Ambulance calls City 3
City 3 clearing NSH, returning city
City 3, priority one, towards Glenfield, thirty one echo
Oh bloody hell come on Black lets go ...
*Brown throws the map book at Black
Lets see blind Brown hmm come out of hospital into Northcote Rd, right Sunnybrae Rd then left again and we should be there, um lets have a squiz at the magic box and see what it says ... hmm, Nana found in bed by family, apparently not breathing, that's not good
You know Black? Brown never did like this new box they put in, never has winning lotto numbers or anything good on it, what you think Black, clear to the right, oh bugger this that is why Brown wears heavy work boots so Brown can floor it and get through intersections, be a good sport Black hit the air horn for Brown, now lets alternate between wail and yelp, there we go, pop in a quick blast of phazser while we are at it ....
Looks like us Black, swing it round, there we go, select reverse, beep, beep, beep, beep, straighten it up, hmm forward a bit, oh bloody hell Black lets just park out front ... there we go
Wee! That was fun!
Crazy, crazy Brown is such a whacker