utility, pay structures should have no regard upon the economic times as in reduction of pay or benefits even though citizens that provide the monies are suffering? In other words, to hell with them as long as we get our $$$ and benefits? Then let's hide behind the "what if" fear factor and promote the Union to ensure that we get our way. Let's hoodwink them, knowing there are other options that would not tap into their personal finances and provide the same or better care. Shameful.

A facade promoted that disaster may strike at any time, and again no accountability to the citizens. There is a difference between from not a being a good idea to the reality of no money to fund them. Why should others make up the difference or have cuts in other needed areas because of luxury of a good union? Truthfully, if you know there is a better and cheaper way to fund an EMS that could provide the same level of care and service, would it not be lying to the public? Would it not be solely for self reasons? Can you truthfully say that you have what is in the best interest of the public or to thy self?

R/r 911

Sure, fire responses are down. What do you mean by adjust and be accountable? Downstaff and close stations? With greatly increased response times and reduced manpower as a result, our fireground ops will need to be reduced to that of only defensive operations. The vast majority of buildings here are type 5 construction, and will be well involved by the time we arrive. Conditions will be untenable, and any search ops will be called off. Interior attecks will be a thing of the past. we'll just surround and drown the structure from now on. It takes about 12 FF's to save just one during a mayday, 12 we'll no longer have. No more RIT level 2 or 3. If we were here a few minutes sooner, maybe we could've pulled out little Johnny from his bedroom, but now it's too late. Yes, this is a "what if" scenario. As I've stated earlier, we can't predict incident times and types, as we lack the ability to predict the future. We'll always have our space heaters, food on the stove, improperly discarded cigarettes, arson and such.

how would it be profitable for a third party EMS organization to contract with the community if they'll be in the red (uncompensated cases, poor medicaid reimbursement, etc). If the community isn't turning a profit from EMS, how would a third party magically do it?

My understanding is that Fairfax uses third party billing for it's residents only, causing them nothing. Hardship waivers are also entertained if the pt has no real means of paying. Our Ambulance division essentially acts as a third service, except that personnel are crosstrained to ride both sides. It saves money on staffing. Again, if EMS here turns a profit, it's better to let the county keep it. If it isn't turning a profit, no private provider would want to take it over, lest they go bankrupt.

The union has worked hard to get us where we are at this time. We have families to feed, bills and mortgages to pay. Many of us came here instead of other areas due to the salary, benefits and working conditions. If the county starts dramatically reducing pay/benefits, there'll be a mass exodus to other jurisdictions, and will ultimately cost the county more in hiring, training, OT, so on and so forth.

In my personal case, I moved out at 22, always lived within my means. I didn't run up much credit, and neither has my wife. We've always driven older, much older cars, lived in apartments, and were living one or two paychecks away from bankruptcy at times. We could've bought expensive toys on credit, or been approved for a sizeable mortgage, and got into the flipping game. We both grew up with single parents. I've gone hungry at times, and her mother was on welfare for a brief period (she used it to eat, then got a job to get off of public assistance! Imagine that!). I've always worked several jobs to stay ahead, such as loading trucks, Snapple delivery, bouncing Latin and Hip-Hop clubs, as well as several EMS jobs at the expense of family time. We did the right thing, and didn't contribute to this recent economic downturn.

We made the decision to move here for this job, which will take care of us and reward us with a comfortable lifestyle. So yes, I have a huge problem with giving a large part of that up for the greater good. I, as many others, took the job based on what they are promising. If these types of setups didn't exist, I probably would've went to nursing school. However, it's no longer necessary to spend another 2-4 years in school at the further expense of family time, as we're set up pretty well here.

Call it entitlement, or whatever we want, but we've done what we're supposed to regarding finances, and we're finally getting ours. I love my job, both sides. I respect the community I serve tremendously, and strive to do my job to the best of my ability, for their benefit. I'm also willing to die on the job if that's the way it goes down. It's what we signed up for, quality EMS/public service is what the community is paying for.

We're not the ones who kept trading up for larger houses, or getting an ARM with the intent of flipping. I wasn't the one giving out sub prime mortgages to the underpriveleged. We weren't living our lives on credit, then claiming bankruptcy when the bubble burst. We didn't partake in expensive toys, and we took only one vacation the whole time we were married prior to taking this job. we still don't own a house, but that'll change soon.

So, we traveled far away from home, leaving friends and family for what this place promised us. We've done nothing wrong.

If that's selfish, then it's selfish. I have no problems going to sleep every night.

Once more, and this bears repeating, it's appropriate to propose the question "what if" regarding fire and EMS. We can't predict the number of calls, the type, and time of origin. We can't.

Also, if we're concerned with helping the public so much over our personal needs, putting the public first, then volunteer. We work JOBS. Our JOB pays the bills. If you want to truly put the public first, then donate every penny of your disposable income to various charities. Work a second job and give away that paycheck, too.
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Forgot to mention this in my last post.

Anybody who believes that fire departments should be downsized because much of the staffing is not needed on a daily basis and is there for a "what if" situation...you may want to withdraw those statements. Or start talking about all the other things that should be changed because they're based on a "what if." Like what paramedics can do...I don't know...much of what we can do will only rarely, if ever be done by many paramedics...probably better to reduce our scope since those things aren't needed. Same goes for RN's, RT's, PA's, NP's, hell, basically everyone in the medical field.
Some here have projected a disdain towards unions. Let's look at how they've helped in NY.....

FDNY EMS has more than it's fair share of problems, but it does have the Local 2507, they've recently become uniformed, have a 25 and out pension, GHI insurance (no out of pocket health expenses!), job security if you're civil service, etc. The local won't allow crosstraining of FDNY personnel, that's for sure.

Many of the NY area 911 participating hospitals aren't union, but need to offer an attractive package to steer employees from a union shop. This is a large reason as to why NY hospitals pay so well, have great schedules with limited holdover, great benefits, medical, working conditions and such. They absolutely needed to offer this to get the best talent in the area. That bears repeating - these hospitals needed to offer top pay, benefits, etc. to attract the best employees. When FDNY took over NYC EMS, these employees still needed a reason to jump ship.

This is a very important indirect effect of local agencies being union, and all of the increased benefits that go along with it. Other agencies need to offer more, or else their agency will be full of substandard employees.

With NSLIJ, my former employer, this was very true. whenever another hospital would get something, we would get it too. Automatic.

This "at will" garbage needs to end. When I first began work at NSLIJ CEMS, I was made to sign a paper that read: "You reserve the right to terminate your employment at any time, and we reserve the right to do the same". I wasn't going to turn down the job by any means, but I was definitely taken aback by being required to sign that document as a condition of employment. It was at that exact moment that I began to realize that I would need protection, job security, basically someone to go to bat for me and play hardball should I be pushed around by an employer. CCEMS had me sign a similar document, go figure. That's some horse :censored:

As long as you're "at will", you stand little chance of bettering your situation, to cause any real change in your organization. That's why there are still places that pay MEDICS ten bucks an hour! How do you live on that?

RidRyder is obviously opposed to organized labor, and a significant increase in pay/benefits for EMS workers as things stand currently. He repeatedly says that we don't deserve to be paid well, like RN's, RT's and such. Not without increased education. That needs to happen, for sure, but most can't afford to wait out any changes for 20-30 years or so. Unions and/or strong political influence will bring changes NOW. Times are as tough as ever now, especially when the Govt will be looking to take even more of your money to give to the poor and underprivileged. Grab all of the money you can.

RidRyder likely middle or upper management, a real "company man". It's in his best interest to keep salaries as low as will be tolerated, to keep his agency in the black. Maybe a bonus or two for keeping costs down below a certain number? :)
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