Local FF's shopping while on duty


Forum Captain
BOSTON (WBZ) ― If you saw a fire truck parked in the fire lane of a grocery store, chances are you would assume there was some kind of emergency inside. But when the I-Team saw a ladder truck outside a grocery store our hidden cameras spotted on-duty Boston firefighters leisurely wandering the aisles, shopping for sushi, frozen cookie dough and toothbrushes.

Link to the full story/video:

And an XtraNorml video rebuttal that was made by a local FF:


Without reading the article, provided it's only one unit from a station, meh, big deal. Fire fighters have to eat too. Sure, given the options, I'd rather they send the SUV to do the shopping, but Boston Fire has bigger fish to fry (mandatory random drug testing anyone? Break pads on the engines?).


Forum Deputy Chief
I have not read the story nor have I watched the videos, however when I worked for the county, it was common for us to decide in the morning what we were doing for lunch and dinner and then send either the ambulance or engine to get the food.

Usually the engine went cause we were always busy on calls and there was a store well within their coverage area.

When deciding food for 5-8 people, it is much easier to decide the morning of instead of the shift 48 hours prior because things change; people get ill, are floated to other stations, so you wait till the ones that are on duty that day to make the decisions.

I see nothing wrong with the practice, it is a good chance to do PR while out as well. Working in Florida though, we always got the seniors calling and complaining about their tax dollars being wasted and when we explained we work 24 hour shifts and need to shop for everyone, they usually accepted that.

As noted, there are much bigger fish to fry...


Forum Deputy Chief
It would be so much easier to pick up chicks at the grocery store if I had some bunker pants and red suspenders to go over my blue fire service t shirt :D


I see Portland Fire and Rescue in the store every week with there engine outside... not a big deal, they all live in a station and have to eat on duty.

although when I did see them block traffic once with a ladder truck to go into starbucks... I have to say I laughed.


The New Beach Medic
I don't see a problem either... I think people are just trying to stir up trouble.


Forum Deputy Chief
BOSTON (WBZ) ― If you saw a fire truck parked in the fire lane of a grocery store, chances are you would assume there was some kind of emergency inside. But when the I-Team saw a ladder truck outside a grocery store our hidden cameras spotted on-duty Boston firefighters leisurely wandering the aisles, shopping for sushi, frozen cookie dough and toothbrushes.

Link to the full story/video:

And an XtraNorml video rebuttal that was made by a local FF:

So? What's the point? They do have to shop for their station.


The Truth Provider
Sadly they will now be forced to stay at the station and starve if they fail to bring food with them when they come on duty. Darn busy bodies.

The big problem is per the report "We saw Engine 32 shopping at a Stop and Shop. Not only was it out their district, it was out of the city of Boston. The store is located in Somerville."

Why did they make a long drive when they could hit the local?
These guys may cause all to be punished.
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Forum Deputy Chief
I see nothing wrong with taking the engine to the supermarket. Have seen it done many times. And I beleive in WA state they are allowed to park in the fire lane be it an emergency or a shopping trip.

Makes sense actually. Just think. If they were to park out in the lot, they would more than likely have to park way out in the empty part of the lot since an engine would take up like four spaces. Being parked in the fire lane eliminates having to cross the entire lot to get to the rig. And it also seems like stupidity to send part of the crew in an SYV three minutes away to get lunch when the whole crew can go in the engine and have no increase in response times. I for one am willing to pay the extra $50 (probably less) a year per taxpayer for FD trips to the supermarket in order to maintain good response times.


The Truth Provider
A smart reporter would have focused on the dangers created by theses fire fighters abandoning their service area. Much smarter and more easily defended. Griping about getting food and parking in the fire lane is stupidity.


Has no idea what I'm doing.
This is just me going out on a limb but maybe they stopped by the store after a mutual aid? With all that is wrong with this article I would not be surprised if Mr. Shortsleeve or sh*tsleeve or whatever his name is omitted something.


Forum Captain
I've done this often with one particular ambulance company I worked with. We were lucky enough to have stations-though not usually lucky enough to have the time to use them-and they were usually close to grocery stores. We would venture out and one of us would go in with the radios and a pager, and the other would stay with the ambulance. It always worked like a charm.


Didn't read or watch. No point. This moron obviously can't think independently enough to report on real news...

This just in!!! House burns to the ground while firefighter washes hands after using the bathroom!!!1!!!1!!1!!!


Forum Chief
Like anything the privilege can be abused by some. There are some FDs that will empty out all 3 - 4 vehicles from each station (4 local stations), including the ladder truck, for all 3 meals, later go for snacks and of course stopping at various coffee houses because some FFs like Starbucks, some like Dunkin and some like Peets or whatever. When this is a daily occurence, that gets noticed. It also becomes a joke about "how many FFs does it take..." when you see 4 FD trucks and 10 - 12 FFs all shopping for each meal. Add on the other 3 stations and you have what looks like a FF convention each day/ 3x a day at some stores. Of course, we could also add on the personal errands that some trucks run when out driving around.

for one am willing to pay the extra $50 (probably less) a year per taxpayer for FD trips to the supermarket in order to maintain good response times.

Absolutely not! The tax rates are already beyond the cost of living for some families. To add an additional financial burden to these families whose taxes are already going to pay for the fuel and new trucks is asking alot. When a family making a modest living with a $200k house is hit with taxes anywhere from $12 - $35/$1000 assessed value and additional fees, to add another surcharge for FFs to make numerous trips to the stores and to pay for their tricked out kitchens and grills (also by tax payer money) might backfire as well as be an issue for excessive taxation. Thus, when the FD wants to petition for higher taxes to rennovate a station, again, the people might not be so willing and the FD won't want to give up any fluff expenditures. Right now taxes are a big issue since Fire in several states are trying to gain control over taxation sectors to apply mergers that will take over whatever county or private EMS services.

Taxpayers do have a right to know where their money is being spent and how much of the expenditures are going for activities not directly related to a fire.

Any homeowners here? Have you seriously look at your tax bills?

I see nothing wrong with the practice, it is a good chance to do PR while out as well. Working in Florida though, we always got the seniors calling and complaining about their tax dollars being wasted and when we explained we work 24 hour shifts and need to shop for everyone, they usually accepted that.

Shame on those stupid seniors for being concerned about their tax dollars. They should be willing to throw their retirement and fixed income at the FFs. Do you realize that not all of Florida is "Palm Beach"? Many people retired on from jobs with very modest incomes. When they first retired, prices and taxes may have been reasonable. Now FL is supporting some huge FDs and PS districts as well as the schools, parks and roads or other infrastructure. The last major election for a property tax ammendment also showed how much fluff was in the costs to the taxpayers when the books were opened.
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Forum Deputy Chief
Premium Member
just for the record... The station that engine is based out of is nearby the Charleston (Boston) and Sommerville line... the supermarket they went to is less then a mile from their station (as the crow flies), and has easy access to major roads to get to any call. Furthermore, there are no other large supermarkets nearby.


Has no idea what I'm doing.
never mind... don't want to offend anyone.
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The Truth Provider
This is just me going out on a limb but maybe they stopped by the store after a mutual aid? With all that is wrong with this article I would not be surprised if Mr. Shortsleeve or sh*tsleeve or whatever his name is omitted something.

Actually no they were not returning from a call or from training. The reporter did research and it was confirmed it was out to get food.

I am relieved that even though out of its service area it was at the nearest store though if dan is correct.


Forum Chief
Actually no they were not returning from a call or from training. The reporter did research and it was confirmed it was out to get food.

You'd think someone that did enough research to see why they were there would also have the brain power to research the daily life, rules and regulations regarding such situations...

Just a thought. ^_^