Interview Question: If EMS was not around, What would you be?


Forum Deputy Chief
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So, years ago when I was hired where I am now. We had a different Medcial Director than the current, this Medical would sit in on interviews and would not ask Medically related questions but questions that he used to try to get to know you(along with the other standard questions from the Officers in the room) in the short time we had in the interview. Anyway, he asked me this.

"If EMS was not around, if there were no Paramedics. What would you be?"

I had never given to question thought so I blurted out, "ER Doc because that is who a Paramedic is most closely related to and an extension of..."

Anyway, he seemed to like my answer but as years went on the question crossed my mind again. I am now 7-8 years into EMS and if I had to choose another Job I do think it would not be in the Medical Field... For Humans atleast, I love my job don't get me wrong but sometimes I wish I was doing something else. And if I had to choose another job I would be an Airline Pilot. Get to see many places, great pay, get free tickets, great benefits.

So, if there was no EMS and no EMTS or Paramedics....... What would you be?
Either a chef, a writer or back working in broadcasting.
I would have made a greater effort to enter the Coast Guard.
Coast Guard! Yeah that would be awesome

BTW, why did this get moved to here? I know it was an interview question but it has nothing to do with EMS employment per say. It was to generate a discussion of what one would be if no EMS services exhisted
Flamingo wrangler......seriously.
....firefighter... Haha

Other then that it would have probably been Army.
Probably a Doctor, specifically an OB/Gynae or psychiatrist

Both my sisters are chefs and while I like cooking there is a difference between cooking and being a chef, so not for me. My brother is a personal trainer and I don't think I would look good being all burly like.

Dad is a drug sales rep and mum is a landscape designer; none of those interest me terribly, drugs maybe, but more the pharmacological and therapeutic action but I don't want to be a pharmacist or something.

If not a Doctor, then I am not sure, maybe a screenwriter, or an IT pro, or an airplane pilot or something, who knows ... maybe a truck driver.
Moved back to EMS Talk. I'm not sure that it doesn't belong in EMS Employment, but hopefully you'll get some more responses here.
Doctor or college track/cross country coach :)
I'd still be in the military, or law enforcement. Probably the military.
Girls College Volley Ball Coach ;)

I used to be a line judge for our girls college vball team... Best college job ever! :D
Hard to say. I really enjoy the healthcare field, so I would like to stay doctor/nurse/RT, etc. However, I wouldn't have found out that I enjoy the healthcare field without going into EMS. :blink:
I used to be a line judge for our girls college vball team... Best college job ever! :D

Ugh I'd rather be flogged than cover another volleyball match, which they used to make me do when hockey was out of town. So much screaming!!
Firefighter, which I guess I am now, just minus the EMS part.
If not, I've thought about both med school and law enforcement, so probably one of those.

I'm also going to cast my vote into the pro-volleyball camp...sorry Tigger
I'd probably be incarcerated :blink:
Firefighter, which I guess I am now, just minus the EMS part.
If not, I've thought about both med school and law enforcement, so probably one of those.

I'm also going to cast my vote into the pro-volleyball camp...sorry Tigger

Hey get me earplugs and all is well, but apparently the medical staff is supposed to hear what is going on (damn).