NREMT CBT, A joke.

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I tried to get a smiley like the popcorn one, but it is epic fail!
I tried to get a smiley like the popcorn one, but it is epic fail!

This is past the point of smiles.

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Oh boy its hard to resist.

I think its time to call for closure.
this thread got a little side tracked, eh
Alright, I feel like throwing my 2 cents in.

I'm just an EMT basic but I found this pattern. If it differs from what others have seen, feel free to correct me. The tests in class were straightforward and fact based. You could technically get by with just memorizing. Now the NREMT was a much more difficult test. I found myself sitting and thinking about the questions making sure I had the best answer.

Like many others have said, the medical field isn't black and white. I found the test to be a pretty reasonable simulation of that.
How the tests were in school, depends on your school. My school, the tests were written much like the NREMT was written. And, like for NREMT, you couldn't get by just by memorizing....
Another thing. Why have a "set in stone" answer test with a "grey area" field your going into?

Wait, didn't you just say that Paramedic wasn't about critical thinking and more about applying protocols?

Most of being a paramedic isny critical thinking... Its applying protocols.

Yep, looks like you did. So why contradict yourself and add a gray area to what you described before as a black and white situation. You sir, have just contradicted yourself.

Like it or not, this is a standard process everyone who wishes to be certified by the National Registry goes through. There's obvious shortcomings to any test or exam, but it is also a crucial test of one's familiarity with the curriculum, and ability to apply it to hypothetical situations.
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