the 100% directionless thread

And another thing.
I finally sat down and tried to read the Brady First responder text (LeBadour et al), and through the thicket of "This is right but you have to follow your local protocol" warnings, I see where we should start O2 @ 15 lpm for any abdominal pain.
Copyright 2009.

For first responders? Meh, what ever.
So I walk in the front door this morning after going to church, and my step mom yells from upstairs, "Is that you DJ? Can you come up here please?" And from the sound of it, I was in trouble..

As I get to the top of the stairs, she is standing there, with something hid behind her back.. I am standing there, thinking to myself.. "Holy crap, what did she find, what did she find.."

She then hands me this little black bag, and tells me to open it.
To my surprise, it is a brand NEW duel/swiveling head Sphygmomanometer, and Stethoscope!!
Thats not good. Hopefully there were plenty of ambulances available.

The crash happened in alachua county, we in marion county sent a bunch of units to assist and between the two agencies we were able to cancel units off after initial size up and we figured out what all we had. I cannot speak for alachua county, but i know that for what we were able to send we were also able to backfill our county to avoid coverage gaps.
Someone make the 911 line stop ringing please. Every time the dispatcher talks I hear it ringing! And we are sliding closer and closer to central coverage.
Well my *****ing paid off. 2 minutes before EOS "medic 05 priority 1 stroke".

Run screaming across the city to find a wonderfully smelly gentleman. What's going on today? "I figured if I said stroke you would come faster, my gout really hurts."

Me: "...umm..."
Pt: "I was at the hospital this morning they gave me a Rx when they kicked me out because I don't have insurance."
Me: "did you fill that Rx?"
pt: "no"
Me: "do you take your meds as prescribed?"
pt: "no"
Me: "...umm...and how do you think the hospital is going to help you this time?"
pt: "it's not your job to question me it's your job to take me to the hospital so take me to the hospital mother:censored::censored::censored::censored:er."

10 minutes later

"xxx er Robby on medic 05 inbound eta 5 xx male c/c gout pain discharged from xxx hospital this morning, same complaint, pt non-compliant with his meds, vitals are beautiful, can we go to triage?"

ER nurse: "I knew I liked you for a reason, you read my mind, see you in 5"

And that's how a 12 hour shift turned into 13 hours. :glare:
"I figured if I said stroke you would come faster, my gout really hurts. I was at the hospital this morning they gave me a Rx"

And that, my friend, would be getting a call to my medical director for a medical director initiated refusal, and the patient would be put on an "Abuser" list that gets a medic fly car for future 911 calls instead of an ambulance for transport.

I got a call this week for a guy with boils. We were going to do a medical director refusal but the patient hadn't been seen for it before, so we transported. We're starting PSIAM in the next couple of months where those types of calls will get a nurse on the phone instead of an Paramedic in the house, and they will be referred to primary care.
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And that, my friend, would be getting a call to my medical director for a medical director initiated refusal, and the patient would be put on an "Abuser" list that gets a medic fly car for future 911 calls, and the medic decides if it's worthy for a transport by ambulance.

I got a call this week for a guy with boils. We were going to do a medical director refusal but the patient hadn't been seen for it before, so we transported. We're starting PSIAM in the next couple of months where those types of calls with get a nurse on the phone instead of an Paramedic in the house, and they will be referred to primary care.

Oh believe me, my supervisor heard about it. Problem is he's not a frequent flyer, he wasn't in our computer. My partner had seen him once but it was a while ago. I did try talk to him about the ramifications of what he did, politely of course, but the guy wanted nothing to do with me or what I had to say.

All I will say is I wish we had an MD who would be onboard with a program like that.

I had another pt I transported today who I transported last week as well. Turns out she had been transported 8 times in 3 weeks. That was pointed out for a supervisor as well.

If you're really sick and working to fix the problem I don't care if you're a frequent flyer, if it's warranted I wont question it. It's the people that pull crap like the guy I saw tonight that pushes my temper to the limit. I don't understand how people can be non-compliant with their meds and wonder why they are in pain or feel like death.
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See, that's why sometimes I'm jealous of PD. They can tell people like it is. I can only HINT, and even then, if you do it in front of the wrong people they'll complain.

I'm convinced that people don't realize you can get admitted to a hospital just fine without showing up in an ambulance. They HAVE to think we're registration or something.
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We had a mom call a while back because her middle school aged child had a tooth ache. She was going to follow us to the ER in her car so they had a ride home. When we told her there was absolutely nothing at all we could do for a tooth ache, she still insisted on the kid going in the ambulance. Supposedly the kid had already been to a dentist. When asked if they had tried any OTC meds for pain, the mom looked at us like we had 3 heads, were green, and had just climbed out of a spaceship.

She ended up riding in with us because she couldn't find her car keys. When we got to the ER, she thanked me when I told my partner I would go get a wheel chair. If only she knew "I'll see if I can find a chair" was actually code for "I'll give triage a heads up that this patient can go to the waiting room." The best part was they were really busy that night and had a minimum of a couple hour wait.
Just in the past 2 months, I've also had:

A person called because a 'part of a chip' got stuck between tooth and gum, 9 hours earlier, and the pain was 'unbearable'. Triaged.

A person called, complaining that they had "chest pain and fell". We got diverted from another call to this one. In reality, they had a cold for the past week, went down the block to the payphone, tripped (but didn't fall) going down a hill. Chest pain from coughing, and fall without actually falling. Oh, and burnt their tongue on the coffee they bought while waiting for us... Triaged.

A person was 'choked' by their SO, walked a mile to a gas station, and called stating they couldn't breathe because they were still choking... an hour later.

I swear, no hope for humanity.
I'm sorry you have to be in Indy during this super bowl crap. Went to to Methodist tonight and traffic was crazy. Got some cute medics up there though.

You aren't kidding! I work all weekend and am planning a major drinking fest at 7 am Monday morning.
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Hot night tonight. Nothing good on TV a nd ill leave the discussion of ECGs and the ILS pathway for those who care to talk such matters

Im going to bed and wish to get up only long after the sun has come up. Something tells me I'm probably not going to be that fortunate.

At least that pizza for dinner was nice, mmm you can feel the arteries hardening

I swear I am the section queen at my shop. All 3 of my runs the other day were sections (psych runs) and 2 of them were off Cape. This was also the day I was with my partner long enough to get the rig ready, get to ER, gather paperwork and almost get patient onto cot when dispatch pages me to tell me to switch with someone else b/c they had a 15 y/o psych patient going and I was the only female on. I had 3 different partners (1 of which is vying for most-annoying-person award) , 3 different trucks, and all psych runs. That was a fun shift. At least I had a great conversation w/a medic and some OT. Its the little things!
I am a terrible person... I did the "quick turn down another aisle" today in the grocery store to avoid my hubby's long winded Grandma...
Yay back to indy for more super bowl madness. Dispatch hates me
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