Forum verification

Are you for Credential Verifications

  • Yes- I would like verification of some kind

  • No- I do not feel it is necessary

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In all seriousness, I would absolutely love a voluntary verification thing. I was extremely upset by this community when I was called a fake. I'm sure many people here would be shocked at what a terrible real paramedic I am.
Could any mods weigh in please :rolleyes::D
I am not really swayed either way.

From a personal perspective, I feel confident that I can pick out who has knowledge and who doesn't, regardless of their post count.

The moderation of this forum is relatively lax, and that is intentional. Arguments happen and if they are civl, we let them be. But what is often forgotten is that the CL team is very part time and I am not sure we can come up with a time efficient way to verify people. But I am low on the totem pole.
Could any mods weigh in please :rolleyes::D
We discussed this a few years back (woah, emtlife is 13 years old!) and privacy was a big concern. We would need to develop a process, make the information sharing secure, and then permanently delete the information afterwards. Then of course, there's the time commitment.
I know the NREMT and many state EMS websites allows anyone to enter an EMS certification number for verification right on their public website. Of course verifying a number would also need to be matched with some form of I.D. and ya there is time and work involved with this... Someone could email a copy of their driver's license and their NREMT number for example. After being verified by the admin, it would be deleted. You could have them agree to some privacy terms and conditions/risk also to limit your liability. I suppose you could make it a "premium feature" exclusively to re-coop the time and effort cost.
We discussed this a few years back (woah, emtlife is 13 years old!) and privacy was a big concern. We would need to develop a process, make the information sharing secure, and then permanently delete the information afterwards. Then of course, there's the time commitment.
Would the current mods using the websites private messaging system count as secure? Personally, I don't think the verification process would take more then 5 minutes on the mods part(I know you have busy lives too). However what I'm putting on the "table" doesn't need to be a "done today" type of thing. Whenever a mod comes on, has a few minutes to spare, they can simply look at a scanned image containing key "verification keys" such *** taken on green paper or, next to a spoon ect. sent via pm, address blotted out. Most of that work is done from the user-wanting to be verified point. This way it is within the power of the folks who run the site. And you(any admin) can personally delete it.
I use a very scientific process to determine who is worth listening to:
I look at the like:post ratio...
Essentially how many likes the person has compared to the posts made

If somebody has at least a 1:3 ratio (200 likes:600 posts), then they obviously do a decent job of waiting to make helpful comments rather than just adding to the noise

@ERDoc may have one of the most impressive like:post ratios around (1.11:1) and I find nearly every one of his posts helpful

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I use a very scientific process to determine who is worth listening to:
I look at the like:post ratio...
Essentially how many likes the person has compared to the posts made

If somebody has at least a 1:3 ratio (200 likes:600 posts), then they obviously do a decent job of waiting to make helpful comments rather than just adding to the noise

@ERDoc may have one of the most impressive like:post ratios around (1.11:1) and I find nearly every one of his posts helpful

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I oddly enough use the same method.
@Aprz is so screwed...

Haha! Oddly enough, I have crossed @Aprz IRL and know that there are cases for simply being misunderstood or having a way of communicating that doesn't always translate as intended. I personally find a lot of what @Aprz says to be helpful as he has clearly has a better understanding of certain areas of clinical care than I do.

For others, it may just takes longer to develop their ability to offer "helpful" insight; one can be correct in what they say without necessarily being helpful. The times that I have struggled in both personal and work life often had less to do with the content of what I was saying but everything to do with the packaging. Offering insight/advice in a palatable way (without simply trying to be "right") seems to be a rare trait in certain communities.

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I have 2778 posts and 1045 likes....none of what I said was ever helpful, I am just a funny guy!

So for every 2.5 posts, I get a like!!

Help a brother me today! Now! Seriously, you know you wanna...
Been a member here since 2005....and have 2779 posts. Means I post on average 252 x a year or 21 x a month or once every 1.5 days.

Is my math right?
@ERDoc may have one of the most impressive like:post ratios around (1.11:1) and I find nearly every one of his posts helpful

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I don't have much to say but when I do I make it epic words of wisdom.:cool:
i'm on pace to be knowledgeable, how the f did that happen? o_O:confused:
i'm on pace to be knowledgeable, how the f did that happen? o_O:confused:
I say we create a "verification scale" with a post to like ratio. The bottom of the scale would be named after the most dubiously infamous of poster perhaps "Sultan", all the way up "ERDoc" status at the top.