Ok, to expand on what Sasha said...
There's a bit of an overreaction here. And personally, I'm sick of people posting comments about this not being the proper profession for her. That is completely unnecessary. That might even be true. However, what was posted is NOTHING NEAR the level to which members of this forum should be acting so aggressively towards her. I'd like to consider this as a friendly forum, but there was NOTHING diplomatic or helpful about the responses to someone who is 1. new 2. seeking advice. I know some of you are frustrated with the current state of EMS. I understand that there are people out there that are in the profession for the wrong reasons or have unreasonable expectations. However, the OP is not one of those people. This is not someone who doesn't have compassion. This is someone that is NEW. This is someone that is learning. Instead of suggesting she look into something else, give advice, diplomatically inform her that it's part of the job.
Personally, I'm glad I didn't join this forum while I was still in school. This is not a very friendly forum at times. I know a lot of the older members believe in tough love and all that bit, but there needs to be some diplomacy. I sometimes wonder why many members post once and then disappear, but then I remember just how intimidating it can be at times. Sure, some people need a reality check. But can we try not to completely demolish their spirits while doing so? Again, there is nothing she said that suggests to me that she's in the wrong profession. It suggests to me that she has some learning yet to do, and members of this forum could help if in a slightly more respectful manner.
If I came across rough.. so be it. We have to much "touchy, feely, sensitive" feelings to those that plan to enter the profession and
workplace. When did it change that this profession was for everyone?
Sorry, I personally would advise any student to seriously consider entering a profession when this is part of and demand of the job. By not informing would be injustice not just to her but the profession and future patients.
If this was posted by a CNA in a nursing home, I am sure that the replies would be more brutal. can one imagine reading a statement of "OMG, my patient touched me!" Then to continue informing on how they have personal issues in regards to being touched. Nothing wrong with that, but being in the
people and
touchy business, one has to expect being touched and touching back. Again, as repeatedly posted, its part of the job.
I much rather blast someone on the forum and inform them, and hope that they will re-consider their actions and future than to enter only to drop out because they could not handle it. Yes, its that serious especially with other actions and discussion. It is the reason that all students should be informed of the job demands as well as be properly screened.
Would it cause an increase in shortage.. so what? I much rather have those that are suited for the job, than those that will only take up space and attempt at the job.
Somewhere we lost the ability to be honest with each other. Not everyone is cut out for this job, as other professions have demands that not everyone can perform also. It is NOT being rude, or mean just another form of us caring enough, we want the best for everyone.