the 100% directionless thread

well uhm, i'm no rocket scientist here, but isn't that why its called a suppressor, to suppress some of the sound, as opposed to a silencer?
**not disagreeing just trying to follow logic, which uncle sam has proven time and time again can't happen**
Yes. Popular media (TV shows and movies) over the years has provided a big misconception that suppressors actually silence firearms of all kinds so the big bang we usually hear is reduced to a little pffffft that's inaudible from more than about 10 feet away. Personally I'd love to have a suppressor (legally) so that I could attach it to my HD pistol, and therefore not have to worry as much about hearing damage if I were to shoot an assailant indoors.

In any event, good luck silencing my Garand...
I'm pretty over nurses that suck and being treated like a child....

Very interesting. I’ve never had any issues with nurses and was able to handle even the worst ones; the knuckleheads from the FD, on the other hand...

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Very interesting. I’ve never had any issues with nurses and was able to handle even the worst ones; the knuckleheads from the FD, on the other hand...

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Same here. I usually don't have much trouble with nurses. I tend to baffle them with logic and education. "No Becky, that little old lady doesn't need a full squeeze of that BVM every two seconds".
Anyone in Arkansas or Kentucky? I think I remember those being states that require Flight Nurses to have EMT-B as well. Can anyone confirm?
Anyone in Arkansas or Kentucky? I think I remember those being states that require Flight Nurses to have EMT-B as well. Can anyone confirm?
Kentucky does. One of my nurse preceptors during medic school got a flight job towards the end of my clinicals. I believe she was able to challenge the test.

ETA: I can't confirm Kentucky requires it, it may have just been an Air Evac requirement but I doubt it.

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I might be taking an LDT that requires bladder irrigation. This is a new one on me.

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Cant say anything about not being busy anymore. First time I thought I was going to need to have the scalpel out as a potential first or very close second line choice today. Ended on a late arrest that I personally shocked 8 times and when all was said and done held me over to a full 18 hours....I think I earned my meager 6 hours of sleep....
Ooof, sore as know you're progressing in Academy when what was a tough PT session in the first couple weeks was just our warm up today (which of course they like to do PT in the afternoon to close out the day AFTER we've been working all day lol)
(To the tune of the night before Xmas..because I'm a total dweeb)
Twas the week before exam and all through the house,
not a damn thing was stirring except for my mouse;
The lecture notes and recordings were played back in fear
with hopes that Frank-Starling would soon become clear.
As I lay nestled at night in my bed,
visions of PV loops dance in my head.

...Ok I'll spare you the rest.

Yea I love Cardiac Physiology. So much fun but it can get complicated quickly. I got EKGs, Wigger diagrams, and PV Loops down...but now to work out how different pathologies effect them. Increased Afterload? Taller PV Loop with reduced ESV....Decreased Preload? Reduced EDV! This is literally how my brain is working right now. 6 More days to prep...I got this...except for the fact that I have Biochem and Histology to review as well! Time is never your friend.

Currently on standby to head up north to the fires. We were activated then told to standby... Hopefully we can go!
And of course I can’t go. Classes and the EMS expo next week.

I’m not sure how many waves they will have. I guess I’m lucky getting on the state team this month!
Man I like that helmet, I wish we could utilize aftermarket or have the option where we are.

Technically we are only supposed to wear company issued helmets but no one has said anything and some of the pilots were issued Alpha Eagles at one point.

Personally, I am not going to wear one of the “Goverment sales” Gentex knock offs. And even with the real SPH-5s the Alpha is significantly better in all aspects; comfort, safety, noise, etc.