the 100% directionless thread

Just got on the horn with ticketmaster. Turns out for some reason they had to shut down the system about 30 minutes after tickets went on sale, and that was during my session. Sometime later, they were able to put the tickets back up, and while I was staring at my expired session, which I didn't know was expired, all the latecomers were able to log in and buy up all the tickets.

Well, if that isn't as frustrating and disappointing as all get out!
Just got on the horn with ticketmaster. Turns out for some reason they had to shut down the system about 30 minutes after tickets went on sale, and that was during my session. Sometime later, they were able to put the tickets back up, and while I was staring at my expired session, which I didn't know was expired, all the latecomers were able to log in and buy up all the tickets.

Maybe you can get a single through stub hub?
That sucks. I guess I have a plus to working in media, I never pay for a concert ticket. But going backstage is more of a PITA than anything to look forward to. I haven't been excited about meeting an artist since '95 when I saw REM. :)
Looks like I'm headed to the pulmonologist as soon as they have an opening. Ended up with what my PCP, supervisor and another physician friend think was exercise induced bronchoconstriction yesterday after a PAT for an ALS FD.

Was fine after the test, well gassed but fine, then throughout the day got more and more short of breath. Finally called a supervisor who told me I was "that breather" after he fixed me. Said he could hear me from the door. tripod-ing, pursed lip breathing, RR of ~50. Not fun.

I have a new respect for asthmatics. Never had respiratory issues in my life, haven't been sick recently. Needless to say it was downright terrifying.
Just got home from the burn tower. Did search and rescue all day long, blindfolded. Worn out.

The claustrophobia crawl in the PAT I just did was an eye opener, well eye closer I guess...haha. Never done anything like it. Crazy how much more your other senses increase when your sight is taken away. Seemed like I was crawling forever, I'm sure it wasn't nearly as far as I thought though. I was wondering how some of the bigger guys got through the part we had to army crawl through, it felt like a tight squeeze for me and I'm only 5'9" 175#.

Got offered a full time or a part time medic position at my current company. Decisions decisions.

My advice is take the FT spot, that way if you decide to you can drop to PRN/PT if something else that you want more comes up. Also, I'm not sure how your op works but we get to keep half our seniority when we promote which is nice if you have time in at the company so you're not at the absolute bottom of the seniority list when it comes to shift bid time.
My rant of the night, if you're gonna borrow my truck leave me your keys! Girlfriend took my truck to go meet her friend then go to the grocery store since I was blocking her in. I decided I want a beer, went to grab her keys and low and behold she took both her keys and mine....grrrrrrrrr
My rant of the night, if you're gonna borrow my truck leave me your keys! Girlfriend took my truck to go meet her friend then go to the grocery store since I was blocking her in. I decided I want a beer, went to grab her keys and low and behold she took both her keys and mine....grrrrrrrrr
You should have just stuck with the milk...
My rant of the night, if you're gonna borrow my truck leave me your keys! Girlfriend took my truck to go meet her friend then go to the grocery store since I was blocking her in. I decided I want a beer, went to grab her keys and low and behold she took both her keys and mine....grrrrrrrrr
Burn her car down. That'll teach her lol
Day 1 of PHTLS complete, so far so good, definitely not a bad refresher. And in other news I (finally) got the letter in the mail from San Diego Fire-Rescue Department, I've been scheduled for an oral interview in April. Good news is that's in the middle of the week so no conflict with drill weekend AND it's in the middle of my Kelley schedule 4 days off so I don't need to worry about finding coverage at work.

Still waiting on the letter from Los Angeles County Fire for their written test details. They've announced tentative test dates for March on their website and social media but to the best of my knowledge no one yet has gotten a letter officially inviting them to the test or specific details such as times or even location yet. They have said everyone who applied will know their status (I.e. invited to the test or didn't fulfill the application requirements) by the 9th so I'm anxiously looking forward to that letter as well lol.

Still working out to get that sub 7 min Biddle PAT for Long Beach Fire. Officially a passing Biddle time is 9 minutes 34 seconds but everyone I've talked to says LB looks at your time (not just pass/fail) and they'd really like a sub 7 minute time, and the last time I took a Biddle (two years ago) it was one rough test. But I've still got about a month and a half of time to get there.

And of course my application is one of the little numbered balls bouncing around L.A. City FD's lottery to get a test.

Yikes, a few weeks ago I was starting to reevaluate applying to PD/Sheriffs Dept...and now it looks like my chances of landing the coveted fire job are better than ever...Now I just need to avoid bombing my upcoming interview and test lol :D
Jim thats freaking awesome man! SDFR, LACoFD, and some others are just a handful of depts. that could keep me in CA. A 7 min or under Biddle damn thats cooking good luck with that, from what people have told me its harder than the CPAT. Sounds like you've got your work cut out ahead of you, best of luck man.
Yeah, last time I took a Biddle I busted time, coming in at like 10 and half minutes. That was 2 years ago, and I like to think I'm in slightly better shape now than then lol but yeah, the idea of a 7 min Biddle is still pretty least I still have time to kick my 4th point of contact in the gym to get there, I'll be happy with a 9.33 passing time to turn in lol that'll at least get my foot in the door and let th decide if they want it or not haha
Snow s'good.


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We actually got rain today,and might even get some more tomorrow amazingly enough...then we'll promptly forget about this whole "winter" "spring" thing and be back in the 70°s next week more than likely lol