the 100% directionless thread

so kids now getting new toys :D??
I'm a dad with two girls, I spoil, mama disciplines. Gymnastics and swim lessons don't pay for themselves, nor do horse lessons.
I'm a dad with two girls, I spoil, mama disciplines. Gymnastics and swim lessons don't pay for themselves, nor do horse lessons.

Horse lessons are a thing!? I get swim and gymnastics... But what!? Do you have to buy the horse too?

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I'm a dad with two girls, I spoil, mama disciplines. Gymnastics and swim lessons don't pay for themselves, nor do horse lessons.

Jeeze, when I was a kid I just played baseball for 8 years.
Horse lessons are a thing!? I get swim and gymnastics... But what!? Do you have to buy the horse too?
Lol, no horse. My six year old is obsessed with horses so much so that she can recite random facts about the different breeds. Lo and behold "Santa" gave her a bundle of horse sessions. We had to wait until she turned six though, and now she wants to wait until the spring as apparently it's better riding weather? Mu-uh.
Jeeze, when I was a kid I just played baseball for 8 years.
Yes, both are being held to stick out their gymnastics and swim respectively until they're through with them (i.e., have to have "graduated" their competencies) before moving on to another activity unless; one does swim, the other gymnastics.

And yes, they get shot down for stuff all the time. They're held to grades, and chores like most good kids I'd like to think. The horse lessons for our 6 year old were a Christmas/ birthday gift.
I was simple. All I wanted to do was play baseball. Now my sister on the other hand jumped between different sports till she found one that she liked. Good grades meant that I could play baseball, bad grades were a no go.
Horse lessons are a thing!? I get swim and gymnastics... But what!? Do you have to buy the horse too?

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Yep. Two of my sister's compete in different stuff. One actually took a nice tumble a while back and got a concussion. They are always doing **** too. Riding a bunch, competitions locally and at out of state events on occasion. Both are interested in some kind of vet work now lol.
Yep. Two of my sister's compete in different stuff. One actually took a nice tumble a while back and got a concussion. They are always doing **** too. Riding a bunch, competitions locally and at out of state events on occasion. Both are interested in some kind of vet work now lol.
Yeah, I'm half worried she'll be naturally inclined as an equestrian which is by no means cheap:oops:. And same here, we think she might be into the veterinarian path since she's an animal lover top to bottom.
Yeah, I'm half worried she'll be naturally inclined as an equestrian which is by no means cheap:oops:. And same here, we think she might be into the veterinarian path since she's an animal lover top to bottom.

Welcome to my life. My wife, the vet, had show horses (yes, multiple) and competed in horse shows all over the country. Wanna talk expensive? Guess what having a farrier out to the barn costs for new shoes?
Welcome to my life. My wife, the vet, had show horses (yes, multiple) and competed in horse shows all over the country. Wanna talk expensive? Guess what having a farrier out to the barn costs for new shoes?
Baby steps, brother, baby steps. Why else am I pushing for a degree for myself and for my wife to shoot for her MSN?

As far as my "adult" money? lol directly into my retirement accounts. Every blue moon I may treat myself to something nice like a new pair of running shoes. I really am low maintenance, so's my wife. The girls? Not so much. Oh, and we still want a boy:).
I still vividly remember the obnoxiously affluent crowds at an equestrian stand by I did yeeears ago in RPV. We have quite a few horse riders here, too.

It's KernCal! Still a good sense of the old Wild West.
Man, if only my wife wanted to move to Cali. I'd put on the orange and blue.
I'd split my bonus with you, and see to it that I use whatever (limited) clout I have left to get you into a supe coupe.
Polo matches man. Did stand by for those for a while. People bringing 5 horses, others driving Mercedes, auctions or stuff going for a couple g's. There is money around there for sure.
I wanted a football and pads. Got that + a shovel.( so I can shovel the driveway ofc.) lol

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While I can't give details... amazingly enough, 17 YEARS after learning how to do an IO, drilled my first.
So tired of the *****ing down here from people who don't like change.

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Been sitting for 3 hours shooting the **** with my partner. So far this has been a good shift. Now if I could just get to the Children's hospital later for a warm lunch, I'd be golden.
When dispatch sends you on another chest pain call.

When you find fire doing compressions on your patient.