The thing is, you have taken the test how many times? And you still can't pass it? Perhaps that means you aren't paramedic, firemedic, whatever you would like to be, material. It's nice to have dreams, but life isn't a Hallmark special. Perhaps you just aren't cut out to be a paramedic. Once you pass, if you pass, I doubt you will be able to change the testing system, as more people have no problem with it than people who do have problems with it. It sucks, but maybe you should reevaluate your stance that the reason you can't pass is the test, and not you.
I have taken the test twice. How many times have you taken it?
Like I said before, being a paramedic is my job. Its what I want to do and what I will do.
It is a failed system. Someone needs to do something about it.