the 100% directionless thread


Californian, Lost in Texas
Same here, I think the snow has melted away here though.

We did a flight from Ridgecrest to Palmdale last rotation. As we cut across the part of Kern County's deep back deserts beyond Mojave west of Ridgecrest I looked down and saw sheep herds gnawing on grass grown from all the rain. Awesome winter.

I miss Ridgecrest a lot. That little town is a great place to grow up. Is Liberty still a thing?


Family Guy
I miss Ridgecrest a lot. That little town is a great place to grow up. Is Liberty still a thing?
Alive, and well. We see them routinely.

In other news, I did my first "two-a-day" in a long time today. We took the girls to Universal Studios yesterday, and the guilt from overindulging got the best of me.

Also, City Walk now has a Voodoo Donut. I didn't go in myself, but saw tons of people walking around with their donut boxes, and the line outside their little shop was pretty long.

Any PNW, or specifically, Oregonians care to elaborate on the level of their awesomeness? The only thing I know of them is from those "foodie" shows.


Forum Deputy Chief
In other news, I did my first "two-a-day" in a long time today. We took the girls to Universal Studios yesterday, and the guilt from overindulging got the best of me.
Two a days are one of the most beautiful experiences that can be had.


I know a guy who knows a guy.
Alive, and well. We see them routinely.

In other news, I did my first "two-a-day" in a long time today. We took the girls to Universal Studios yesterday, and the guilt from overindulging got the best of me.

Also, City Walk now has a Voodoo Donut. I didn't go in myself, but saw tons of people walking around with their donut boxes, and the line outside their little shop was pretty long.

Any PNW, or specifically, Oregonians care to elaborate on the level of their awesomeness? The only thing I know of them is from those "foodie" shows.

What's a "2 a day"?
And voodoo donuts are... donuts. Expensive, Sweet, covered with stuff donuts.

At the end of the day... still just a donut.


Forum Deputy Chief
This will happen after mixing in two a days to an already regular workout schedule.



Forum Deputy Chief
Really.....Urgent care shipping a patient out to Emergency Room because they're closing for the night....but they call us via 911 because somehow out of the 80 ambulance companies in the county supposedly no one had a less than 2 hour Eta (for a BLS response)....yeah....someone really needs to talk to their administrators about when to/not to call 911...(oh yeah, the ER is like 50 feet away in the same building....why they even needed to call an ambulance in the first place vs a tech with a gurney is beyond me....)


Forum Deputy Chief

Handsome Robb

Premium Member


Forum Deputy Chief
What's your favorite part of RAA?
No, idea. I still have a few weeks before I even start, ask me in October when I have a feel for the place. :D

It's a step in the right direction though. They are primary providers for the city (primary for some municipalities at AMR right now, but we get STLFD's leftovers and overflow), its a pay raise even if I only get base pay, they have a very nice uniform allowance for new hires, plenty of CEU opportunity so I don't have to stress about keeping up on my own as much, and I have the chance to pick the brains of PJ trainees as they come through. That and it's Richmond, I will get plenty of opportunities to learn and not be such a dumb newbie. From what I can tell, they seem to have pretty progressive protocols, which would be nice.

I like their intro process as well, at least as a new medic. Orientation + FTO rides seems like it is actually going to be a fairly lengthy process, a month at least, if not more if I had to guess. It will be nice getting to ride with another medic for a while so I can have more of a chance to learn from someone who has been around for a bit. I haven't had anything too crazy or over my head yet, but these first few months have been a lot of trial and error combined with learning what I can from folks on here.

Probably that they hired him.
And this hahaha