application period is open now, fill out an app. The entire hiring process is slooooooow, and a certain agency (which I will not name) did contact me several months after I filled out an application on a Wednesday afternoon asking me to come down for their assessment center.... the following Monday. Suffice it to say, I told said agency to go pound sand, and that I don't know of any actively employed provider in another state who would drop every thing when you call them last minute.

if you are coming down for Wake's assessment center, and want to meet one of the supervisors form Orange county while you are down here, shoot me a PM and I will see if I can set that up.

I said it before, I will say it again... once you are here (in NC), it's relatively easy to change agencies to meet one that suits your needs, if your current agency doesn't. It's not a utopia, but being able to take your PTO and retirement time with you if you switch agencies (if you switch to another county agency) is a huge plus for me. Almost all are looking for paramedics, and experienced medics are needed (and many start you at a higher salary depending on your experience level).
How are things now in the Raleigh area for medic jobs and cost of living? Has anything changed? I am looking at relocating as a paramedic from PA area.
apartments costs are rising, housing costs in the city are rising, but I recently bought a 3 BR 2.5 bath around 1500 sq ft in the city limits for under 175,000 It's still affordable compared to the midatlantic and the north east. If you leave in the county, the costs decrease significantly. Check out housing costs for yourself at https://www.zillow.com/homes/Wake-County-NC_rb/

taxes are also less. personally, I love the area, and if your a medic, and if you can drink the koolaid, it's a great system.

Best best to apply, come down for the assessment center, get a hotel for the night, and speak to people who are down here. it's not utopia, but it's better than many other places.
Best best to apply, come down for the assessment center, get a hotel for the night, and speak to people who are down here. it's not utopia, but it's better than many other places.[/QUOTE]

Thank you very much for the info and the housing link! I am hoping to get a chance to visit and apply soon!
For PAT test for Wake County do you happen to know how heavy the curl bar is that you have to carry around?