I recommend reading without emotion. I was talking and discussing all levels generically. I am as dissapointed with the way Paramedic training has went as well.
No, I am not leaving EMS. In fact, I am personally getting more and more involved in EMS infrastructures. I have found out with the higher education levels, my suggestions are being listened to more than ever since I have more credibility. It is just unusual a professional educator and EMS activist to participate in EMT forums.
How many NHSTA, State EMS Directors, NREMT Board of Directors, EMS Medical Directors does one see participate in EMS forums ? Or for that goes, how many professional medics participate in EMS forums in comparison to the millions working in the field ?
Many of those professionals regards EMS forums as "feel good for egos" and "swapping war stories" sites, maybe the most viewed topic of being "what boot should I wear?". I personally view forums as an avenue to be able for us in EMS to be able to increase awareness of EMS Systems, current and proposed changes within the system, be able to learn of of other EMS systems nationally and internationally, as well as to be able to vent feelings for comradely support. Hopefully we can increase our knowledge in new and recent patient care topics, and of course tell jokes. But the main purpose is to I would hope would be to "to develop friends". Which I personally have accomplished from this site.
It was from EMS forums an organization was formed that has no gained respectability & credibility have been able to make suggestions to national and state steering committees for changes within EMS. Some of are members from this very forum. I can assure you many of these participants did not always agree with each other, with some topics became very heated & controversial. But, we all agreed upon one thing each wanted EMS to be a better system. In fact the more heated debates the more and more members started participating in and the forums increased their membership.
I believe you, that you think Virginia has an outstanding EMS system, I have heard quite the opposite of that. Personally, I do not know. I am sure it is like every other state, it has its' good and bad. Communicating and discussing with fellow co-workers is great but learning outside the "box" also means learning broadening ones' horizon and learning of other systems albeit local, state or even internationally. I know I have from many of you.
R/r 911