Medlife Ambulance is a great company to work for!

You won't be seeing these on the streets anymore
cracking the knuckles now...

Alright, let me throw in my piece here <3

There are countless number of patients who get transported via ambulance who don't need one. Don't give me that excuse please. These people get told by some family member how much money they could make taking MRS. TINKELBOTTOMS to dialysis so they start their own ambulance company with a bunch of EMTs who play dress up for a while until slowly but surely, the rules start getting bent a little bit to eventual full blown fraud. I'm not discounting companies that do the right thing, but Medlife my friend, was doing some dastardly things and they got shutdown for it. Not everything has a paper trail.

Dastardly? Dude, there's an ambulance company I've heard tell of where your manager puts a package in the back of your rig, makes you drive to a dark alley, someone TAKES the package and you leave.

Some companies don't pay you on time. Some companies skim off your paycheck and everyone elses'. Some companies fire you for things you're not at fault for.

Medlife was very generous (often too generous) in giving the benefit of the doubt to there employees. I stayed because they gave me something ambulances companies usually won't; job security. I don't wanna feel disposable or replaceable.

I've seen Medlife make some mistakes, I've seen some of the :censored::censored::censored::censored:tier emts make BIGGER mistakes they had to clean up. In the end there just another BLS company; I'd say no crappier than any other company.

I mean I've heard TERRIBLE stuff about Enova. I never see a rig running, I always see 'em jumping it.

Did they fire everyone or are they still paying salary? If they fired everyone then yes they are likely gone.

They didn't fire anyone that I'm aware of. They havent even told us EMTS to start looking for another job. They told us to pick up our checks next week (Which yeah, pretty grim) but they intend to get this fixed and see it through (Even though it rally cant be fixed imo) but we'll see. They know there employees are looking for different companies, but they're laid off imo, not fired. Management has been at the office basically everyday since.

They should've logically thought things through instead of buying Rolls Royces and Mercedes and shoving it in their employee's faces by saying they couldn't afford raises or Christmas bonuses. Good riddance to a company run by deplorable human beings.

I got a raise, but I had to ask for it. I'm not gonna lie, some of the emts I worked with here really DIDNT deserve raises. And those that did often didn't get it either. We always got paid holidays at least (8 hrs even if you didnt work) which was nice.

No one knows why they got shutdown for sure. But I'm sure everyone who worked there could think of many instances. You want an example? Billing BLS tracheostomy patients as being on a ventilator(that the company would bill the insurance as being their own but really, it was owned by the SNF) and requiring CCT RT dialysis transports.

I don't know why, but the billing was either BLS CCT or RT. If your called required monitoring by an RT (whether trach of vent) you billed for the RT.

Because they have a trach they can't support there own airways. Hence the RT.

We had a separate box for billing for using our ventilators that no right minded EMT checked off unless they wanted to get chewed for. I don't feel what I did as an EMT here counts as fraud. I feel the RT's being there was for the patients safety and benefit. I'm not trained to screw with a trach.

I agree with this but I still think that something irked LA County into denying this company. Something was off.

Something WAS off. What happened was because they closed down Ambumed for having too many patient deaths, they got pissed when the found all the same management was all just being recycled into MedLife. So they got mad and said "Show us the paperwork!" They wanted to see there list of accidents and deaths. I guess they showed them the paperwork and the board wasn't happy with it. Ambumed's past had a lot to do with this.

Only thing is clear if LA County is going to play hardball most company's will shutdown.

And honestly there are some companies that SHOULD. :censored::censored::censored::censored:, shoreline starts you at 8.00 an hour but they buy NEW rigs!? What the hell is that!

In the long run what this means is all the companies that can't play the game will sit on the side lines and other companies will come up to bat. In the end game, you'll have either the best ambulance companies getting stronger and providing more care, services, etc or you'll get a money hungry company that will treat employees like :censored::censored::censored::censored: because they won't have anywhere else to go get hired.

There are over 150 ambulance companies in SoCal alone.

I'm devastated to lose my job. I live alone and have NO family to back me, so I'm really out on a limb. I don't have a spouse so I'm screwed on that front, too. I'm making my way to other companies and shaking like a leaf in front of half of them because now I don't know who I can and can't trust.

Either way, this is probably for the better. I was planning on moving on from this company but I needed six more months before I was ready.

But alas, life. Not med life, just. Life.
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Don't worry....there are plenty of dialysismobiles....err, I mean ambulance companies where you're at. Keep your head up. I'm sure you got the best possible training and patient care experience at Medlife anyway.
And how long until LA County figures out that Medlife management will head over to their backup company AMBULIFE? The cycle of dialysis for Range Rovers lives on!
Yes some company start emts at minimum wage. They are able to do it because there is to many of you. If you can fire emt in the morning and hire a new one 2 hours later you know market is overloaded with emts
You won't be seeing these on the streets anymore

They are still in orange county and they might use exception rule to bring patient in and take them back. Plus there is work in Ventura county etc. If medlife got enough money to cover their expenses for a month or so they will be fine. Remember their office is not getting raided by FBI, at least not yet.
We had a separate box for billing for using our ventilators that no right minded EMT checked off unless they wanted to get chewed for. I don't feel what I did as an EMT here counts as fraud. I feel the RT's being there was for the patients safety and benefit. I'm not trained to screw with a trach.
Yet there are patients who live at home with a trach. Just because a trach is present doesn't mean an RT is needed.

And honestly there are some companies that SHOULD. :censored::censored::censored::censored:, shoreline starts you at 8.00 an hour but they buy NEW rigs!? What the hell is that!

I'm sure those new rigs are going to last longer than a lot of the EMTs. Besides, God forbid that companies buy quality products when making capital purchases. I think this is the first time I've seen an EMT complaining that the ambulances at a company was too nice.
What he also isn't telling you is that medicare/medicaid caught on to Medlife's CCT ruse and basically said they would only pay for the actual vent patient as cct transports. So then a bunch of their "CCT" patients became BLS transports. EMTs are perfectly capable, per LA County protocol, to transport/ suction trach patients. You would think someone who has probably been a IFT emt for 8 years would have that figured out by now. Alas, I digress. If they actually trained their employees instead of farting around with their Jeeps, maybe they would still be around?
Yet there are patients who live at home with a trach. Just because a trach is present doesn't mean an RT is needed.

I'm sure those new rigs are going to last longer than a lot of the EMTs. Besides, God forbid that companies buy quality products when making capital purchases. I think this is the first time I've seen an EMT complaining that the ambulances at a company was too nice.

I think only one trach patient I transported lived at home, and we didn't have an RT for that one. It wasn't needed.

And the rigs I'm complaining about are at a different company, actually. Shoreline just bought a few new rigs but pay there employees 8.00 an hour. Then after probation they promise 10.00 an hour but from what I've heard less thant 20% make it past probation :\ That's where I draw the line.

And actually I've interviewed and submitted so many applications it's ridiculous. There really are too many of us out there; the worst part is a lot of 'em are turning into lifers! We need to get these lifers into school...shoot -I- need to get back into school.

If I don't find a suitable company that's probably what I'll do.
lot of 'em are turning into lifers! We need to get these lifers into school...shoot -I- need to get back into school.

the first step is admitting! it is a hard pool to jump into by you will thank yourself in 10 years by going back to school. I am happily giving up my social life for the next 3 years!
And the rigs I'm complaining about are at a different company, actually. Shoreline just bought a few new rigs but pay there employees 8.00 an hour. Then after probation they promise 10.00 an hour but from what I've heard less thant 20% make it past probation :\ That's where I draw the line.

I know an EMT who is actually as dumb as a brick (a brick is easier to get along with also) and he/she made it thru the probation period. So I highly doubt that the number is less than 20%.
Hahahaha 20 percent? Seriously, where did you pull that number out of? You're talking about Shoreline?!?!?!? Then again, someone coming from Medlife would put a company like Shoreline on a pedestal and make it seem like an unattainable job. The things Dialysis does to poor EMTs, it gets them shellshocked and unsure of themselves.

I mean seriously, Shoreline?
Go to school. Better yourself, stop contributing to shady companies' Rolls Royce funds.
Hahahaha 20 percent? Seriously, where did you pull that number out of? You're talking about Shoreline?!?!?!? Then again, someone coming from Medlife would put a company like Shoreline on a pedestal and make it seem like an unattainable job. The things Dialysis does to poor EMTs, it gets them shellshocked and unsure of themselves.

I mean seriously, Shoreline?

Alright, what is your defense to shoreline then? I'm not a fan of them starting you off at mini wage where they make bank and turn around and dump you before probation. I have one buddy working there and another who came from there and confirmed a lot of there goings ons. On my job search I ran into a shoreline emt who was leaving because they can't seem to get it together and it's making him uneasy. He said obtaining his check has been a chore :\ I never had to worry about obtaining my checks at least.

Trust me, shore line is obtainable. But when the MANAGER of the company is playing angry birds during my interview and answering phone calls? Dude, what IS that!

So go I play shoreline on the bottom of the barrel. Not the emts mind you, but the company.

And 20% was given to be my the EMT who was interviewing at a company I was.

But if someone dumb as a brick made it past probation, clearly the number is skewed. However having never worked there, I can only cite what was given -shrug-

But I'm not throwing up a banner for medlife anytime soon. They clearly didn't do there jobs. But they treated me better than any of those other companies would've that's for sure.


Also does anyone know why shoreline doesn't have any stickers? Like every unit I've seen (about twice) at the Downey Landing NEVER have stickers. No LA County, no long beach, I don't think they operate in LA City but I've never seen any sticks on 'em. Is that WNL? My rig had Long Beach, LA County and City stickers...for all the good it did us haha.
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Alright, let me throw in my piece here <3

Something WAS off. What happened was because they closed down Ambumed for having too many patient deaths, they got pissed when the found all the same management was all just being recycled into MedLife. So they got mad and said "Show us the paperwork!" They wanted to see there list of accidents and deaths. I guess they showed them the paperwork and the board wasn't happy with it. Ambumed's past had a lot to do with this.

But alas, life. Not med life, just. Life.

You really don't see the problem there? You think that LA County has done MedLife (cough, Ambumed, cough) wrong? Hahahaha!

Maybe the old gang of execs from Enron should start up a new company. Maybe Bernie Madoff should start an investment firm from behind bars! Hahaha ... Why not, eh? :rofl:
BTW: They showed up with those new cars literally one week after closing the "deal" with Westlake Convalescent. Not suspicious at all! :rolleyes:

FYI: Ambulance companies buying SNF owners expensive catered lunches and giving SNF nurses $100.00 Starbucks cards IS definitely frowned upon by Medicare... Just sayin'. ;)
Sing it with me folks.....dialysis=Big money/Rolls Royces and bribes up the wazoo. Once again, legitimate companies don't get shutdown. Illegitimate companies make wide eyed EMTs into excellent kidney technicians....unless they do their part to better themselves. Stop the madness! Educate yourselves and at least latch on to the licensed companies.
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