the 100% directionless thread

Some days my anxiety and depression make me unbearable to be around.
I haven’t had much luck with SSRIs. Unfortunately.
Christmas packages arrived today from Sant-Amazon sent from my folks in back in California. My sister got me a t-shirt, my folks got me a Ninja Foodie Air Fryer, and a SOG pocket knife that were actually both on my list haha 😊👍
Which sog? I love the fielder
Which sog? I love the fielder
Flash II tanto
I get shop talk, etc. but perhaps before people start complaining about my comm center staff, without having any idea what the hell we are or were doing at the time of a call...

They should probably learn who they are talking to... I’m not gonna hold it against them real long, but it’s not like It’s hidden I’m the head of communications. There’s only a handful of people walking around in white shirts...
I get shop talk, etc. but perhaps before people start complaining about my comm center staff, without having any idea what the hell we are or were doing at the time of a call...

They should probably learn who they are talking to... I’m not gonna hold it against them real long, but it’s not like It’s hidden I’m the head of communications. There’s only a handful of people walking around in white shirts...

I always take my new EMT students on a field trip to out county PSAP so they can see how busy it is. That's how I fight that stuff.