If someone in your family needed CPR, don't you think you would be more qualified to administer it than some layman?
ummmm.. sure... but CPR is CPR, and if you are going CPR on a family member, it's a really bad day
I am a trucker. I used to have a trucking teammate whose parents were both EMT's. He told me about how one time in his childhood, one of his younger brothers got hypothermia. And he told me his parents knew not to submerge him in hot water to thaw him out because of their EMT skills. I was hoping you people would have some interesting anecdotes like that.
I mean... yeah... my EMS training has helped me not do certain things....
Let's see.... I have not stick anything in my son's mouth when he started seizing... I also took off his clothes and took the blanket off him because his fever spiked....
When my son fell out of his high chair when my wife was feeding him, I didn't panic, I didn't call 911, but I did calm down my wife... she was more of a wreck than he was.
When my son fell down the stairs, I picked him up, made sure he wasn't dying or had anything broken, and walked him back up the stairs.
When my son was sounding croupy, I listened with my stethoscope, and told my wife we need to take him to the ER....
Honestly, the most I use my knowledge off duty is advising others on what's an emergency, and what's not. Calming people down. directing them to call 911. Telling them to make an appointment with their doctor.
I've stopped at more than my share of MVCs to help out (usually if the car is upside down or if it looks like a pin), but the majority of the time the best thing I do in those cases is call 911, advise how many injuries, and if it's a basic MVA, or a confirmed pin. a basic MVA gets an engine and an ambulance, while a pin will get 1 engine, 1 ladder, 1 rescue, 2 ambulances, and 1 or 2 chiefs. I might do a basic assessment, and once the AHJ arrives, I tell them what I saw, and continue on my day.
The only use of the acronym ED that I know of is erectile dysfunction LOL. From the context of this conversation, I am sure you are not writing about erectile dysfunction. What does ED stand for? Emergency Doctors?
Emergency Department?