the 100% directionless thread

Last night made me despise my city and lose faith in humanity. I have not seen such a level of immoral, selfish, idiotic behavior in my life.

It makes no sense. I read that there were over a dozen stores looted. Why? "Yeah, we're mad at the police so let's go steal from a shoe store."
Pretty sad the ways people decide to project their emotions.
It makes no sense. I read that there were over a dozen stores looted. Why? "Yeah, we're mad at the police so let's go steal from a shoe store."

The videos are unbelievable. Hundreds of people breaking in windows and running through stores carrying handfuls of loot, shooting guns in the air. I heard a large group tried to break into the mall. It is reminiscent of Hurricane Katrina.

There is a growing trend on twitter and social media with people saying to stop destroying their own neighborhoods and "Start looting and burning down white neighborhoods". It is a mess.
The videos are unbelievable. Hundreds of people breaking in windows and running through stores carrying handfuls of loot, shooting guns in the air. I heard a large group tried to break into the mall. It is reminiscent of Hurricane Katrina.

There is a growing trend on twitter and social media with people saying to stop destroying their own neighborhoods and "Start looting and burning down white neighborhoods". It is a mess.

That right there is why I will never live or work in a major city
RIP Robin Williams. :(
Ugh, I am killing myself with this 911 thing. Two days ago I talked my preceptor about giving up my 911 interview because I was afraid that it would be a slippery slope asking him the day off on the second day of the internship. He said that that was a mistake, and he fully supports me getting hired on the 911. He would give me the time off for training for the 911 side, and said that continuing my internship shouldn't be a problem after training because I could just pick working the back half of the week like I am doing right now. That was on Sunday so I couldn't call back in time to schedule an interview on Monday, and did my second shift today. I got off and went home, and I did all of my fisdaps (online PCRs for paramedic students), and then I played games for a couple of hours. I decided to check my e-mails, and I saw they tried reaching me by e-mail saying that they can try to give me an interview another day (not jut Monday), but that if they do not hear back by today by the time HR closes (5 pm) then they will assume I was not interested in the job. It's 8:30 pm! Oh my God, this frustrates me. I wrote a polite e-mail back saying that I am interested and disappointed in myself for not replying back by the deadline given in the e-mail, and that I am able to work my schedule so that I am available for an interview if there is one in the future, and I thanked her for her time trying to reach me. They sent it by e-mail and didn't call me. Maybe I'll get lucky one more time?? LOL! I dunno. Ironically the HR lady doesn't know who I am, but I do, and I bumped into her at the main when I got off my internship shift, but I just walked by her, said hello, and didn't talk more. I wish I had talked to her at that time.

If not lucky this time, next time I'll be available for an interview and a stronger candidate.
First day back at work in two and a half months. I'm sure my people will welcome me back kindly...
First day back at work in two and a half months. I'm sure my people will welcome me back kindly...
Hope you have a nice quiet shift :p
Hope you have a nice quiet shift :p
Thanks, ***... Lol. Luckily I've got two students today, so all I have to do is play chauffeur and make sure they don't kill anybody :D
Thanks, ***... Lol. Luckily I've got two students today, so all I have to do is play chauffeur and make sure they don't kill anybody :D
You work with two students and one preceptor/FTO on a unit? Oh my.
They are still going to give me an interview within the next couple of weeks they said, woohoo!

Day 3 of internship. Got a difficulty in breathing call / possible MI, and I totaly frozed up and it sucked. Pulled myself together on the abdominal pain call I had after that. That was easier.
You work with two students and one preceptor/FTO on a unit? Oh my.
That's how AMR does it here...Oh boy am I excited.
I formally apologize to @STXmedic ... I just got my *** handed to me the last couple hours :p
You work with two students and one preceptor/FTO on a unit? Oh my.

In my TAP I had a day where it was me and a TAI running the truck and the TAI's FTO, mine called out sick that day, just say back and watched the two of us. Actually worked really well since he could really stand back and watch the both of us rather than having to act as a partner.
supposedly have a medic job, but no word yet on when the training academy is. really annoying.
Our Level IV hospital needs to just go away. It's a six bed ER 40 minutes from the city. It serves a wealthy exurb, a casino town, and a large rural/frontier area. Yet they are so jaded I want to take my patients with me when I leave. Bring a patient in with anxiety and a legit dental infection: "she's just seeking and out of her drugs." Uh no, I picked her up from work and she has plenty of pain medicine left but is so freaked out by the pain that she is having involuntary contractures. The other crew brings in an uninjured teenager who was forced over the phone to be transported by mom after he drove his car off the road into a field at a decent speed. The ER called a trauma alert based on the speed and demanded the patient be spinalled in the room. This after the patient walked into the hospital...

We do all their transfers too. Oh you have elevated d-dimer with no other clinical findings? Better get an ALS ambulance here ASAP, and can they come the 2.6 miles from the station lights and sirens!?!?

D-Dimers... the test that I order when I really don't want to order a CT... even though the only function of a dimer is to delay the inevitable chest CT.
I had to have a bit of a cry tonight for a patient we responded to who was at the end of their life. It was very hard dealing with the family who out of not knowing what to do thought that the Paramedics would be a good idea.

I've dealt with rape and murder victims, young people who have died under tragic circumstances and seen people with horrific orthopaedic injuries and not even really thought twice about it; yet seeing somebody at home, with their loving family, in bed, comfortable and warm and looking like they are sleeping but a bit funny, while certainly much nicer than somebody with their angulated, fractured femurs compressed into the dashboard I find it hard to deal with.

I'm going to try and get some sleep.
I had to have a bit of a cry tonight for a patient we responded to who was at the end of their life. It was very hard dealing with the family who out of not knowing what to do thought that the Paramedics would be a good idea.

I've dealt with rape and murder victims, young people who have died under tragic circumstances and seen people with horrific orthopaedic injuries and not even really thought twice about it; yet seeing somebody at home, with their loving family, in bed, comfortable and warm and looking like they are sleeping but a bit funny, while certainly much nicer than somebody with their angulated, fractured femurs compressed into the dashboard I find it hard to deal with.

I'm going to try and get some sleep.
Sometimes it's the more mundane and unexpected scenes that get to you. One of my hardest memories from EMS is of a hospice transfer patient that we had initially transported a few weeks earlier for a headache and rapidly declined from a healthy, vibrant 30 year old over the next few weeks. Hope you got some rest and feel a bit better.