Forum Names

Kat: my nickname
grl: kinda obvious
2003: year I graduated high school

As for my sig, it's a question I have always wanted to ask those that work in dispatch.

Well... Jon is an abbreviated form of my first name, and the name I commonly go by. It started out as MedicStudentJon, but after I didn't complete medic school, it just became "Jon"... giving me the shortest username on here, I think. What can I say... I'm special!

As for my signature quote: It is one of the basic laws of EMS... as stolen from the Lunatick's site: . I've had it posted for a year or two... and at least 1 new member liked it so much he's copied it for himself.

The legalese tag line in my signature is from my former worksite, where the copra rate IT policy required that tag line if you were posting in a web forum from work. I've kept it because it isn't a bad idea.

The 5-character combination in the bottom left is my amateur radio callsign... just posted for the fun of it.

My user name is where I live and what I do.

My signature is who I am. I put my name to what I believe in. I do my best to say what I mean and mean what I say.
While visiting Alice Springs in Austrailia in the early 90's I really liked the area. The Austrailians call it the Outback. A few years later after businesses and my employment changed I opened an Outdoor camping store selling backpacks, tents, canoes etc.. The store was called Outback Adventures and I became the Outback one. Of course I had to change the spelling.

The first part of the signature line is mine (If you want to be old you had better learn to be tough), as I'm almost 30 years older than the youngest at my base. One of them was whining about something one day and I basicaly told them to toughen up. If I could do it they should be able to. The second part,(Life is tough. It's even tougher if you're stupid), is from an old John Wayne movie, (Sands of Iwo Jima), where he plays a tough Sgt. training his troops before battle. I thought the two seemed to go well together.
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Mine is a combination of what I do, and my department ID number.

My signatures are a collection of what I feel to be three of the wisest sayings of all time.
[Initials of my middle (I go by my middle name) and last name] in [initials of my home town].

Cheesy yes, but it was the one my parents forced me to get when we first got the internet in the mid 90s. Thank god I got out of the IM[name] setup that everyone else uses (it was already taken for me). Since it's pretty unique, I just haven't changed it over the years, so I continue to use it.
Fortsmithman is my username in chat rooms and online games. Fortsmith is the name of the town I live in man because I am one.
[Initials of my middle (I go by my middle name) and last name] in [initials of my home town].

Cheesy yes, but it was the one my parents forced me to get when we first got the internet in the mid 90s. Thank god I got out of the IM[name] setup that everyone else uses (it was already taken for me). Since it's pretty unique, I just haven't changed it over the years, so I continue to use it.

I'm glad I now understand where the hell your username came from. I have a tendency to hear what I read, and my brain just could not pronounce that.

I like the word lucid. I try to be lucid in chaos. I do search and rescue. People who require searching/rescuing are often far from lucid.
The guys i work with call me redneck all the time.On a shift one night the medic i was riding with said i was a hitechredneck. As for my signature i have a black cloud for bad calls and i deal with the thoughts of them every day.
I chose basic because it's simple. EMT-Basic also influenced my decision.

My signature is simple too. A Subaru Impreza WRX STi Ambulance would decimate ALL.
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I am our departments EMS Captain. We are volunteer fire and first responders. My last name is ...ready?... Hooker. They call me Captain Hook, which was funny a couple times, until I caught myself almost IDing me on the radio as that.

My tag is from a local author by name of Micheal Perry who writes about small town rural stuff and happens to be a volly fire fighter & first responder, and registered nurse. He is from a town about 1.5 hours north in a setting very similar to ours. One of his books is called Population 385; Meeting your neighbors one siren at a time. Very good read!
Pumper 12 is the engine company I'm assigned to when I ride out at my volunteer fire gig. Our pumper company has been "pumper 12, up on the hill" for over 50 years. For some odd reason, I'm kinda proud of that. I think it's a good way to honor department history.
The first part is easy, im an EMT. But Bandit, comes from the movie "Smokey and the Bandit". I loved that movie and watched it all the time growing up and still like it. Just loved the crazy antics and the way he would always throw the Cops for a loop.

As for my signature, I saw the "Annie, Annie, Are you OK?" line on a T-shirt on some online store and it made me think of all the times we had to say it back in EMT school, it always made me giggle whenever I said it and still does when I go back for CPR Recert. And the quote is from The Janitor on Scrubs. I thought it was a funny line and he's my favorite character on one of my favorite shows, as goes for my Avatar.
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NJ- I'm from Jersey
Newbie- According to everyone i work with i will always be the newbie
196- the number of my favorite rig/ the squad's call sign

As for my signature, I heard the first one i heard on a job site (construction) and the other three are from my favorite TV show and i believe they pretty much explain life.
kev-short for kevin
d- first letter last name
18- well i started using this username elsewhere quite some time ago(when i was 18). it just stuck.
EMT- Thats what I am
Angie- Nickname
850- Our ambulances' ID
So... since my signature was hacked, and non-original, I had to get a new one.

Friday night, at the "JEMS Games" EMS compition... I heard one of the best EMS 1-liners.

"It Hurts!"
EMS Provider
"Thats good... Pain is a diagnostic tool"

ty- short for Tyler (first name)
dek- short for DeKrey (last name)
07- year of graduating from high school

My name is Jeremy and I was born in 89... I couldn't think of anything better and I've always used that name. Signature- again, my name (so I don't have to type it each time I post :P) and my credentials...