How would you respond?


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You're driving the ambulance. Your partner is your boss (captain, chief, ect). You're going code 3 to a call after dark. The road conditions are less than favorable. Your partner is visibly irritated with how slow you are driving and tells you to drive faster; but you don't think you can safely drive any faster. What do you tell your partner?
for them to calm down. there is no need to put yourself at more risk then you already are (driving code in bad weather). It isn't your partners or your emergency, it is the pt's.
"We'll be there in a moment, safely" :D
"Stop side seat driving!"
"Suck it."
Hey this ain't nascar and you ain't the pit crew boss.
Better late than dead on time.
I tell my partner he should keep his mouth shut, or drive yourself. It brings nothing to anyone if you do not arrive. Your own life and safety have precedence.
"would you like to drive?"

Yes: pull over and switch

No: "then let me drive"
"would you like to drive?"

Yes: pull over and switch

No: "then let me drive"

If the weather is bad and someone is hounding be to drive faster the last thing I want to do is let that person actually drive. Can't steer out of a slide sitting in the passenger's seat...
I think a couple people got it wrong when they said switch seats. If I am already driving at what is safe for me, and someone else wants me to go you really want to put that person behind the wheel?

Absolutely not!

They have just demonstrated they are eager to commit unsafe behaviors and their mindset is not where it should be. Do not put your life in their hands at this point.

You calmly inform them you are driving at a safe speed for the road conditions and your intent is to arrive there alive without getting into accident either. No one can force you to drive faster or unsafe. Even if he pulled rank and gave a direct order, you have every right to ignore it. Who do you think the county/city/owner/HR will side with if he were to file a report?

Stand up for yourself and do not be intimated into unsafe behaviors.
It happened to me

My first code three call on the rescue truck. WHen we stopped our 360 spin and stall, the offending crew chief said "Think you wuz driven' fas' enuff, D?".
I actually would offer to switch, but that's a personal thing. I live in they city, and my run district is 190 square miles. There are a lot of guys out here that would know most of the roads better than I do, and can also drive much better in drifting snow than I can. I probably won't do more than 25 sometimes, but I know the guys who have been out here longer than I have been alive might still be comfortable at 35 or 45. And the difference between 25 and 45 is significant when the scene can very well be 40 miles from where the station is.

In any case, we have a rule where the driver is responsible for driving and "officer" or man in the passenger's seat is responsible for everything else. If the passenger suggests a change of drivers, it's the driver's call whether or not to change. Rank does not matter here, hence why "officer" is in quotes.
Sorry I still is a partnership and if I personally do not feel safe above a certain speed, I will not allow someone else to drive me above that...pure foolishness.

We need to be proactive and mitigate our personal and team risk on every call, every day. Giving the authority to someone else to exceed your personal acceptable risk level is asking for trouble.

I am cognizant of this even when I drive...that is my responsibility as the vehicle operator. If I am comfortable at 70mph on a winding road and I look over and see my partner squirming in their seat, gritting teeth or closing is my duty to ask if they are ok with how I am driving. If not, then I need to readjust my speeds to a lower level as we all need to be responsible to each other first.

Just because it is ok for one, does not mean it is ok for all...and yes I have slowed my partners down many times over the years and I have been slowed myself. It is easy to get caught in the moment and have the perception that your chosen driving behavior is acceptable...that is dangerous as it means you are no longer focused and you are over confident in your ability.
"I can't supervisor, I'm at the units top speed already" :P
