the 100% directionless thread

So evidently the EMS gods dislike when you walk into dispatch and discreetly fart repeatedly into the fan
So evidently dispatchers dislike when you walk into dispatch and discreetly fart repeatedly into the fan
Fixed it for you. Then again, who wouldn’t? It’s childish, and rude.
“Celebrated” ten years at AMR Colorado Springs last month. Today I get an email saying they want me (PRN) to pick up four 12 hour shifts a month for the next four months.

I work a 48/96 schedule (with a little OT) already.

I won’t be doing this. Full timers are required to pick up two extra 12s a month. They get a 250 dollar bonus plus the OT on those shifts. I don’t get the stipend for the first two shifts.

Today might have been my last day here.
Guess they have such a high staffing level already to dictate how many shifts people need to work 😂
Guess they have such a high staffing level already to dictate how many shifts people need to work 😂
Definitely the best way to retain staff is to just burn them right out.

The last time they tried this I think five full time medics and several EMTs resigned and things got even worse.
Definitely the best way to retain staff is to just burn them right out.

The last time they tried this I think five full time medics and several EMTs resigned and things got even worse.
Ahh yes, the management adage of "The beatings will continue until morale improves"
this is a thread that has no specific topic. since it has no specific topic, it is absolutely impossible for us to be off topic. please feel free to chime in with whatever you darn well feel like. lyrics of your favorite song, the weather where you are, a detailed play by play of your last call, the contents of your left pocket. anything. lets just let it flow. remember, since there is no main topic to begin with, at no point can this thread ever be off topic, so we'll have none of that "lets stay on topic" business. cant be done. there isnt one. of course, all other rules apply. lets see how long we can keep thing going.

so, to begin this completely topicless thread, its raining right now, im watching house and am considering a snack of some kind.

tell me something random from your life today, or anything else.
I'm pounding away on the EMS Simulator at *link removed*. I'm not doing well..... :(
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7/12 open slots, waiting on people to be hired, and I’m just treating it like a deployment with overtime…CMP Garand, a bigger tank for Terra, maybe a gaming PC…
Started a new (2nd) job this week! I accepted a part-time job as a CCT-RN. I'm not going to name the company that I'm working for until I feel comfortable there. The good news is they, so far, seem to be very understanding with them being a 2nd gig for their nurses. Hopefully this will end up being a (usually) very fun gig!
Quick update: I have successfully completed the training phase so I'm no longer considered to be an RN Trainee! I'm still not as fast as I once was at getting stuff set up and whatnot, but I'm definitely getting back into the rhythm of things and generally enjoying the time so far! I'm also now comfortable with letting it be known that I work for a Northern-ish California and Bay Area company known as Protransport-1. They have a couple sister companies but thus far, I have been well-supported by management and their educator for getting to this point. I was hoping to get to this point sooner but my primary job schedule was just too similar to my FTO's so it just took a while to get enough rides.
Quick update: I have successfully completed the training phase so I'm no longer considered to be an RN Trainee! I'm still not as fast as I once was at getting stuff set up and whatnot, but I'm definitely getting back into the rhythm of things and generally enjoying the time so far! I'm also now comfortable with letting it be known that I work for a Northern-ish California and Bay Area company known as Protransport-1. They have a couple sister companies but thus far, I have been well-supported by management and their educator for getting to this point. I was hoping to get to this point sooner but my primary job schedule was just too similar to my FTO's so it just took a while to get enough rides.
Curious what prompted your return to the prehospital setting? Miss it that much? Thinking of going flight? You’d def be a commodity.
Curious what prompted your return to the prehospital setting? Miss it that much? Thinking of going flight? You’d def be a commodity.
Not thinking of going flight. I'd have to lose a bit o'mass or they'd have to get a mo powerful choppa for me. ;)

In all seriousness, I wanted to get back into the field, even if PRN, as I do miss that kind of work, it's also just 1 patient at a time instead of 4, and I don't have to deal with directing patient flow through the ED (when I'm the Charge). The pay is roughly similar and as long as I do at least the minimum number of shifts, no problem. Also because I'm PRN, they don't have to pay bennies for me, I don't have a specific schedule, so it's basically a win for me as I pretty much get to make my own schedule and work basically when I want to.
I worked for PT1 during their brief foray into the Seattle area. I liked it.


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Great... Now I want one. Where's my checkbook?
That is a really nice example. The nice ones have gotten really hard to find, at least for a decent price.
Guy on an Honor Guard once told me you can tell if you have an M1 that was used in combat. Have no way of validating it but it sounded cool. When guys were training on it, the they were taught to 'settle' the rounds in the clip by tapping it a few times on their helmets. But when they eventually entered into combat, they found doing this raised their profile and could expose themselves to enemy fire. So instead, they'd tap it on the receiver and leave a bunch of dimples on it. Interesting if true...
Nice example of an M1. I can guarantee mine's NEVER seen combat. Mine's a 6 mil that's got all the competition mods.
Curious - best first, home firearm?
Curious - best first, home firearm?
IMHO an AR-15 will be the most intuitive and easiest to shoot.

But in all reality whatever gun you’re most comfortable with and shoot the best.
Remington 870.

IMHO, a shotgun is the best home defense firearm. The pattern scatter and knock down power makes it a formidable home defense weapon. Even in inexperienced hands, it’ll stop a bad guy with (probably) one shot.
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