the 100% directionless thread

I always take my new EMT students on a field trip to out county PSAP so they can see how busy it is. That's how I fight that stuff.

My previous 911 has cadets doing a shift in dispatch shadowing and listening in on calls.
I always take my new EMT students on a field trip to out county PSAP so they can see how busy it is. That's how I fight that stuff.

We try with our EMS providers, especially since we’re a single county entity. We’ve all but given up on our volunteer fire departments and most of the LEOs.

I wish more agencies did ride alongs/ sit ins that went both ways. My guys and gals do over 100 hours of ride alongs with each agency, and we always have the door open for everyone to stop in, they just don’t.
I did a while back. I don’t think I ever had the dose right.
Might be worth a second try. As you know, these meds take a while for full effect and to get dialed in.
Local hospital based flight team just put out an opening. Might throw my name in the hat just to see what happens. It would be good interview practice at the very least.
The next Recruit Class graduates in ~a month. They're also adding a new Rescue squad (as in heavy rescue, SAR stuff) to my current station. I'm def not not interested in Rescue. Buuut, everyone else in the dept is like those guys can be a bit prima Donna, view themselves as better (idk quite how true it is, though I do know I tend to prefer working at single company stations anyway) And our station is a bit small for two companies.

Combined with the "vacation station" (we're like the 4th or 5th slowest engine on the whole island... the Rescue guys going to mostly lost/injured hikers and swimmers might actually end up busier than us...) I'm seriously considering putting in transfer papers (there's usually a round of moves when the Recruits graduate and move out to the stations).

I like my crew, and it's a beautiful area, but yeah, I'm going a bit stir crazy there heh. I had some OT in the Bn where I live last couple days, and it sounds like the station closest to my apt, a much busier engine (but not the "call an hour" like some of the stations downtown), due to get one of the brand new trucks on the next order, 5 min commute... sounds like they'll have an opening or two that if I put in, might get. So yeah, think I'll put in the papers!
This football season has been pretty good.
I’m hoping someone knocks out the Patriots early. Tired of seeing them in the Super Bowl
@Jim37F I say you transfer and go get some action!
When your FTO doesn’t wear a seatbelt...
We've got cameras in all company vehicles. We get in big doodoo if we're not wearing them.

In other news. Pie.


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I see ortho today. 12:20 appointment. I hope he says I can take this boot off and drive again.

I got my goose socks in.


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Just had a good atypical STEMI in a 52 year old female. Slight burning sensation and a little nausea. Elevation in II,III AND avf.

BAM! Straight to the cath lab, do not pass go, do not collect $200.
I got more x rays and now they want an MRI to see if ligaments area messed up. They said it's an odd break and they're not sure if they need to operate.