the 100% directionless thread


Forum Chief

Sometimes I just f****** hate people. Like the gal at 0010 who was diagnosed with a UTI three days ago and put on antibiotics. Who calls us at this ungodly hour cause "my pee is darker than it was yesterday." And who then demands this and that and complains about everything on the way in. Never mind she was sitting in a vehicle with a perfectly capable driver when we arrived. Not only that, she had been sitting in the vehicle for 20 minutes. It would not be quite so bad if she didn't freaking complain about everything!

Anyhow, my first thought was: And you know it's darker how? When I go to the bathroom at midnight, I usually stumble in there, don't turn the light on, barely even find the toilet, and then forget to flush before stumbling back to bed.

Anyone know why we get called to those stubbed toe calls and dispatch says: "The RP will meet you in a silver Toyota at the intersection where you need to turn. They'll have their four ways on." What ever happened to taking someone to the ER yourself? Especially when they don't really need EMS. And if you are going to call me out to Timbuktu at oh-dark-thirty when you are perfectly capable of driving this stable, non emergent, non BLS, non anything patient to the emergency room, then don't f******* tailgate my ambulance like you are chained to it with a two foot long chain! I'll warn you once on scene, then don't get all d*** b****y at me when I have my driver call a deputy out to cite your sorry a** for endangering me and my crew.

Anyone wonder why my ambulance has to get dispatched to a 34 yof complaining of darker urine than yesterday? I sure wonder. I swear, with textbook vital signs, this call could be handled just fine by a few of those fuzzy frogs Sasha was talking about. In fact a frog might be too smart for this call. It would take the intellectual capacity of a head of lettuce to run this call, which apparently you Mr. RP and you Madam Pt both apparently lack, or you would not have called 911 demanding an ambulance for a BS call that could have waited till morning, at which point you could have loaded up into your POV and made it to the ER without anything worse than happened on your ambulance ride, which I am 99% certain, you won't pay for anyhow. Oh yea, that's right, I'LL END UP PAYING FOR IT!

Sorry.....sometimes you just have to scream and rant.

Because... duh... if they take themselves they will have to wait in the waiting room.
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Forum Culinary Powerhouse
Because... duh... if they take themselves they will have to wait in the waiting room.
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I love watching the medics roll right past the charge nurse and dump their patient in the waiting room.


Forum Deputy Chief
Because... duh... if they take themselves they will have to wait in the waiting room.
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Oh that's right. My bad. :p

I so wish the hospital here would triage our pts to the waiting room sometimes. People would stop thinking the ambulance was a free ticket past the waiting room.

I will say that once all but one room was full and we rolled up with a similar call to the one in my last post at the same time that some poor bugger who had almost cut his leg off with a chainsaw rolled up POV. (Go figure, we pick up the one who could have walked the two blocks to the hospital, the guy with the partial amputation is driven in by his family....ironic, eh?) Needless to say the staff told us, "Take her to the waiting room and just leave her there, we are full right now." We rolled off to the waiting room with her still bellowing at the nurse about how she needed to be seen RIGHT NOW!!! I later heard that she sat in the waiting room for about 30 minutes, then got up and walked out. lol.

Anyhow, now that I am home and relaxed, last night doesn't seem quite so bad.


Forum Chief
I love end of the season sales.$140 worth of swimsuits for a grand total of $23 using a coupon and clearance rack.

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Doogie Howser FP-C
Oh that's right. My bad. :p

I so wish the hospital here would triage our pts to the waiting room sometimes. People would stop thinking the ambulance was a free ticket past the waiting room.

I will say that once all but one room was full and we rolled up with a similar call to the one in my last post at the same time that some poor bugger who had almost cut his leg off with a chainsaw rolled up POV. (Go figure, we pick up the one who could have walked the two blocks to the hospital, the guy with the partial amputation is driven in by his family....ironic, eh?) Needless to say the staff told us, "Take her to the waiting room and just leave her there, we are full right now." We rolled off to the waiting room with her still bellowing at the nurse about how she needed to be seen RIGHT NOW!!! I later heard that she sat in the waiting room for about 30 minutes, then got up and walked out. lol.

Anyhow, now that I am home and relaxed, last night doesn't seem quite so bad.

Isn't that how it always goes? The pt's who actually need us take themselves or wait way too long to call. :/


Forum Deputy Chief
I so wish the hospital here would triage our pts to the waiting room sometimes. People would stop thinking the ambulance was a free ticket past the waiting room.

You don't put people in the waiting room?

We put people into the waiting room all the time, infact Brown has personally parked people out there, hung their IV up, made sure its running and left them there with paperwork at the desk. If they said anything my answer was basically "yeah, and... ?"

Get some balls man! :D


Forum Chief
Nothing wrong with asking why they called at an ungodly hour when the problem has been going on all day, or worse, days. Nothing wrong with asking why they didn't just drive to the ER in the working vehicle for a condition that didn't warrant an ambulance.

Hey, part of medicine is informed consent, right? I see no problem letting them know an ambulance is not needed. Of course, I'll be more than willing to take them to the hospital.... but they'll be fully informed that there isn't a single thing I'll do for them the whole ride in.


Forum Troll
Nothing wrong with asking why they called at an ungodly hour when the problem has been going on all day, or worse, days. Nothing wrong with asking why they didn't just drive to the ER in the working vehicle for a condition that didn't warrant an ambulance.

Hey, part of medicine is informed consent, right? I see no problem letting them know an ambulance is not needed. Of course, I'll be more than willing to take them to the hospital.... but they'll be fully informed that there isn't a single thing I'll do for them the whole ride in.

We say all of that too. And then we inform them that it's basically going to be an expensive taxi ride in a extremely rough ambulance. And ive only had one patient where the hospital had us put them in the waiting room.


Forum Chief
Six days. Six days left.

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The Truth Provider
Six days. Six days left.

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No the world ends in 2012. Didn't you pay attention to the movie?:wacko:


Forum Chief
You'll be the first to know after I catch my breath............... (from dancing a Jig) :)

The world isnt ending, thats all the calendar maker got up to before he died.

Six more days til my best friend comes back from his vacation. I miss him lots.

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The Truth Provider
The world isnt ending, thats all the calendar maker got up to before he died.

Six more days til my best friend comes back from his vacation. I miss him lots.

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I'm not on vacation I'm employment challenged.:rofl:


Forum Chief
I'm not on vacation I'm employment challenged.:rofl:

I thought you were on vacation? They told me you were staying a nice white room with nice soft walls.

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The Truth Provider
I thought you were on vacation? They told me you were staying a nice white room with nice soft walls.

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I am so gonna file a hippo violation on that emt.:p


Forum Deputy Chief
Got a promotion and a nice raise. Down side is a 70mile commute, upside is I get a take home car during my on days.

Sent from my electronic overbearing life controller


The Truth Provider
No one is gonna believe you, you're crazy.

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Wow more proof of the HIPPO violation as they disclosed my official diagnosis.;)


Forum Deputy Chief
Wow more proof of the HIPPO violation as they disclosed my official diagnosis.;)

I don't want to know about you violating a hippo.....
