Spoken by someone who has never had a real bagel or top notch pizza.... and if you do know of a decent pizza place, PM it to me, I haven't found it yet...
The one thing I would absolutely encourage you to do after your agility test is to go out to dinner (I recommend the Pitt in Downtown Raleigh, I have never leave hungry), and check out the area. Drive around Raleigh, & Cary, look at apartments in the area (after doing some research on prices online), and see what there is to offer.
I have found that most newbies to Wake County live in Raleigh or Cary to start, and after their first year, once they get used to the area, will find either a better place in Raleigh or in one of the suburban cities that surround Raleigh. There are some sketchy apartments, but also some awesome apartment complexes that you can get for under $1000 a month.
If you are looking to relocate to the triangle, Orange County / Chapel Hill is also accepting applications for
paramedics , as well as
EMTs, as is Durham county for
paramedics and
EMTs . They all have their ups and downs, and I know people who have left Wake for Durham, Wake for Orange, Orange for Durham, Durham for Orange, Orange for Wake, as well as other counties. It all boils down to what you are looking for, and if you are happy where you are at.
For full disclosure, I currently work part time for a Wake County Fire Department, and previously worked EMS in both Wake and Orange counties, before accepting a full time position in the private sector. I love the area, love the region, and think that if you want to have a career in EMS, this is definitely the place to do it.