I fly Monday to Tucson. I'm interviewing at university of Arizona medical center for their CVICU. It's a heart and lung transplant unit. I've got a standing offer for 3 jobs here in Columbia for the medical Icu ( which is a 24,000$ pay cut)... Not to mention the state tax if I stay. I could stay on as weekend/nights resource nurse which means I would float to surgical/trauma, coronary care, cvcicu (which is only a 10,000$ pay cut -buti have to work nights and every weekend). I've got an offer for a seasonal to permanent position in Tucson at Carondelet neurological institute ( they have some one of a kind in north America brain surgery suite) buti REALLY hate neuro.
The bright side of staying in Columbia... I pay 300$ a month for rent and my roommate watches my dog. Also
I found out that the university will not require me to get my BSN to get into CRNA school, since I have a previous bachelors degree.
So the options. Change my drivers license to SC and get state residency while I take the CVICU job in AZ. Or stay here and take the paycut... Most likely az will be a paycut too, but my sister and new nephew live there.
Blah. I'm calling my Mom.