Forum Probie
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Tones drop for a headache and general unwell.
HR 116 BP 117/69 O2 95% RR 14 BGL...... Well yikes. Patient is a diabetic with heart failure as well.
Afebrile, hemodynamics pretty stable, chest auscultation normal, nothing else on history. Exam did reveal also patient had some light sensitivity.
Opened patient her sweet tea bottle load and go went code 3 pretty standard. But look at that dexcom wow looks like my bank account.
HR 116 BP 117/69 O2 95% RR 14 BGL...... Well yikes. Patient is a diabetic with heart failure as well.
Afebrile, hemodynamics pretty stable, chest auscultation normal, nothing else on history. Exam did reveal also patient had some light sensitivity.
Opened patient her sweet tea bottle load and go went code 3 pretty standard. But look at that dexcom wow looks like my bank account.