the 100% directionless thread

Have any of you cool Internet people had to deal with puttin your best friend to sleep? If so, did you bury them in the backyard?

Cremated mine.
Have any of you cool Internet people had to deal with puttin your best friend to sleep? If so, did you bury them in the backyard?

Sorry to hear you're having to deal with the loss of a pet or at least making plans for the loss of your pet. Your vet can usually make arrangements for cremation of your pet but it might be cheaper to speak directly with the folks that do it in your area.
Heh I guess I shouldn't post in a volly thread when I had just gotten off a shift where I saw 1 volunteer rescue out of 14 calls in almost thirty hours (with a 2 hour average call length from start to back in service, that's a hellish shift). And the irony is I'm abotu to start volunteering in the county that I'm trying to help the Evil Empire take over in. Now if only the Evil Empire would take over my other paid job's county, I'd be perfectly happy.
Hey yall, a good friend of mine is in for some brain surgery right now. I didn't think to post earlier, but thoughts and prayers would be greatly appreciated!

He is also in medic school right now. Well....after surgery and recovery. :-)
Heh I guess I shouldn't post in a volly thread when I had just gotten off a shift where I saw 1 volunteer rescue out of 14 calls in almost thirty hours (with a 2 hour average call length from start to back in service, that's a hellish shift). And the irony is I'm abotu to start volunteering in the county that I'm trying to help the Evil Empire take over in. Now if only the Evil Empire would take over my other paid job's county, I'd be perfectly happy.

Lol I've been getting a kick out of that drama you started ;) :rofl:
Hey yall, a good friend of mine is in for some brain surgery right now. I didn't think to post earlier, but thoughts and prayers would be greatly appreciated!

He is also in medic school right now. Well....after surgery and recovery. :-)

You've got it. Hope all goes well for him :)
He is in my thoughts. Please keep us updated.
Hey yall, a good friend of mine is in for some brain surgery right now. I didn't think to post earlier, but thoughts and prayers would be greatly appreciated!

He is also in medic school right now. Well....after surgery and recovery. :-)

I always suspected you had to have your brain removed to get into medic school thanks for confirming my suspicion.

I'll be thinking about him, hope he bounces back fast.
Have any of you cool Internet people had to deal with puttin your best friend to sleep? If so, did you bury them in the backyard?

Just went through this last fall... She was with me for 15 years, pretty much 24 hours a day. I thought of burying her in the yard, but it was so hard to let her go I didn't want to bawl every time I saw the grave.

Sorry. It just sucks. :(
I was going to plant a tree over the site.
Yes he's a dog, I've had him for about 12 years he was a rescue. He's got about a week left :(
I don't understand why I can't be proactive and file for unemployment when I know when my last day of work will be.
Have any of you cool Internet people had to deal with puttin your best friend to sleep? If so, did you bury them in the backyard?

So sorry to hear about your fur-kid. Some of the best pets I've had were rescues.

I've had to put many to sleep over the years. What I do with the remains depends on how the pet died. If a 'euthanasia solution' was used (Euthasol, Somnusol, 'Pink Juice', 'Blue Juice', etc) then the body gets cremated. If the pet died of natural causes, we bury the remains in the back yard near a weeping angel statue.

The reason euthanised remains are creamated is that scavengers may dig up the body unless it it buried many feet down (local regulations in my area says it must be 6 or more feet if euthanasia solution of any sort was used, I'd suggest checking your local regulations). Euthanasia solutions are still toxic after the pet has died, and it will poison anything that tries to eat the body. Its not a pretty way to go if ingested, and if it was someone's pet that ingested it, that could be trouble if you didn't follow your areas regulations for burial.
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Have any of you cool Internet people had to deal with puttin your best friend to sleep? If so, did you bury them in the backyard?

My dad has several acres, and we have our own little pet cemetary going on. My parents, my sister, and I have all buried pets out there.
Hey yall, a good friend of mine is in for some brain surgery right now. I didn't think to post earlier, but thoughts and prayers would be greatly appreciated!

He is also in medic school right now. Well....after surgery and recovery. :-)

Good luck to your friend, and may he have a speedy recovery.
Starbucks and EMS....a match made in Heaven.
3rd degree heart blocks are so fun to watch. So purrrty
So, as of like 4 hours ago my buddy is out of surgery and I got this when I talked to his girlfriend: "He is out of surgery and the surgeon said everything went well, the tumor was totally encapsulated and Alex is in Post-op, still moving all his arms and legs." (I guess that would be a good thing!) Biopsy results should be back within a few days she said. Keep on the thoughts and prayers!