No texting allow in class
As an instructor, one of my big pet peeves is students who text in class.
The primary issues I have is that is distracts me, as the instructor. I'm trying to make sure everyone gets it, and when students are spending the class texting, odds are they aren't paying attention. Plus, with less than 30 students in class, it ends up pretty obvious, at least when I am teaching.
The secondary issue is that if a student is texting during lecture, and not paying attention, than often they have issues passing the final exam. and if the don't pass the final exam, than they don't pass the class, and that means I need to remediate them (which i don't get paid for), or they complain to my boss that they paid all this money and they didn't pass.
I try to give frequent breaks, and if you need to step out and take a phone calls, go for it. if you are constantly out of the room on your phone, than we have a problem. if you need to send a text message, or reply to a message in class, no big deal. when you are constantly on your phone texting, than we have a problem.
No one is forced to be in my class. it's all voluntary, and every student (or their employer/potential employer) has paid $$$ to attend. if you would rather text/surf the web/spend the day on your phone, go for it; just don't take the class.
I give students the respect of showing up, and doing my job as the instructor, and trying to make sure they are educated enough on the topic to pass the final exams. As an instructor, I expect my students to show me enough respect to at least pretend to pay attention in class, and not be playing games on their iPAD or texting during class.