the 100% directionless thread

When dispatch sends you on another chest pain call.

When you find fire doing compressions on your patient.
More like that's the faces you make when you're the BLS ambulance dispatched to a seizure patient 2 blocks away from your station and walk in first on scene and find family doing chest compressions (happened to me ~6 months ago, def an "oh ****" moment)
So the story I promised earlier. Sat for the first 4 hours, twas beautiful. Food was had. Bullshitted. Drove around some. Then. First code as a medic, lots of learning points after getting out of the student zone. So Fire technically runs the show when we are on scene, but we are (mostly) on the same page. Called for chest pain, get on scene and see the truck, walk through the door of the store and see nothing. Door person has no idea where they are. So after some confused looks between me and the partner, we wander around until someone pulls us aside. Turn into the isle and there they are, compressions and trying to make 1:10k from 1:1k and I think we both went "oh ****". Insert normal ACLS schtuff, with some things in hindsight I should have questioned and been more vocal about, but the important things were being handled (airway/compressions). So long story short asystole-->PEA-->VT-->NSR. 6 minute ride to the hospital, and by the time I leave he is talking and answering questions. Definitely a lot of little things I learned to do better for next time, but overall it went decently well and in the end ol boy got a good neuro outcome....91, so I don't know how long he will get to enjoy it, but damn that was the most responsive I have seen someone after ROSC or just having all that jazz done in general. Then ran mostly non-stop for the next 10 hours. I earned my paycheck today, time for food and sleep.

Today also reaffirmed my love for igels.
Welcome to my life. My wife, the vet, had show horses (yes, multiple) and competed in horse shows all over the country. Wanna talk expensive? Guess what having a farrier out to the barn costs for new shoes?

160-175, depending on his mood. I am told I am getting a good deal. Yes horses are very expensive if you want to do it right. Did not get into them until later in life. I find them to be a great stress reducer.

I always thought puppies were a good way to meet women. Horses are definitely a major draw to women. At least 10 women at least for every man.
Today also reaffirmed my love for igels.

Interesting. I had a similar pt who sounded like he had a syncopal episode. But not quite sure, male in his 70s. Has zero complaints. No CP, SOB, weakness, etc. nothing. Well put him on the monitor and he's in VT.
So while putting on the pads, and starting a line he codes. Couple shocks, compressions, and amiodarone and 10 min later he's A/O x 4 and wondering why he needs an ambulance ride. Pretty interesting to see all those phases first hand.
Not just a win for you but a win for AHA. Pretty badass man.
It is indeed. He had compressions from fire almost immediately I believe. Very little down time. It wasn't true CCR entirely, they got started off a bit weird, but like I said, the most important things were done so eh. Does seem to show that good compressions asap are biiiiiig.

I request you change your education from "Paramedic" to "Paragod" please and thank you.
The Fire Captain is who really kept us running cleaner. That dude made sure compressions were kept up, meds were given, and that we were just generally doing a good job.
That's the kind of thing that keeps you going as a medic. Knowing you occasionally get one back makes all the non saves worth it.
It really is. The year before I decided to do critical care I had a handful of these. From the clinically dead patient discharged 3 weeks later with complete neurological recovery, the symptomatic VT that cardioverted peri-arrested then looked up at us after having slid half way down their recliner and asked: "did I just die?", to a patient at a K Mart we burned so bad they had that "smell", and was half combative and kept wondering wth happened by the time the EM doc assessed them.

Good job, @StCEMT, relish in the call as long as you can. That sense of self-gratification has kept me afloat. Now, calls that are "saves" to most "war-story" hungry new comers sound like a lot of paperwork to me; I just take them as they come.
It was much needed. I've gotten an influx of stupid things that have been getting on my nerves a bit lately and I know I haven't hidden it the best at times (especially at 2am). That's why the ICU transfers were so welcomed. This call definitely set a much better tone for the rest of the day.
Now, calls that are "saves" to most "war-story" hungry new comers sound like a lot of paperwork to me; I just take them as they come.

Don't even get me started....My first time filling out a PCR for a code....I missed being the driver once I actually got a chance to open the computer up.
Sounds like a very well-run encounter.

Applied for a local county EMS service that is doing interesting things and looks to be a better fit for me and my family. Hoping I get selected.
Don't even get me started....My first time filling out a PCR for a code....I missed being the driver once I actually got a chance to open the computer up.
Lol, I used to tell one of my old partners this all the time, and he echoed the response when he had his first as a paramedic.

That, and the endlessly immature douchebags who constantly brag about their shootings and stabbings almost always get the: "have fun at your depo." from me.
Sounds like a very well-run encounter.

Applied for a local county EMS service that is doing interesting things and looks to be a better fit for me and my family. Hoping I get selected.
Black ambo?

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*whistleing*Walk back into station just in time to see Atlanta intercept and return 82 yards for a touchdown, 21-zip
Aaaaaannd even though we were third up (2 other units already at station when we got there), 10 min later we're getting a call after the other 2 already caught runs themselves....