the 100% directionless thread

Are you kidding? Anything you've done since you met them is fair game... and if the woman is your mother, then everything you've done to her since you were concieved is also fair game. Jeez, men are such whiners!

Amen, Sasha!
Threw rocks at them til they let go, then worked the trauma :).. or that's what I would have done anyway. You rope people do things the hard way.

KISS right?
Threw rocks at them til they let go, then worked the trauma :).. or that's what I would have done anyway. You rope people do things the hard way.

Well, one of the cops doing traffic offered to shoot them down for us.:P

8jimi8, They were climbing with no ropes, no nothing but hands and feet. The one guy didn't even have any gloves.

Res-Q, Systems? What systems? Almost nothing we did would have passed any NFPA inspections or anything. So, here is what happened........

These guys were stuck about 50-75 feet up a vertical (or close to it) face at the top of a good 80% slope. The entire slope was deep gravel and dirt draws seperated by shale ridges. Absolutly nothing to anchor to on the way up. Four us us, me, Wayne, Keith and Ryan climbed up from below. We pretty much just scrambled up solo to where it went vertical. There was a small ledge where one of them was. It was about 50 feet below the other trapped (and most scared) dude. Another team had tried to go at them from above, but we didn't have near enough rope. There was not a thing to anchor to on our ledge, so Ryan wedged himself into a corner and we manually lowered the first guy down the slope off of Ryans harness.

To get the second guy was a little more tricky. Wanye and Keith managed to climb up a small crevasse (spelling?) to the second guy. Again, there was nothing to anchor to up there. Everything you grabbed came off in your hand and using cams would have just pulled layers of rock out along with the cam. There were several small trees, but they were rooted in what was essentially dust, and you could almost pull them out by hand. Wayne and Keith found places to be manual anchors and lowered the guy to Ryan and I off of Wayne's 8. We transferred him to my line and I lowered him the rest of the way just using my harness and gear with me as the anchor. The part I lowered him on was the steep gravel slope and he really could have crawled down backwards, but was to freaked out.

After both of them were off, the four of us half rappelled, half slid back down. By the time we finished we were just running out of usable light. It would not have been fun at all working that hill after dark.

The worst part about the whole thing was that fire thought they were running the show. They would not have been paged, but dispatch thought from the RPs call and description that the city's arial ladder truck could reach them. Well, they were about 100 feet to high and the actual face they were on was about 200 feet off the roadway. None of the fire guys have had any high angle training so none were actually on the hill with us, but the chief down below thought he was IC in a big way. No offense to fire and all, but having non high angle trained guys on a rope rescue is like sending SAR to a structure fire. I finally got on the radio and told them to stop trying to help when Ryan and I almost got taken out by a bowling ball sized rock from 200 feet abouve us where they were trying to help one SAR guy set up a system from the top. It was tough being short handed with just five rope trained guys so in a sense fire helped with logistics and stuff down below, but..........:wacko:

So anyhow, it all ended ok and it was aactually blast. Plus, it was pretty much my first rescue with this team so that was fun too.
One very important thing to remember about us. We don't get mad, we just hold a grudge for a very long time, wait until you forgot about whatever screwup you did in the first place, then plan our revenge.

She admits that they are evil creatures and do have black motives and plans! They are not all sweet and kind like they appear to be at first or attempt to make you believe they are. Under the veneer of civility, a terrible monster slumbers. :ph34r:
She admits that they are evil creatures and do have black motives and plans! They are not all sweet and kind like they appear to be at first or attempt to make you believe they are. Under the veneer of civility, a terrible monster slumbers. :ph34r:

Anyone who believes women are all sweet and innocent either has no experience with women (AKA Linuss) or is just completely naive
She admits that they are evil creatures and do have black motives and plans! They are not all sweet and kind like they appear to be at first or attempt to make you believe they are. Under the veneer of civility, a terrible monster slumbers. :ph34r:

Uh, yeah. Was there ever any doubt?
Uh, yeah. Was there ever any doubt?

No, there was never any doubt in my mind, but most of you attempt to hide the fact and try to play the "sweet and kind" card all the time. So while I and apparently jt as well knew it, I was just pointing out the fact that you actually admitted it.

jt, love the AKA Linuss part. :lol:
No, there was never any doubt in my mind, but most of you attempt to hide the fact and try to play the "sweet and kind" card all the time. So while I and apparently jt as well knew it, I was just pointing out the fact that you actually admitted it.

Oh heck no! I am in no way" sweet and kind". I am an evil, vindictive b:censored::censored::censored::censored:, in the words of most of the guys I know.
I'm in the market for a new stethoscope. My parents just called me with the gracious news that they're heading home with a Littman Classic 2 (?) SE according to them. I know some people use $15 scopes and do fine, but my hearing requires me to turn off a radio and turn down the A/C in a vehicle to efficiently hear someone over a phone. So basically what recommendations do you experienced, salty folks have? Is that scope a decent one (they prob got ripped off so i may be returning it anyways). Thaaaanks
I'm in the market for a new stethoscope. My parents just called me with the gracious news that they're heading home with a Littman Classic 2 (?) SE according to them. I know some people use $15 scopes and do fine, but my hearing requires me to turn off a radio and turn down the A/C in a vehicle to efficiently hear someone over a phone. So basically what recommendations do you experienced, salty folks have? Is that scope a decent one (they prob got ripped off so i may be returning it anyways). Thaaaanks

Please do not turn this thread into a steth discussion thread. I am not trying to be mean, but this topic has been discussed ad-nauseam on this forum and there are plenty of threads out there about it.
Well jeez, let me find my sock and insert it into my mouth :P

I posted here rather than searching because I'm in a rig on a phone. If anyone has suggestions, just pm me. I really appreciate it
Well jeez, let me find my sock and insert it into my mouth :P

I posted here rather than searching because I'm in a rig on a phone. If anyone has suggestions, just pm me. I really appreciate it

Like I said, I'd be more than willing to help you. I have no problem with discussing issues multiple times. That way new people can add new insights. But some on here don't share that feeling. And I don't want to see this thread degrade into a steth war between some of the more warrior-like tribes on here.

That's all!
I gotcha, I completely understand ;) that's why I said for anyone to PM me with insight. Honestly I should have said that in my original post but didn't think about it.

Over 80 something hours of oil stand bys, and only two pts. One treated.
What were the two pts? What was the one treated for? Oil realted stuff, or more like heat exaustion?

I hope you are making good money doing this! You should put some pictures up if you can. I'm assuming you are part of a large standby group, right?
What were the two pts? What was the one treated for? Oil realted stuff, or more like heat exaustion?

I hope you are making good money doing this! You should put some pictures up if you can. I'm assuming you are part of a large standby group, right?

If by large group you mean a rig, sure lol. Each cleanup site has at least an EMT on site. Bigger sites usually request a fully stocked ALS rig like I'm on, if not two. I have been on sites in a medivan as lone personnel. As far as pics, nothing amazing yet. I've been stationed on a stationary rig in staging areas. Tomorrow will be my first shift on a roaming unit on the front lines. Oil should be making landfall tonight in MS if it hasn't started today, so tomorrow will be D-Day for the crews.

Nothing oil related yet. The radio traffic has been heat exhaustion and occasionally chest discomfort. My two were nothing. One woman wanted her ear irrigated cause of a nat in it, and the second was a guy wanting to know what we could do for an inflammed, elevated site on his beltline that looked like onset of staph.

As far as getting paid, hah normal salary. Medics are getting paid $350 a day, at least that's what my CA medics from out of state (obviously) make.
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The CA medics are making $350 a day 5am-5pm, and anything after is $24/hr. They're working 28 days with one full day off and then getting flown back.
Crap, I should take that job! They make over $9k before taxes A MONTH!

Guess I'll talk to my supervisor Monday :D
Crap, I should take that job! They make over $9k before taxes A MONTH!

Guess I'll talk to my supervisor Monday :D

Do it. I'll be glad to get you acquainted with the area and whatnot. It's EASY work, just long.
I never heard back from that branch of AMR :( Oh well