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While it's always possible, I doubt it's super likely. We've been rattling sabers and making threats and whatnot against each other since 1953.....and have had multiple full blown skirmishes with firefights and casualties in the DMZ since then without going to full scale war.
(Btw the GBU-43/B Massive Ordinance Air Burst aka MOAB is so big that it has to be dropped by a C-130 cargo plane....probably not a good opening strike platform against the Norks lol.....on the other hand we do have the GBU-57A/B Massive Ordinance Penetrator (MOP) which is similarly sized (but carries half the explosive payload, is still about 10,000 pounds heavier because it is explicitly designed to be a bunker buster designed to take out Iranian and North Korean nuclear bunkers....a B2 Spirit stealth bomber can carry 2 of these guys....so yeah, the MOP would be used in a first strike against NK nuke program.....but the bomb itself is less newsworthy than the MOAB because it has half the explosive, and let's face it, the MOAB is only newsworthy over JDAMs and the countless other bombs we've dropped against ISIS and al Qaeda and the Taliban and the like because it's simply the biggest one we have.....and because for whatever reason we've kept them in a warehouse for the last decade....if we had used them shortly after development and off and in in theater, we all really wouldn't be talking about the MOAB right now lol)
Why am I having visions of a C5 kicking a few of these out?

OK. We build a yuuuuuuuge catapult. The best catapult. The greatest catapult ever...