first call of the day is...

Diabetic problem, RP told dispatch that we could cancel and he was feeling better (enroute). I ended up convincing crew to go anyways. (Have ran on this pt before) Checked him out, he was fine. Last time i gave him D50.

Wait, what? The caller called back and said to the dispatcher "I feel fine and I don't want an ambulance", but you decided to go anyway?
First and only call at 0230 (after a day spent doing nothhhhing) was for a seven year old male with stabbing chest pain. Arrived to find a 70 year old male who indeed was having stabbing chest pain. And an anteriolateral MI. Launched the helicopter from the house, packed him up with the help of the volunteers who did a half decent job driving us to the LZ. Waited no more than 90 seconds for the helicopter to set down, handed him over, and back to bed we went.

Also, while I think on principle that hot loads are silly and likely rather unsafe considering how infrequently some of our fire guys work with the helicopter, I can't help but feel like I'm in top gun or something when we do them and I feel extra awesome.
Cardiac Alert right out of the gate. First of 12 calls for the day.


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Respiratory distress, COPD and CHF. Saw a big improvement following CPAP. Before I got the report written, another call, inferior STEMI.

We be doin' ALS son!
Wait, what? The caller called back and said to the dispatcher "I feel fine and I don't want an ambulance", but you decided to go anyway?

Yes, just the week before i went to the house for same problem. Wife was trying to shove food down his throat with a BG in 30's. Its a low income 1 bedroom place, pt doesnt have access to meter or meds. Considering how bad he was last time i was there, gut feeling wanted to check on him. We were 2 mins out anyways.
54 yo M complained of sudden epigastric pain and dropped, cardiac arrest. This 12 is from the first ROSC. His heart was all over the place IVR, Afib, total heart block, sinus. Cathed sucessfully and being taken off pressors in the ICU now. Really hoping for good outcome


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42 yo M...unresponsive, no cardiac hx,wife said he had had chest pain during exercise for the last few days and planned to see his Dr tomorrow.Dispatch update enroute to bystander doing CPR.We had 2 trucks consisting of 2 paramedics,and 2 EMTs,also 1 First responder and an off duty EMT.Worked him on scene and was told he had a rhythm back enroute to the hospital...later heard he was transferred to the nearest cath lab.Hoping for the best
Full arrest. Worked on the person for about 25 minutes before calling it. This happened when I was just eating breakfast this morning.
Time for something a little more mundane...72 YOF, near syncope and "weak." Gave her some fluid and a duo-neb secondary to a minor COPD exacerbation. She was a funny lady and I had a good time talking to her. Gotta love the bread and butter :)
Yesterday it was a 89 year old male on blood thinners who fell, hit his head, and went to the urgent care. Urgent care called us out. B/P was 170/100, HR was 38 (sinus brady with a 1st degree and a LBBB), AOx4, with a complaint of a headache.
First time seizure, elderly man. Initially a difficult post-ictal state, turned out to be pretty nice dude.
We changed ePCR software at midnight. At 0007, cardiac arrest. No kidding.
25 yr F who is 19 wks pregnant with syncope in the middle of a department store!
Traffic collision, we were the 2nd (of 2) ambulances requested. Show up, load up the patient, and the engine medic tries to transfer the ePCR from their iPad to ours (which is a standard procedure). Well it glitched and with the ePCR app on our iPad crashing, the medic lost patience and grabbed a paper form, wrote out a quick narrative in the box provided, handed it back to m3, asked if I could finish the rest...and thus I found myself writing my for st paper PCR in little over a year lol