the 100% directionless thread

So having a nearly one year old who has decided not to sleep for more than 90 minutes at a time is becoming exhausting.
People need to learn the difference between emotional support animals and service animals. They also need to learn to ESA "registries" are a scam. ESAs are great, but you can't bring them into the grocery store. If you answer "Yes" to the "Is your dog a service animal?" question and answer "Emotional support" to the "What service do they provide?" question there's an issue and if you tell me they're "registered" as a service animal I'm not going to believe you because there is no official registry for either ESAs or service animals. If you paid to have your animal registered you got scammed while trying to cheat the system. If you have an emotional disability you need to be properly diagnosed and get a letter from a LMHP who has evaluated you more thoroughly than through an online questionnaire.
Ive occasionally ran 911 calls on individuals with an ES dog. Dogs were small and well behaved so I just took them, it wasnt worth the fight or the impending ROS. The local EDs never questioned it.
So having a nearly one year old who has decided not to sleep for more than 90 minutes at a time is becoming exhausting.
Anyone who ever told you parents get sleep lied to you.
Anyone ever submit a case study to a medical journal? Sounds like I will be putting in a lot of work.
People need to learn the difference between emotional support animals and service animals. They also need to learn to ESA "registries" are a scam. ESAs are great, but you can't bring them into the grocery store. If you answer "Yes" to the "Is your dog a service animal?" question and answer "Emotional support" to the "What service do they provide?" question there's an issue and if you tell me they're "registered" as a service animal I'm not going to believe you because there is no official registry for either ESAs or service animals. If you paid to have your animal registered you got scammed while trying to cheat the system. If you have an emotional disability you need to be properly diagnosed and get a letter from a LMHP who has evaluated you more thoroughly than through an online questionnaire.
Unfortunately, there is really no way to call people on this. It doesn't matter how they answer those questions, you are not required to show any documentation. I had a floridly tweaking methhead look me square in the eye last week and tell me her filthy terrier that she was using a ratchet strap as a leash for was a service dog. So we loaded her and the dog up and took em to the hospital. I felt bad for the dog.
Every week as a Chargers fan.


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Every week as a Chargers fan.
Full marks for your loyalty. As for me? My team barely beat an 0-9 Bengals this past Sunday.

It’s certainly fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants fun to watch, but hardly serious playoff contention football.
Ugh, San Diego sports....born with a Chargers football in my crib, Pads games at the Murph, such a crap sports town. Had a detour as kid where i lived in San Jose, so for hockey, I'm a Sharks fan and that isn't any better.
Gastroenteritis sucks! I'm a bit dehydrated despite slamming Pedialyte and soup, resting HR 105 right now with mild household activity.
Really good doc on HBO called “Ernie & Joe”.

It’s about mental health and the first responders—in this case, in San Antonio—who deal with it, and what they’re doing to change not only their community, but the stigma itself; kinda neat to see.

Worth a gander for anyone interested.
Really good doc on HBO called “Ernie & Joe”.

It’s about mental health and the first responders—in this case, in San Antonio—who deal with it, and what they’re doing to change not only their community, but the stigma itself; kinda neat to see.

Worth a gander for anyone interested.

I would love to see that if I had HBO... hmm, maybe I'll just do the free trial.
Three papers due this week... And I want to do none of them.
Dang, checked into my flight, now its time to pack to head back after seeing the fam for (early) Thanksgiving. Over way to fast, wish I could smuggle one of these adorably crazy kitties in my bag! (In which case Mom would follow me to reclaim Her cat lol.

Oh well, I'm planning a (post) Christmas leave as well, that one instead of one shift off, I'm gonna try to get a whole cycle off and have 2 full weeks at home, hopefully see some old friends as well.
40 degrees and raining... definitely soup and fireplace weather tonight.