the 100% directionless thread

I could be wrong but I would guess there is a difference between directionless topics, and topics that may be better suited in a place where they are (more) easily searchablrle.

I'm just being facetious
4 days off just isn’t enough.
All of my days off due to canceling OT has been leaving me quite board. If I had plan that would be one thing, but with the social distancing/communal house arrest I'm starting to lose my mind.
4 days is too much this round. Wife is weekened night shift option so from friday morning till Monday evening, its just me and the girls. That means most of my projects get started at bedtime and i work till midnight or so.

I go to work to catch up on sleep.
My wife has been home with our daughter and she’s going insane. She’s a veterinarian and does relief work. Its kind of like a substitute teacher for vet practices. Because all of the practices here have drastically reduced their hours, she’s been out of work for weeks.

I’ve been trying to catch up on stuff around the house, but I find myself being drawn into my little pony and Barbie games, while my wife sits on the porch and sips wine, cackling maniacally. I feel for her. I’d go crazy if I had to stay home every day too.
My wife has been home with our daughter and she’s going insane. She’s a veterinarian and does relief work. Its kind of like a substitute teacher for vet practices. Because all of the practices here have drastically reduced their hours, she’s been out of work for weeks.

I’ve been trying to catch up on stuff around the house, but I find myself being drawn into my little pony and Barbie games, while my wife sits on the porch and sips wine, cackling maniacally. I feel for her. I’d go crazy if I had to stay home every day too.
I love my babies, I do, but it’s definitely given me perspective and a whole new sense of respect for stay-at-home parents.

Also, I’ve officially re-entered being dad to a tot. He apparently enjoys some silly song about poop. They’re so damn cute at this stage.
We bought a bounce house and have it set up in the garage to get the kiddo’s energy used up. Best $150 we ever spent. Once this is over, we’ll let all the neighborhood kids jump on it
Since this all started I got a giant playset and a trampoline, but my kids "dont have anything to do"
Since this all started I got a giant playset and a trampoline, but my kids "dont have anything to do"
Telling my parents I had nothing to do was one of the dumber things I ever said to them. They were more than willing to give me things to do.
I'm about to buy my almost three year old an indoor trampoline.
Telling my parents I had nothing to do was one of the dumber things I ever said to them. They were more than willing to give me things to do.

You hit that nail on the head. I cringe at the thought of telling my dad "I'm bored" "there's nothing to do"
Telling my parents I had nothing to do was one of the dumber things I ever said to them. They were more than willing to give me things to do.
I could still hear my dad’s reply clear as day:
“Go out and play in traffic.” God, I loved that man.
4 days is too much this round.

What are days off? Last day of my 72 hour shift I was up all night on a veg fire, I have been up for 36 hours straight. I specifically didn't pick up OT so I could get my 4 days off to start my "yard improvement" project (which I started today after getting off work). Don't you dare say that 4 days is too much.