the 100% directionless thread

Bacon pancakes? Oh great. I just created my own earworm. Let's see how many people get this.

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good vodka recommendations anybody?? I have Ciroc, and New Amsterdam(cali people :)). What else should i add?
Vodka is vodka once you get out of the 20+ for a 750 range. If you're mixing, go with anything. If you're going straight or with ice cubes, grey goose is affordable from big chain stores. My recommendation, buy a bunch of the small bottles of different brands and see what you like the most.

Alcohol is very subjective and each brand taste slightly different. It's really only truly important to differentiate between brands if you're going straight, otherwise go for the cheaper (or stronger) alternative.
I'm on a tequila kick right now. I've moved and don't really have anywhere to get craft-style beers anymore :( I miss me some piraat ale.
Alcohol is very subjective and each brand taste slightly different. It's really only truly important to differentiate between brands if you're going straight, otherwise go for the cheaper (or stronger) alternative.

All vodka taste like ethanol to me...
i shall investigate if they sell it up here tomorrow.

They sold it in Poughkeepsie as of three years ago - I'm sure they sell it in Albany! It's good stuff!
Now how 'bout them...[insert sportsball team here]?
That is a great comic. I think it might be the sports analysis that irritates me the most!
So we do some little trivia game in medical terminology that we connect to through phones or laptops. Today was team day and I misunderstood how many teams we were having and thought I would team up with a friend. Saw team name box and typed "cooter". I guess outside of the South, that isn't a turtle.... :p Then come to find out, teams were just left and right side of the room.....oops....

Cooking a late breakfast today for the girlfriend. :)

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DSId a head bleed earlier. Two and a half hours after finally getting back to station I'm finished with my paperwork.

I haven't been this comfy in a recliner for a while.

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Other CCT truck got an epiglottitis call... sooooooooooooooooooooo glad.