This is just gross


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and I can't stop watching it....looks like he broke it on the kick. OUCH!
I was gonna post an interactive cartoon figure fainting, but all that came up was cartoon porn. Go figure.

Ewwwww They stabbed Butters in the eye with a ninja star on South Park.
Oooh, that's gonna leave a mark. :o
We responded to a shortness of breath the other day for a lady who witnessed and injury like that at the beach. It's amazing how you can feel parts of your body tingle when you see them injured on other people. *leg tingles*
I hate stuff like this, good thread title though :)
:o :o :o :o

Hmm, good thing I diverted my eyes, huh? I pass out from stuff like that. I can deal with the aftermath just fine, but not the event itself. :)
Originally posted by rescuecpt@Jul 14 2005, 08:23 AM
Hmm, good thing I diverted my eyes, huh? I pass out from stuff like that. I can deal with the aftermath just fine, but not the event itself. :)
I concur! I hate watching it happen, but the aftermath would be cool to splint, etc.

The first 30-50 times it played I either had by eyes closed, my hand over the screen, or my thumb over the process of it breaking. When I finally watched it, I got weak in the knees. :huh:

<edit>: By Me: Spelling
That makes tear come to my eyes from watching it!
O-U-C-H...! Thats not right.....

Ridryder 911
I didn't see it until it had played 5 times or so, then I saw the leg flopping... EWWW!!! (but it dosen't smell like vomit or feces, so I'll be fine :rolleyes: )

Coooool! I wonder why he couldn't stand up after the kick? :blink:
Is there a link somewhere to this????? Or am I missing something??
Is there a link somewhere to this????? Or am I missing something??

Jeez, Now I'm repeating myself.... Must be gettin tired
I have to admitt I watched that about 15 times. Very cool. Ok I'm weird, lol, but it was cool.