the 100% directionless thread

I almost aspirated a swig of diet pepsi. Do you sit paging through images all day so that you can find an appropriate one when you need it, or do you just have google images linked to your central processor?

For some reason this comes to mind...

My little girl wants this. I told her no AR's until she was 12. The bolt action, single shot 22 will have to do till then.

Whew... I thought I was going to have to post the Hello Kitty rifle.
A police officer here was killed yesterday when struck on the highway by a passing car.

Please be safe when jumping out of the rig on an active roadway.
A police officer here was killed yesterday when struck on the highway by a passing car.

Please be safe when jumping out of the rig on an active roadway.

Rest In Peace.

It's unfortunate that it takes unfriendly reminders such as this to keep people wary of their surroundings.
That way, if we did find a gun at a friend's house, we would know what it felt like, and wouldn't be tempted to try it out.

Yeah and what about the friend?

Somebody actually gets that numeric guidlines are secondary to the patient in front of you...

"The Surviving Sepsis Guidelines 2008 recommended more liberal blood transfusion to achieve oxygen saturation of 70% in central venous blood during the first 6 hours of resuscitation," Dr. Park said. "RBC transfusion should not be based on hemoglobin concentration. Decision for RBC transfusion should be based on an individual patient's intravascular volume status, evidence of shock, duration and extent of anemia, and cardiopulmonary physiologic parameters."
Ladies and gentleman, a moment of silence for Big Tex

On the bus for the first road trip I've taken in my three years with the hockey program I work for. Three big ole bags of medical stuff down below that took me about a day to pack.
For some reason this comes to mind...


So very many things wrong with this photo my brain just shut down. Seriously I just look at it and all I can see is a little dancing kitten in a tuxedo that my mind superimposes over things it can't bare to look upon.

I see this dancing kitten far to much lately :/
My little girl wants this. I told her no AR's until she was 12. The bolt action, single shot 22 will have to do till then.


My 8 year old is looking over my shoulder and she says her BFF would love to have this gun. I am not sure what this says about me or her friends.
I'm not sure which sucks more about being a military wife...
The quiet or the sheer boredom that comes with your husband being away.
Right now boredom is winning.
Or for breakfast


Unless it's Sunday, then a special breakfast is in order
