New Lifepak 35


I know a guy who knows a guy.
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It’s here.


0.5 seconds before the screen breaks and renders the touch function unusable. I’ve also heard it doesn’t come with a printer so it’s an add on feature that costs extra. I’ll gladly stick with my Zoll X
6 months ago my local stryker rep tried to convince me we needed to immediately buy new lifepak 15s because ours were no longer serviceable. I told him we'd hold off until the new one comes out or one of ours breaks.

Glad I waited.
Still has the speed dial! Beats the Zoll buttons any day.
35? Gawd I'm old.....🧐 ...used the 1 and 2.....but I'm still kicking 'a' in the CT/V OR so watch the 'boomer' cracks.... there were variants in the 60's...

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Stryker says 7 years before the LP15 is end of life.

I called my Zoll rep today. I’d switch tomorrow if he could make it happen.
Any idea of new features?

I did some searching and I’ll I see are comments about the scroll wheel, lack of printer, and potential weight.
Stryker says 7 years before the LP15 is end of life.

I called my Zoll rep today. I’d switch tomorrow if he could make it happen.
Will they entertain buying your Lifepak stock to entice a sale or is that only for larger agencies?
I like small and light... this vs a Tempus for wilderness rescue?
I like small and light... this vs a Tempus for wilderness rescue?
Someone said this thing was still heavy. I feel like a vitals monitor +/- AED depending on situation is better for wilderness/SAR.
Yes. Although, my medics will mutiny.
If there’s a company that can catch hate, it’s Zoll. Was like pulling teeth at my last job to get the Zoll vent (best features and price for our needs), just because the name started with Z. Not sure what the M series did to people but that’s what I hear as to why Zoll “isn’t allowed in the building.” Guess it didn’t help that we had a Lifepak 10 that would still turn on and print a strip and a 5 that was a cherished front office item.

Love the X, have it at my part time job at the neighboring big city service. Wish we would switch, but alas.
About the Zoll vent... I understand why you wanted to get it. I use it at one of my current jobs. There's a few things about it that can be a little clunky to do but once you figure it out, they're pretty decent little vents.
If there’s a company that can catch hate, it’s Zoll. Was like pulling teeth at my last job to get the Zoll vent (best features and price for our needs), just because the name started with Z. Not sure what the M series did to people but that’s what I hear as to why Zoll “isn’t allowed in the building.” Guess it didn’t help that we had a Lifepak 10 that would still turn on and print a strip and a 5 that was a cherished front office item.

Love the X, have it at my part time job at the neighboring big city service. Wish we would switch, but alas.
The x-series is an amazing monitor, but they clearly didn't involve anyone with current/relevant clinical experience when they planned out transmitting EKGs and changing paper. Those two inconveniences overshadowed every advance that machine brought to the market.
I don’t think either of those are issues.

I can transmit with the push of a button and I hardly ever print anything… if that’s your biggest complaint, you’re simply grasping at reasons to dislike it.

How about the battery life? Lighter weight? Lower overall cost? see through CPR? Free analytics software? Free hospital review software? Better customer service? Lower cost for consumables?
I am no fan of the printer or the paper changing. I prefer the bigger paper and the “format” the MRx and LP15 print 12 leads. I can get over it, I’ll just say bad words when the paper runs out mid call.

The transmitting works fine for us.
I don’t think either of those are issues.

I can transmit with the push of a button and I hardly ever print anything… if that’s your biggest complaint, you’re simply grasping at reasons to dislike it.

How about the battery life? Lighter weight? Lower overall cost? see through CPR? Free analytics software? Free hospital review software? Better customer service? Lower cost for consumables?
I was responsible for purchasing them at my old department, including testing and evaluation, a budget proposal, and roll-out training. I loved them and was quite proficient with them.

If you ask people why there is such a long-standing hatred for them, those are the top two reasons. In my last month at my old department people were still *****ing about it. I said "if you still can't figure out how to transmit, that's on you"