the 100% directionless thread

I'm driving a 20 foot pipe underneath my asphalt drive for an underground dog fence.
I'm on my first home time in 11 months...taking a while to get used to sitting in a chair that isn't vibrating in time with the engine.
First home time?
Yeah. The psych hold expired...

Don't we all?
Had a great meeting at work today. Vision planning is awesome. Having the opportunity to change things is so rewarding.
Agreed. While I haven't been mentally challenged by the new job in terms of patient care, I got the green light to put together some airway training after looking over some AirTraq videos. I was given free reign to put the info I brought up together and to go around the shifts when I had time. Not only that, we can get CE's for it apparently. Definitely loving that aspect of the new job.
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I missed one of 3 tests for my Ops class. Had to make a 90 on the final to pass. I scrolled through the questions I got wrong. I could get 7 wrong. I didn't count, but the more I saw wrong, the more anxious I was. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket because the school's app updated my average. But I had to take the PHTLS test and couldn't check.

I took about 20 minutes for 120 questions total. I've always been a fast test taker, but combined with coming up on 20 hours no sleep after working overnight and pretty buzzed (more like whacked out) with too much caffeine because I basically never drink it, the second I finished the test, my heart went rapid. I didn't even want to take my pulse.

I was shaking I put up the laptop and cleared my table and handed in the PHTLS test. My professor was already checking his phone and pc for something. I dunno .

Pulled out my phone out and fat fingered the keys to get the average and saw it. *70*.

That's it. I somehow passed. The prior week I sent over my professor's notes on homework and saw I got a question right, but it was marked wrong. He adjusted the question. I wonder if that was enough.

I thought I was going to keel over I was so tense.

One more final tomorrow morning. Trauma. Should be fine in that class.

Gonna switch from a GP to a psychiatrist for my ADHD.

Then we get less than a month off before summer classes start, cardiology. I'm glad I found it so fascinating before, as they're already asking us to get ahead if we want due to the depth of the material in such a short time.
Had a great meeting at work today. Vision planning is awesome. Having the opportunity to change things is so rewarding.

Such a great feeling. My primary job is all about this - it’s the best when change sticks!
I didn't have any intention 9f napping last evening, all I know I was on the couch, I closed my eyes, next thing I know I'm the epitome of the "waking up going "What year is it?!?!" Meme", and it's 2 hours later, after 8 pm.....

So of course I can't get to sleep on normal time, so come 6 when my alarm is going off I'm very much zombie needs coffee mode this morning 😴😴😴
Thinking about adding rowing into the mix of daily cardio, but I sure do hate it.
Death to the rowing machine. I did competitive rowing in high school.

And most people use them wrong.
Clock into work. Told that we’re going to be super busy so get our *** on the road. Do rig check. Main O2 is empty, gas tank almost empty, no gas card, missing supplies. Go to swap out O2, there’s no wrench for the tank. Get one from the garage and swap out the tank. Fill up with gas and go back to base to return the gas card. Now we’re stuck in a turning lane waiting for oncoming traffic to let us make the turn. We started all of this an hour ago.
And go figure they still haven’t fixed the AC in the back. It’s always boiling in the back as well.