the 100% directionless thread


Forum Asst. Chief
Premium Member
Whay does MCI in your area stand for? Where I am, it's mass causalty incident. I am guessing myocardial infarction (MI in my area)?

My fat fingers got me there. Same here, it should have read MI, not mass casualty incident. :wacko:

I have a call into the medic on scene to give me a jingle. I'm hoping he can find a few minutes to chat with me. Doing EMR calls while schooling as an EMT-A is really making things click. It so much easier to understand and remember the bookwork and lectures when I can apply it to a real life call and do an assessment under some REAL pressure ---not just my fellow students looking on in the classroom.

I thanked my teacher again last night, the things he's drilling into my head over and over are working, they're falling into place.

Handsome Robb

Premium Member
So no thoughts on my EKG cheat sheet then?

Sorry dude meant to respond but spaced it.

Looks good other than your anterior leads listed are incorrect. I believe it said v1-6 are anterior. Anterior is v3-4 septal is v1-2 and lateral is v5-6, high lateral would be I and aVL.


Crowd pleaser
MCI- mass casualty incident
AMI/MI - acute myocardial infarction/myocardial infarction

Standard stuff.


Forum Angel
Sorry dude meant to respond but spaced it.

Looks good other than your anterior leads listed are incorrect. I believe it said v1-6 are anterior. Anterior is v3-4 septal is v1-2 and lateral is v5-6, high lateral would be I and aVL.

And what are your septal reciprocals? You have those missing in the top chart. Question of EMTB not you Mr. Robby Smarty Pants. Even though it's a trick questions haha


The New Beach Medic
So no thoughts on my EKG cheat sheet then?
I would change row two, anterior wall MI, to exclude I, aVL, V5, and V6. Like in your chart below, I, aVL, V5, and V6 are the lateral wall (I and aVL are high lateral, V5 and V6 are low lateral). I'd call I, aVL, V1-V6 anteroseptal wall MI with lateral extension.

For right venteicular involvement, another spot I sometimes see ST depression is V2.

You're missing posterior wall MI.

Handsome Robb

Premium Member
I would change row two, anterior wall MI, to exclude I, aVL, V5, and V6. Like in your chart below, I, aVL, V5, and V6 are the lateral wall (I and aVL are high lateral, V5 and V6 are low lateral). I'd call I, aVL, V1-V6 anteroseptal wall MI with lateral extension.

For right venteicular involvement, another spot I sometimes see ST depression is V2.

You're missing posterior wall MI.

What would you see that would key you in that you may be dealing with a posterior MI and that you should probably do a 15-lead?
What would you see that would key you in that you may be dealing with a posterior MI and that you should probably do a 15-lead?

ST depression in V1?


Forum Captain
Sorry dude meant to respond but spaced it.

Looks good other than your anterior leads listed are incorrect. I believe it said v1-6 are anterior. Anterior is v3-4 septal is v1-2 and lateral is v5-6, high lateral would be I and aVL.

oops that was my b. is this photo correct? This is what I will use to fix it.



Forum Captain
And what are your septal reciprocals? You have those missing in the top chart. Question of EMTB not you Mr. Robby Smarty Pants. Even though it's a trick questions haha

no special protocol for septal i dont believe, aspirin med control for nitro als and serial 12 leads if time allows. if it is just septal on the 12 lead i might look at moving v4 to v4r to see if there is right involvement especially if the elevation in V1 is greater than V2
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Forum Captain
Also, if anyone is interested in reading a piece i would like to submit to JEMS before I do so, please feel free to message me and tell me what you think!


Flight Nurse
And what are your septal reciprocals? You have those missing in the top chart. Question of EMTB not you Mr. Robby Smarty Pants. Even though it's a trick questions haha

Well, what about your Ramus intermedius, Obtuse Marginals, and Diagonal branches!!!


Forum Captain
I hate "us or them" ultimatums. I was given one today by one of my bosses.

I had been getting work through a temp agency. While I was working for the temp agency, the seasonal job I had last winter contacted me and wanted to know if I would come back for another season. I said "Yes, I'd love to". Then the temp agency gave me a 'temp to hire' position, which I accepted. My seasonal job was due to start the last week of my 'temp' period at that position. As the end of my temp commitment was drawing near, I kept asking if they were going to hire me. No one would give me a straight answer. I spoke with the supervisor from the seasonal job and told them that I was 99% sure the temp job was going to offer me a permanent position, but I since I didn't have a definite offer, I was going to go ahead and start the seasonal job as a second job.

Three days after the seasonal job starts, I get told by the temp-to-hire position that the job was mine if I wanted it. I accepted, and was going to try my best to balance the two, since I had committed to the seasonal job before the year-round job was offered. I kept both supervisors up to date with what was going on. I told both of them that I was going to try to work both jobs so that I wouldn't burn any bridges. I was trying my best to make sure I could work both jobs, and swapping shifts with people as needed to make sure both jobs had coverage.

Tonight the supervisor from the year-round job came to me and said she was cracking down on things. NO more swapping shifts. Period. If I can't get the seasonal job to work around the year-round job's schedule then I had to choose which job I wanted more.

I just hope I made the right choice.

The year round job is a full time job, but with very low pay (more than minimum wage, but less than what AMR offers a fresh out of school EMT). I would, however, be eligible for health insurance in January.

The seasonal job pays $2.56 more an hour, but only lasts 2 1/2 months with variable shifts which can be swapped as much as you like, EXCEPT between Thanksgiving and Christmas when they have a no-swapping, maxed out hours schedule. I could have withdrawn my commitment for the seasonal job before my first shift without any repercussions, and I would have been fully eligible to go back and work for them another winter. But since I started the job, and then gave my notice, I'm going to have a note on my file that said I left before the season was over. Which means I MIGHT be able to be hired in the future, but they also may not hire me if I applied again. If I do get hired by them in the future and leave before the end of season a second time, I will never be hired by them again. If I had stayed and was tardy or called out too much due to scheduling conflicts and they let me go for that, I would never be hired by them again.

As much as I love the seasonal job and the company culture there, I felt I had no choice. I need a year-round job with insurance, even if it is very low pay. I just wish I felt better about my decision...

And for the record, I only swapped 2 shifts at the year-round job.
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The Other Guy/ Paramaybe?
Well just got a call from the boss. My shift got canceled... to tell the truth I'm glad it did. Its a beautiful 77 degree day today, now I just need to find something to do.


Forum Captain
I hate "us or them" ultimatums. I was given one today by one of my bosses.

I had been getting work through a temp agency. While I was working for the temp agency, the seasonal job I had last winter contacted me and wanted to know if I would come back for another season. I said "Yes, I'd love to". Then the temp agency gave me a 'temp to hire' position, which I accepted. My seasonal job was due to start the last week of my 'temp' period at that position. As the end of my temp commitment was drawing near, I kept asking if they were going to hire me. No one would give me a straight answer. I spoke with the supervisor from the seasonal job and told them that I was 99% sure the temp job was going to offer me a permanent position, but I since I didn't have a definite offer, I was going to go ahead and start the seasonal job as a second job.

Three days after the seasonal job starts, I get told by the temp-to-hire position that the job was mine if I wanted it. I accepted, and was going to try my best to balance the two, since I had committed to the seasonal job before the year-round job was offered. I kept both supervisors up to date with what was going on. I told both of them that I was going to try to work both jobs so that I wouldn't burn any bridges. I was trying my best to make sure I could work both jobs, and swapping shifts with people as needed to make sure both jobs had coverage.

Tonight the supervisor from the year-round job came to me and said she was cracking down on things. NO more swapping shifts. Period. If I can't get the seasonal job to work around the year-round job's schedule then I had to choose which job I wanted more.

I just hope I made the right choice.

The year round job is a full time job, but with very low pay (more than minimum wage, but less than what AMR offers a fresh out of school EMT). I would, however, be eligible for health insurance in January.

The seasonal job pays $2.56 more an hour, but only lasts 2 1/2 months with variable shifts which can be swapped as much as you like, EXCEPT between Thanksgiving and Christmas when they have a no-swapping, maxed out hours schedule. I could have withdrawn my commitment for the seasonal job before my first shift without any repercussions, and I would have been fully eligible to go back and work for them another winter. But since I started the job, and then gave my notice, I'm going to have a note on my file that said I left before the season was over. Which means I MIGHT be able to be hired in the future, but they also may not hire me if I applied again. If I do get hired by them in the future and leave before the end of season a second time, I will never be hired by them again. If I had stayed and was tardy or called out too much due to scheduling conflicts and they let me go for that, I would never be hired by them again.

As much as I love the seasonal job and the company culture there, I felt I had no choice. I need a year-round job with insurance, even if it is very low pay. I just wish I felt better about my decision...

And for the record, I only swapped 2 shifts at the year-round job.

For better or worse no sense in dwelling on your decision.


Forum Deputy Chief
Also, if anyone is interested in reading a piece i would like to submit to JEMS before I do so, please feel free to message me and tell me what you think!

Absolutely would love to read it! PM sent.
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Flight Nurse
Bob Page Lecture tomorrow. Should be a good day :D


Forum Deputy Chief
Bob Page Lecture tomorrow. Should be a good day :D

Oh man I'm jealous! Last time I saw him doing anything in California was for serviceman only. Can't wait to go to hear him talk!


Forum Troll

This is the best line up I have ever seen. Hoping to get a wristband and not have to work all the days so I can attend for free on some days.