I need help so I can pass

Cheating! Unless basics can do BGL in NJ. :P

I know i know, i shouldnt have put that in there!

The one of glucose from Chief compliant I would first ask if he has not taken his insulin in day and make sure he can swallow but I would calls ALS. I would use one tube of glucose in the tongue suppressor places between in the cheek and gum also, rapid transport

Well, you got some of it. You are correct, this patient is a diabetic and oral glucose would be your treatment (pending verification of the 5 rights). ALS should also be called (you should verbalize this for ANY medical scenario they give you). Its not called a "suppressor", its a "depressor".

You arent planning on just walking up and giving the glucose are you? There is an entire assessment to be done. Do you have your skills sheets handy? Sounds like you might want to look them over quite a bit.
Dispatched to 21 year old female complaining of respiratory distress.

U/A 21 yo Female sitting on the porch in tripod position. C/C of shortness of breath and tightness in her chest. She talks in 2 word sentences between breath. She is breathing 30 times a minute. She is blue around the mouth. She tells you "my boyfriend...gasp....just broke...gasp...up with...me". She has audible wheezing. She has a history of asthma and depression. When you ask about meds she hands you an inhaler.

What do you do?

I feel as though she may have carpopedal spasms as well :ph34r:
Called to a Park where a 23 y/o Male is complaining of Shortness of Breath. Patient Vital Signs

HR: 140
BP: 82/38
Resp: 28 - Labored
Skin: Cool & Diaphoretic

Patient has known allergies to latex. Patient last ate 30 minutes prior to 911 call. Friends stated that they shared their lunch with him which included Trail Mix and a Banana.

What do you do? ask any questions you may have if I forgot to mention them
I feel as though she may have carpopedal spasms as well :ph34r:

Wheezes are not created by the patient? When questioned the pt states this feels like previous asthma attacks :P

Put that in your pipe and smoke it!

italk, you didn't address any scenarios I presented...They aren't gimmes but they aren't overly complicated either.
I know i know, i shouldnt have put that in there!

Well, you got some of it. You are correct, this patient is a diabetic and oral glucose would be your treatment (pending verification of the 5 rights).

6 rights :P Drug, Dose, Route, Time, Patient, Documentation ;)
Wheezes are not created by the patient? When questioned the pt states this feels like previous asthma attacks :P

Put that in your pipe and smoke it!

italk, you didn't address any scenarios I presented...They aren't gimmes but they aren't overly complicated either.

I overlooked that fact...don't judge me :(
Scenario 2:

You arrive on scene and find a 58 year old male complaining of crushing substernal chest pain that radiates to his abdomen, and shortness of breath. The pain started about 20 minutes ago. He has an extensive medical history which includes a bypass surgery 4 years ago, and is prescribed Nitro by his doctor.


Scene size up and primary acessment
give him o2 on non-rebreather at 15 liters per minute or nasal canula.
request als and monter response time
place patient in posision of confort
obtain baseline vituals and obtain SAMPLE history

Chief compliant chest pain
Does he have his own nitro
is his systolic pressure great than 100HGmm
Has he taken the maxium dose prior to me coming
Ask if he had any Ed meds within 24 hours
see if he has head injury


I will check to see if his nitro is right patient,right dose, right route , right time and right documentation.
Also, it can not be exspired beyond the date it says on the bottle
if this all valid I will assessst him in his nitro
I will do eithe one spray or 1 tablet under the tongue
Now I will wait 1 or 2 minutes
Reassess his vituals if still complaing repeat process
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I'll throw you a bone.

19 yo patient complaining of respiratory distress. Upon arrival you see a 19 yo female in the tripod position at a family BBQ. ABC assessment reveals facial and swelling of the tongue, lips and mouth. The patient has audible stridor, accessory muscle use and is breathing rapidly. The patient has hives on her chest. Pt is tachycardic, BP is 92/70. SAMPLE indicates allergies to bee stings and asthma. Only meds are an Epi-Pen and inhaler prescribed by her doctor.

What do you do?

What do you do?

There's two, someone else can give you the other two.

Your welcome.

Scene size up and primary assessment
administer o2 on non-rebreather device at 15 liter per minute or nasal canula at 6 liters per minute
place patirent in posistion of confort
call/request als and moniter response time
obtain base line vituals and Sample history
Conduct physical and focused assessment
no contra because this a 911 problem

Cheif compliant Anaplaxes
adminster epi
Make sure it is here epi
Make sure it is not exspired
Check for color if yellow throw it out if not use it
stab epi pen in liatual thiegh and hold for 10 seconds and after that rub for 10 seonconds
than put epi in the sharps
resasess vituals
rapid transport
Scene size up and primary acessment
give him o2 on non-rebreather at 15 liters per minute or nasal canula.
request als and monter response time
place patient in posision of confort
obtain baseline vituals and obtain SAMPLE history

Chief compliant chest pain
Does he have his own nitro
is his systolic pressure great than 100HGmm
Has he taken the maxium dose prior to me coming
Ask if he had any Ed meds within 24 hours
see if he has head injury


I will not check to see if his nitro is right patient,right dose, right route , right time and right documentation.
Also, it can not be exspired beyond the date it says on the bottle
if this all valid I will assessst him in his nitro
I will do eithe one spray or 1 tablet under the tongue
Now I will wait 1 or 2 minutes
Reassess his vituals if still complaing repeat process

You WILL ALWAYS CHECK the 6 pt rights prior to ANY DRUG ADMINISTRATION. Regardless if it is their rx or not.
BGL = blood glucose level.

You need to reference which scenario your talking about, there's more than one that was presented.

Don't as us what it's about, tell us what your thoughts are and how you would treat it.

I'm willing to bet that we have more medical knowledge than your mother, no offense.

My mom is a nurse in plastic surgery
The one of glucose from Chief compliant I would first ask if he has not taken his insulin in day and make sure he can swallow but I would calls ALS. I would use one tube of glucose in the tongue suppressor places between in the cheek and gum also, rapid transport

Is insulin the only medication that can cause hypoglycemia in diabetic patients?
I think he was hoping that you would research it a little bit...

That's kind of the way it works here. We won't spoonfeed you the answers, but we'll point you in a direction where you can learn.
My help to you...

Wait a couple years and retake the class. From what you have presented on the board you need to grow up a little.

Work on your spelling, punctuation, become independent of mom, and learn study and research skills.

Take an anatomy class, finish high school, enjoy your teens.

In a few short weeks you are going to have your own real pts, real problems that are going to be other than asthma, heart attack, allergic reaction, and diabetes. The answer wont be high flow o2 and rapid transport. You have to think outside of the box at the big picture.

This is the only help I can give you.
I almost done with my class just 2 more mods left I think. I have been on call. If fail this scenario I might try first responder than go back to emt. I am going to be focused and I will pass.
Is insulin the only medication that can cause hypoglycemia in diabetic patients?

I found out I ask a real diabetic in school today they told me soda and food. Also, stress
Soda and food will cause hyperglycemia. More glucose with nothing to do with it.