Can I say I agree with the OP? It's near impossible to feed a family on $12 an hour.
Thankfully, I don't make that little, but I do know people who do work FT in EMS for that money. They typically have a second full time job, sometimes in EMS, sometimes elsewhere. I was offered a side job in EMS for $11 an hour. it wasn't worth my time, taking the commute and time away from family factors in account.
I'm on par to make a little more than 60,000 this year as an EMT, with OT included. and I'm looking at getting my MBA (procrastinating, I don't know if I want to put forth the time an energy while working full time and trying to raise a child), and I have two senior level management positions that are being offered to me, completely unrelated to EMS. And even when I end up accepting an offer, and end up making 100,000+ a year, I plan on still doing EMS, maybe for $12 an hour. Just for fun.
I will still be an EMT for as long as my body can handle it. But I also enjoy my job, and want to be able to pay my mortgage and live a comfortable life.