Brown.. fly? YES. New Zealand.. Double Yes.
Brown likes your attitude. Get down here stat!
what do you want for Christmas Mr. brown?
Brown would like hmm, lets see...
- to become a flying HEMS Doctor? No,
- to become an anaesthesti? No,
- to drive round in the gangsta-as hella awesome HEMS Doctor car? No,
- to win the lotto? No,
- for Brown's boss to drop dead? Tempting but no,
- for Brown's mother in law to drop dead? Mrs Brown may find it tempting, but ... no,
- for peace on earth? Foo that just a notion used on suckers by the New World Order so no,
Hmmm .... well seeing as how Mrs Brown might read this Brown would like one of the between one and four Mini Brown's that they have agreed to try for.
Now, because Mrs Brown might not read this .... Brown would like his Christmas present to be in voucher form redeemable for up to 12 months at a later date for a post-dated present of equal or higher value than Santa was going to give Brown at Christmas time.
Oh ... and Brown had best be careful on the first one seeing as how Brown has more girls names than boys on the list of potential names .... Brown may just end up with a house full of girls. Eeek!