Why I did NOT become an EMT...

As a "Paid On Call" Volunteer....I earn $2.75 per hour.
I get to stay at the station's quarters due to me living outside the 10 minute response zone.
So basically, I get paid $2.75 per hour to sleep Friday and Sat nights.

I get paid $9.75 per call I go to. If the call lasts longer than 2 hrs, I get paid $9.75 per hour.

Obviously, I am not in it for the money. I could work at Wal-Mart and make more. I'd see most of the same people there as I do during my O-dark thirty calls.

I do it because it's my nature to help people who are in their time of most dire need. Plain and simple.
This is certainly a very strange statement and I cannot understand why they are saying such a thing?

If you want to be a Nurse, go do a BN, if you want to be a Firefighter, join the Fire Service and so on.

If you want to be an Ambulance Officer/Paramedic, become one.

If you want to find out if the medical field is for you, go become a hospital volunteer or orderly or something. One of my colleagues did some time as an orderly and decided it nursing was for him.

What's wrong with adding being an EMT into one of those that you mentioned above? It's just another way to get a foot in the door. If the pay isn't an issue and you love being an emt, then I guess you are settled for the rest of the life. If you need more money and still want to do EMT - put in your time/education and get promoted.
Hello Community!

I became a user some (long) time ago when I was attending my EMT classes. I never became an EMT professionally.

Where I live in Colorado, the ambulance service here is AMR. They pay roughly $12/hour for the area.

I got a job as a private gardener for $18.50/hour with exceptional benefits and perks.

I completed my EMT training. I technically *am* an EMT. I carry an extensive medical kit and stop at accidents, help homeless, whatever.

But really? $12/hour?! That's a joke.

Food for thought to the community of EMS. Kudo's to all of you who do a job that should pay far more, for far less then you deserve.

Awesome! Great for you! And the point of this is?
This is certainly a very strange statement and I cannot understand why they are saying such a thing?

If you want to be a Nurse, go do a BN, if you want to be a Firefighter, join the Fire Service and so on.

If you want to be an Ambulance Officer/Paramedic, become one.

If you want to find out if the medical field is for you, go become a hospital volunteer or orderly or something. One of my colleagues did some time as an orderly and decided it nursing was for him.

An EMT class is approximately 120 hours (some are longer, but not most). That's not really a significant time investment, and is one of the shortest courses required to become a licensed healthcare provider. As such, it is an ok way to determine whether or not working in healthcare is for you.
Our class shirts on the back say "I'm in it for the money" as a joke because we know that is ridiculous.

Around here I make 9.27/hr and as a medic I will start at 14. I live decently even on my 9.27. It's all about not living above your means.

I want to have a family soon. I am married, but due to health issues it is a good idea for me to have a child soon. I'm going to nursing school.

You have to be realistic.
An EMT class is approximately 120 hours (some are longer, but not most). That's not really a significant time investment, and is one of the shortest courses required to become a licensed healthcare provider. As such, it is an ok way to determine whether or not working in healthcare is for you.

Right, and it takes 10 years + to be a doctor.
You know what, I'd do this job for free, I enjoy helping people. It's not about the money. If I didn't have to pay for food and a house I would work for free or a 1$ a year. If you get a job just for money - chances are you will burn out quickly.
So what if your salary is 50 grand or 500 grand it's just money. You won't have any of it when you die. There are far more important things than money.

I love my job too, have been doing it since I was 18. But I would never do it for $12, because it is just that... a job. In a way it is not about the money and in a way it is, nobody is going to leave an 80k a year job with benefits to become a $12 an hour EMT and not regret that decision within 5 years. Doing what you love, and doing what you MUST to support a family are two different things. I am one of the lucky ones, I can do both at the same Service. Than again I am a Paramedic and not an EMT and I moved to a part of the Country that pays well, and away from an area that does not.
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Hello Community!

I became a user some (long) time ago when I was attending my EMT classes. I never became an EMT professionally.

Where I live in Colorado, the ambulance service here is AMR. They pay roughly $12/hour for the area.

I got a job as a private gardener for $18.50/hour with exceptional benefits and perks.

I completed my EMT training. I technically *am* an EMT. I carry an extensive medical kit and stop at accidents, help homeless, whatever.

But really? $12/hour?! That's a joke.

Food for thought to the community of EMS. Kudo's to all of you who do a job that should pay far more, for far less then you deserve.

Why do you think you are underpaid at $12/hour?

News flash: you're not.
Hello Community!

I became a user some (long) time ago when I was attending my EMT classes. I never became an EMT professionally.

Where I live in Colorado, the ambulance service here is AMR. They pay roughly $12/hour for the area.

I got a job as a private gardener for $18.50/hour with exceptional benefits and perks.

I completed my EMT training. I technically *am* an EMT. I carry an extensive medical kit and stop at accidents, help homeless, whatever.

But really? $12/hour?! That's a joke.

Food for thought to the community of EMS. Kudo's to all of you who do a job that should pay far more, for far less then you deserve.

Sorry to break it to you, but if your intention is to brag to us about your pay scale, $18.50/hr is far from impressive. That's only $38,480/yr. About $500/wk take home give or take. You can't even support a family on that unless you live in a trailer, and you would struggle on that salary as a single person in a high cost of living area like NY. For comparison's sake, hospital based EMT's in NYC make $18-$24/hr. I made $20.22/hr plus 10% night diff (all overnight schedule) before I became a medic.

J/C, what are these exceptional benefits and perks you're talking about? What's the career development ladder of a gardner look like?
I took my EMT class while I was in college taking prereqs. I was always interested in EMS and thought it would be a good way to get some experience and help me decided between paramedic and nursing. Long story short I went to Nursing school and never looked back.

Was I proud to be an EMT? Hell ya, I thought It was great.
Am I now? Nope. I will be much prouder of the RN behind my name then EMT.

According to your standards I am not really an EMT. Does that upset me? Not in the slightest. I was able to find a profession where I could do what I love and still put food on the table as well as have opportunities to continue my education . I guess i'm just crazy. I still love EMS and want to continue to be involved but it will be as a volunteer and not a job.

I do not get why the EMS "Lifers" have such a disdain towards individuals who move on to other fields.
Sorry to break it to you, but if your intention is to brag to us about your pay scale, $18.50/hr is far from impressive. That's only $38,480/yr. About $500/wk take home give or take. You can't even support a family on that unless you live in a trailer, and you would struggle on that salary as a single person in a high cost of living area like NY. For comparison's sake, hospital based EMT's in NYC make $18-$24/hr. I made $20.22/hr plus 10% night diff (all overnight schedule) before I became a medic.

J/C, what are these exceptional benefits and perks you're talking about? What's the career development ladder of a gardner look like?

It just occured to me, where in the hell does a Gardener make $18.50 an hour and get benefits? That is a $10 an hour job anywhere....... Must work for a city parks and rec department
It just occured to me, where in the hell does a Gardener make $18.50 an hour and get benefits? That is a $10 an hour job anywhere....... Must work for a city parks and rec department

Tis possible, the city in which he was originally posting from is where I live, and municipal employees do pretty well compensation wise.
I bet his kids will be proud that daddy pruned the bushes in front of the courthouse instead of saving lives like he originally planned:blink:
I bet his kids will be proud that daddy pruned the bushes in front of the courthouse instead of saving lives like he originally planned:blink:

Bet his kids are going to be proud that their daddy made the right decision for himself. With your logic anyone who isn't a ricky rescue life saving hot running EMT is less than you. Bad call man. I was just accepted in a PA program, what does that make me? Someone who's kids won't be proud of him? This is an attitude that is prevalent in the culture of EMS and I never have and never will understand it.
We used to joke that we were paid less than the sweepers at the local grocery stores, and we were, plus we had no benefits as we were all students working part time.
I didn't go into paramedic after EMT-Ambulance (e.g., "Basic") because it was obviously a young man's field (all fire then) and I was 26 , with limited pay.
26 isn't a young man? C'mon Crofty, I'm 30 and you're making me feel like crap.
Bet his kids are going to be proud that their daddy made the right decision for himself. With your logic anyone who isn't a ricky rescue life saving hot running EMT is less than you. Bad call man. I was just accepted in a PA program, what does that make me? Someone who's kids won't be proud of him? This is an attitude that is prevalent in the culture of EMS and I never have and never will understand it.

Relax, it was satirical.
Is that what the whacked out emoticon was? I can't interpret those things to save my life...
It's all good. I just have to remember that not everyone can can interpret satire on the computer:cool: