the 100% directionless thread

Hate to hear that. They've been pushing for medics.

That's why I figured, and since MS doesn't use Int's anymore they don't need any to get in the way there
Res-Q, Systems? What systems? Almost nothing we did would have passed any NFPA inspections or anything. So, here is what happened.........

Not "system" as is methods. "System" as the Rope Systems used to effect the rescue. i.e. single line, rescuer belayed off an 8 plate, 8 plate tie off, additional rescuers on rappel, 4 to 1 pig rig inserted on main line... etc... You pretty much covered it all. I got the picture. However, remember the "high regard" I have for the over complicated, over redundant, all efforts to standardize and “make safer” create more problems and a lack of flexibility required in a non-standardized rescue; i.e all SAR calls.

The worst part about the whole thing was that fire thought they were running the show. They would not have been paged, but dispatch thought from the RPs call and description that the city's arial ladder truck could reach them. Well, they were about 100 feet to high and the actual face they were on was about 200 feet off the roadway. None of the fire guys have had any high angle training so none were actually on the hill with us, but the chief down below thought he was IC in a big way. No offense to fire and all, but having non high angle trained guys on a rope rescue is like sending SAR to a structure fire. I finally got on the radio and told them to stop trying to help when Ryan and I almost got taken out by a bowling ball sized rock from 200 feet abouve us where they were trying to help one SAR guy set up a system from the top. It was tough being short handed with just five rope trained guys so in a sense fire helped with logistics and stuff down below, but..........:wacko:

Welcome to my world. you ahve seen my recent thread laying out similar issues. The problem is that FIRE is trained to believe that they are the end-all, be-all of rescue. They subscribe tot eh thinking that "rescue is rescue" no matter what type of incident it is; they muct have the ability to handle the call and should be in command. On a call like that we really appreciate the presense of one particular senior SAR guy who tkaes charge like he should. On a SAR call where multi-jurisdictional issues play no role and we are supposed to run the call (no matter if FIRE or Forest Service is on scene) we establish IC. The Deputy (the only paid rep of the Sheriff) is the IC. the senior SAR guy is Ops. That is the command system. Fire has no place in that other than to be a support rescource if we need them. However, yes, teh Fire Chief will still refer to himself as the IC. Makes me laugh in as long as their presense doesn't compliact things or create problems as it started to do in your case. When there actions endanger me or the victim we have that Deputy on scene to exercise his authority and get them in line or remove them (has never gotten to that point).

I don;t respond to structure fires, hazmat, or the like because that is a FIRE thing. They have the training, certification, experience, equipment, and jurisdiction. So why do they feel the need to place themselves in technical, swiftwater, and wilderness medical calls when it is clear that SAR is the appropriate resource and FIRE has no capability to be there. No matter who the IC is on a call, everyone else answers to him/her. Why would a specialty team follw the dirrections of someone who has no knowledge and ability in that specialty? I want the person ordering me to have as much knowledge/ability as me and more... and to have the intelligence to respect their role and mine.

Sorry for the rant... local issues in this regard are KILLING ME! :blush:
Party in the chat, wootwoot!
Woot woot!
Need more people in the chat room! STAT!
The last topic was boring. Guns are a much more enjoyable topic.

Come over to the EMS Talk room, we're hiding there until they're done
Grr... was going to head down to ABQ today, but I was checking fluids in my truck and noticed that my serp belt is damned near ready to snap. Gotta wait till 1000 till the Checkers down the street opens.
Grr... was going to head down to ABQ today, but I was checking fluids in my truck and noticed that my serp belt is damned near ready to snap. Gotta wait till 1000 till the Checkers down the street opens.

How you gonna get a serpintine belt at a burger place? :-S

jk. lol

Have fun driving.
How you gonna get a serpintine belt at a burger place? :-S

jk. lol

Have fun driving.

MMmmm Checkers burgers. When I go to FL in a few weeks I'll have to make a stop at one :)
Just saw a naked dude doing yoga on the side of the 15...