the 100% directionless thread

Just be glad you're not a firefighter...
Oh, did you guys run out of coloring books at your station? I can drop some off hahaha
Shows what?

What everyone on here has been saying. The maturity or lack there of, the automatic assumption that everyone is belittling or attacking you, the automatic defensive replies, the "I know what you are, but what am I" mentality.
What everyone on here has been saying. The maturity or lack there of, the automatic assumption that everyone is belittling or attacking you, the automatic defensive replies, the "I know what you are, but what am I" mentality.

Okay, so by what logic did he have the right to assume and then advertise incorrectly my unpopularity?

That's what I don't understand.

Nobody has to back up what they say but if I question it (with contrary facts, no less), I'm immature?

You can't see how one sided this is?
Be prepared. Not just on the forums, but at the station.

I will be. I want to have some experience as a medic first though.
Alright well I am done posting on that topic. I don’t want this thread to get closed by the mods.
Alright well I am done posting on that topic. I don’t want this thread to get closed by the mods.

Excellent cop out to avoid the burden of proof being on you.


You cannot admit you were wrong. I get it. And because you and others view me as a problem child, you think everyone else must as well. But that's subjective and opinion at best. The world does not have to subscribe to your opinion
Okay, so by what logic did he have the right to assume and then advertise incorrectly my unpopularity?

Based on your previous posts on working with partners it seemed like you didn't get along and you lacked personal skills. An observation that everyone on this forum pointed out.

Nobody has to back up what they say but if I question it (with contrary facts, no less), I'm immature?

It's how you go about question. It comes off as defensive and reactive vs inquisitive.

I will be. I want to have some experience as a medic first though.

I don't mean by skills alone. While it is a kinder and gentler fire department you still need thick skin. This is a no bull excrement straight up statement.
Brah, you have already proved my point numerous times

What proof. Actual proof do you have that people don't want to work with me?
Edit: Again aside from 2 people who are callused, lazy and don't want to do their jobs that others don't agree with either.

That was a shot in the dark based off your skewed and cemented opinion of me.
Can someone give me the cliff notes of the last 4 pages?
I know Desertmedic personally. I've known him for quite sometime. He does and will admit when he's wrong.
Ok, now! The short, short version!!...

It’s the return of The @DragonClaw Show.

Also, If anyone gets the movie quote I owe them a tall boy.
Well I don't get a tall boy. But I appreciate the synopses.
It’s not even worth it at this point. I hope in a couple of years you will look back on your posts and do a huge face palm and realize how much you have changed and grown. I know I did when I look back on my posts from 2010/2011.

Also please know that I do not like to flaunt around my medic license. I much prefer to flaunt around my flight medic license :p