Medlife Ambulance is a great company to work for!

As a current employee, I can tell you they give ZERO raises. So basically you're stuck till you decide to F off

They give performance-based raises.
Shut down. No longer allowed to operate in LA County.
Another one bites the dust.
Yeah, it's no good. Medlife is gone, and I don't think it'll get back up ever again.

I hate looking for jobs again...geh.
They should've logically thought things through instead of buying Rolls Royces and Mercedes and shoving it in their employee's faces by saying they couldn't afford raises or Christmas bonuses. Good riddance to a company run by deplorable human beings.
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They should've logically thought things through instead of buying Rolls Royces and Mercedes and shoving it in their employee's faces by saying they couldn't afford raises or Christmas bonuses. Good riddance to a company run by deplorable human beings.

LOL, they took the risk of starting a company which ended up falling as result of county action. If it's that easy to run ambulance company why don't more people start it them self? Nothing wrong with them buying them self expensive cars.
Yeah, it's no good. Medlife is gone, and I don't think it'll get back up ever again.

I hate looking for jobs again...geh.

Did they fire everyone or are they still paying salary? If they fired everyone then yes they are likely gone.
Medicare fraud paid for those vehicles. Trust me. Also, not once did they donate any money or ambulances to their home country of Armenia. When a company like Mccormick donates ambulances to Yerevan, Armenia and Medlife doesn't, that's just sad.
Medicare fraud paid for those vehicles. Trust me. Also, not once did they donate any money or ambulances to their home country of Armenia. When a company like Mccormick donates ambulances to Yerevan, Armenia and Medlife doesn't, that's just sad.

Last time i checked they haven't been charged with Fraud. So until/unless that happens i am going to assume it's not being it's easy to call someone fraud when they are not here to defend them self. As for your second part, why should they? Is there some unwritten obligation to do so?
They wouldn't get shutdown if they were legitimate. And yes, I believe they were obligated to donate to Armenia. It's ridiculous not to, especially where they came from and what that country has gone through. It was the right thing to do. Selfish, immoral people who commit astonishingly deplorable acts deserve nothing less than to reap what they sow.
Who cares anyway, they'll be back as AMBULIFE and the whole process will start all over again. It's truly comical. The things dialysis money does to people....
They wouldn't get shutdown if they were legitimate. And yes, I believe they were obligated to donate to Armenia. It's ridiculous not to, especially where they came from and what that country has gone through. It was the right thing to do. Selfish, immoral people who commit astonishingly deplorable acts deserve nothing less than to reap what they sow.

Their application was posted online by county and it looked like they satisfied all of the requirement. Plus they were licensed in LA and other cities. It almost seems like county is trying to limit amount ambulance are around in LA. Their director seemed to have been la county ems director for like 15 years. Seems unlikely that person like that would get involved in criminal enterprise.

I am sorry but there is no obligation to help your old country.
Who cares anyway, they'll be back as AMBULIFE and the whole process will start all over again. It's truly comical. The things dialysis money does to people....

Please explain who should those on dialysis use? If they can't walk or need to be supervised during transportation should they just use regular car?
They wouldn't get shutdown if they were legitimate.
Please explain who should those on dialysis use? If they can't walk or need to be supervised during transportation should they just use regular car?

Here in ABQ there's a bus service for them. I love the fact that I don't get stuck doing too many dialysis derby calls
There are countless number of patients who get transported via ambulance who don't need one. Don't give me that excuse please. These people get told by some family member how much money they could make taking MRS. TINKELBOTTOMS to dialysis so they start their own ambulance company with a bunch of EMTs who play dress up for a while until slowly but surely, the rules start getting bent a little bit to eventual full blown fraud. I'm not discounting companies that do the right thing, but Medlife my friend, was doing some dastardly things and they got shutdown for it. Not everything has a paper trail.