the 100% directionless thread

What happened, isn't it obvious, we got in a fire fight.

I hope the officer told the crew to hit the deck when they started taking fire.

Yo dawg, I heard you liked fire, so we're letting you take fire from your fire, so you can fight fire while under fire.
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Our company had us posting at the city library for a month or so, because people were threatening to burn it down.

Hopefully they would of been louf enough to wake us up. Not sure what we would do, besides call 911.

There was a crew sleeping behind CVS, when it got robbed. The police woke them up to ask if they had seen anything. Lol pretty funny.


I had to.
Talking to RogueMedic to clarify a comment I made on his blog, and there ended up being a linguistic issue regarding the word "discharge."

"6. to relieve of obligation, responsibility, etc.
7. to fulfill, perform, or execute (a duty, function, etc.)."


:O WHOAAA. I'm not quite sure if I should be freaked out or not... Remember my post regarding chik-fil-a and their favoritism towards leo's? Apparently not anymore... I had a discussion going on with some friends on facebook about what happened and somehow word got back to the individual owner/operator of said chik-fil-a.. Not only did the owner make his apologies sincerly voiced but he's clarified the policy with the staff that it applies to all First Responder personell. He has offered to treat the station and myself to free food... I'm still kinda weirded out that my lowly little facebook post caused this kind of reaction.. and personal contact via the owner.

In case you guys were wondering, its 50% to everyone across the board. He's not sure who and why the leo's were treated differently but he seemed less than pleased to find the clerk deviated from the policy.

I feel like an :censored::censored::censored: for flaming chik-fil-a now, especially over that discussion that went on not too long ago about demanding discounts as first responders... :sad:
Be thankful and tip well. ;)
I love going to chickfila. Sometimes we get half off sometimes no. Depends on how new the cashier is.

Sent from LuLu using Tapatalk
GRRRR. Don't friggin call AND text me at 7:31 if you're my damn supervisor and it's my day off!
Heh, aren't you the new guy on the totem pole now Linuss? and you live so close to your station ^_^
ah, that's a definite GRRR then.

Every Chik-fil-A I've gone to while in uniform has given me a discount, and I love their waffle fries :)

I received a shipment of EMS rubber duckies. I am no longer allowed near a computer if I have alcohol in me. (They're kinda cute though).
:O WHOAAA. I'm not quite sure if I should be freaked out or not... Remember my post regarding chik-fil-a and their favoritism towards leo's? Apparently not anymore... I had a discussion going on with some friends on facebook about what happened and somehow word got back to the individual owner/operator of said chik-fil-a.. Not only did the owner make his apologies sincerly voiced but he's clarified the policy with the staff that it applies to all First Responder personell. He has offered to treat the station and myself to free food... I'm still kinda weirded out that my lowly little facebook post caused this kind of reaction.. and personal contact via the owner.

In case you guys were wondering, its 50% to everyone across the board. He's not sure who and why the leo's were treated differently but he seemed less than pleased to find the clerk deviated from the policy.

I feel like an :censored::censored::censored: for flaming chik-fil-a now, especially over that discussion that went on not too long ago about demanding discounts as first responders... :sad:

Eh, don't feel too bad, I'm sure the owner is thankful that somebody brought that to his attention, I mean he wouldn't want one of his employees giving his franchise a bad name just because they have some sort of bias towards LEO's.

We don't have Chick-fil-A in Oregon....DAMN YOU OREGON! I wish I would have thought of going to one when I was in Roseville last week :(
I received a shipment of EMS rubber duckies. I am no longer allowed near a computer if I have alcohol in me. (They're kinda cute though).

Don't feel bad I once accidentally ordered 2 couches at the same time from overstock while "altered". It will forever be known among my friends as "the day of the mysterious couches"
I received a shipment of EMS rubber duckies. I am no longer allowed near a computer if I have alcohol in me. (They're kinda cute though).

Can I have one?
I'm convinced that Wilfred Brimley has single handedly changed the way "diabetes" is pronounced...forever

I always love when people refer to it as "the sugar" (almost always heard from elderly black women) or "sugar diabetes". As opposed to the more rapidly lethal oregano form?
I always love when people refer to it as "the sugar" (almost always heard from elderly black women) or "sugar diabetes". As opposed to the more rapidly lethal oregano form?

Hey, oregano diabetes is nothing to mess with, it's a silent epidemic that has plagued the US for years :( However, I did have a patient who stated she hadn't "contracted diabeetus" in awhile, perhaps she has some form of cure for it?
Hey dont eff with the choogar mang!

Sent from LuLu using Tapatalk
I hate hearing "I'm borderline hypertensive" or "borderline diabetic" and they take medications for it....
Another year, another new Kindle, and one I'm probably going to buy!

$79! They finally broke the $100 mark.

$99 for a touch version.

$199 for a tablet.
Nice....I might actually break down and get one despite my love for books.