Late calls


Forum Crew Member
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What does your service to for a late call, and how do they define a late call?

Mine gives you $25 on top of the pay, but to them a late call includes a transfer, if you have a no care, or patient refusal you don't get the $25
They dispatch us to the call, usually with an apology...then clear us to the garage when we clear the call.
Late call is any time we are not clocked out by our EOS time. We could have a 911 call, ALS IFT, BLS IFT, be posting for coverage, paperwork, training etc.

Any amount of time past our EOS is double time pay.

They can force us to stay 2 hours past our EOS time and give us any calls they want. After 2 hours then its up to us if we want to stay for coverage or go home. I've had a couple days where we stayed for an extra 12 hours to help.
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My company hates paying Ot so the only time we run into shift over run is a late call with no one else around or late stat transfer. We are paid time and a half past our shift. We rarely see people being held and when done is for an hour tops.
What does your service to for a late call, and how do they define a late call?

Mine gives you $25 on top of the pay, but to them a late call includes a transfer, if you have a no care, or patient refusal you don't get the $25

Sounds like a lovely violation of FSLA....and an attempt to avoid paying OT.

I misread at first, didn't catch the bonus on top of the pay...if thats the case, nice job. Even if you dont transport you are still getting your not a bad deal I guess.
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We are responsible for calls right up to shift end. If our replacement crew is not in we go. If we are on our way back to base and are closest to a 911 or stat transfer we get nailed. We get time and a half for all OT. Once shift end comes and I'm at base, not my problem.
They dispatch us to the call, usually with an apology...then clear us to the garage when we clear the call.


We do not get paid extra to work after EOS. So you need 40 hours/week in order to make OT for getting held over. Not great, but then again they are pretty good about getting us out on time.

We do not get paid extra to work after EOS. So you need 40 hours/week in order to make OT for getting held over. Not great, but then again they are pretty good about getting us out on time.


We can get a transfer 30 before EOS. And a 911 up until the end.

If we are getting off late we are not supposed to wash the truck or stop for diesel.

We can get a transfer 30 before EOS. And a 911 up until the end.

If we are getting off late we are not supposed to wash the truck or stop for diesel.

If they hold me over I am still fueling and washing (no policy against it) so I can collect as much OT as possible. If my partner wants to peace that's fine, but I leave the trucks clean since I am always in a different one and I don't want to have that sort of reputation. Also money.
Time and a half or the equivalent in Comp Time starting one minute past EOS.

We do not get paid extra to work after EOS. So you need 40 hours/week in order to make OT for getting held over. Not great, but then again they are pretty good about getting us out on time.

Generally we get time and a half if we are being held over since, for full timers, it's OT, but if you're per diem and get held over you are getting regular pay unless you pick up full time hours that week.

We still fuel if we need it, no washing though the VSTs do that ;)
we get paid our hourly rate. if you have worked you 40 hours for the week, than any more time is time and a half, but since we work 3 12s, usually a late job gets paid as straight time.

Dispatch tries to get us out on time, but you are on the clock for 12 hours, and you can be given a job for the entire 12 hours. ALS crews can be sent on jobs after EOS, if they are the closest unit and there are no other ALS units available, but dispatch tries to get them back to quarters for shift change. So units hustle and try to get back for shift change. At the old job it was the same for the 24 hour BLS trucks.

depending on call volume, the supervisor can hold the power trucks an extra 2 hours past EOS, but those times are rare and usually when we have multiple ALS jobs holding, or are dealing with MCI events that have drained the system (6+ victim MVA, multiple stabbings or shootings, etc).
Learned a good lesson along time ago.. Don't ever expect to get off on time. There isn't such a thing in EMS.. If it happens great, if not.. Remember you signed up for this :rofl:
One company I worked for in private service paid $5 an hour bonus on top of regular pay (or overtime if it set you into that) for any run dispatched with less than 30 minutes to go in your shift. Same for out of town trips that using mapquest's calculation would put you past EOS. They never did have a problem getting volunteers for out of town trips...

Most just pay regular pay or OT if it sets you into that.

At the fire depts I run on now, we try to relieve about 30 minutes early if possible. There's a large core groups of guys (including me) who just cover for each other as needed. There are others that refuse to go on a run if their shift hasn't started. (Those are the same people who have trouble finding someone to cover their shifts or relieve early when they need it...) We often only have one crew on at a time so some have the mentality that if they cover for someone then they miss the pay for the backup run if a second one goes out during that time. Once again, never had an issue with this--usually whomever ends up getting the backup money just buys the other guy lunch and few people just flat out hand them the cash after the next stipend pay period.

I think it's just a "corporate culture" thing. In the fire departments, we just tend to cover for each other. But if no one is covering for you, it's still your run at the end of the day (no pun intended).
Once we hit our finish time we are placed 'out of service' and can only be requested to attend a cardiac arrest etc on our way back to station.

Any time past our finish is paid at double time, with 1+ hour overtime also awarded with a $13 'late finish' payment